Aqua globe-d! When it hits 104 F (40 C) you know
By Raquel
it’s time to take out the aqua globes, fill ‘em up and give each container plant one…in addition to watering every day! Watering is simply not enough as I can’t keep up with the amount of water the plants need. I also don’t have enough aqua globes for all the plants – sigh! So I am looking for more – they used to be everywhere and suddenly, they’re incredibly hard to find. The guy at Wal-Mart told me they’d put them on sale because they weren’t selling well and that’s when they sold them all and have not ordered more…In any case, they really do work and am amazed how fast the water is going for some of them – the banana plant, for instance, has already absorbed half the water in the aqua globe. The vincas are also heavy drinkers.
The plant I love the most right now is the echinacea – and also the marigolds – so true to their descriptions, they have NOT wilted or faded in the heat!
Here is the first purple coneflower!
These are how some of the plants look with their aqua globes – amazingly though it’s so hot and drinks up a ton of water the banana tree is doing so well it has a new leaf shoot!
This is a close-up of one of the aqua globes:
If you can see the big air bubble inside the globe, that’s how much the plant has drunk so far.
This is the new rose:
And here’s how they look all in a row!:
The other side of the balcony:
The aqua globes are supposed to last for 2 weeks. Um. Not in Houston! With some plants, they are only lasting 2 days before needing to be filled again. The banana tree, the vincas and all plants in clay pots are the ones suffering the most during this heat wave. I hope the heat breaks soon, though it is unlikely, as July and August are even hotter in Houston! Heeeelp!! lol
29 Jun, 2009
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the Aqua globes are brilliant Raquel
29 Jun, 2009
You've got some pretty colours there Raquel :)
Your poor plants must be really thirsty in that intense heat :(
29 Jun, 2009
You do well to grow so many pretty plants in such hot, dry conditions. :o)
29 Jun, 2009
The aqua globes are a great idea and look pretty too. Crazy Di would need to put in a bulk order for her 400 pots!!!
29 Jun, 2009
Yes, Crazy Di would have a whole universe of globes. Lol.
29 Jun, 2009
I've never seen these before - why don't they exist in the UK?? or do they??
29 Jun, 2009
Think I've seen clear ones but not pretty blue ones.
29 Jun, 2009
plants look great Raquel ur kept pretty busy with all the watering keep up the good work :~)))
29 Jun, 2009
They are a good idea, and look nice aswell :o)
29 Jun, 2009
Agree with all...very useful and decorative too !
29 Jun, 2009
Thank you Doon. Yes, gardening is great also when I feel a little down...been trying to make more shade with vines, but not succeeding too well yet! I'm trying to green that urban space.
Thanks Irish. I love that they're made of glass.
Thanks Louise1, I enjoy colorful flowers...Yes, right now they're really thirsty, it's just too hot - today it was around 100 F (38 C) and doesn't look like it will cool off any time soon. =( It was the hottest June on record, even hotter than June 1980!
Thanks TT. It is very hot but also humid (stepping outside is like stepping into a sauna!) I think it gets dry in the pots because there's also a lot of wind and I'm on the third floor...and all my plants are in containers, so they can't draw water from any other source like they could in a garden.
Thanks Lily2. Who is crazy Di?
Hi Spritz - like Lily2, Milky has said that she has seen them...but others in the UK have written that they have never seen them. So maybe they're available in some parts of the country and not in others?
4 Jul, 2009
Thanks Mobee, Hywel and BB - yes, watering takes awhile! And now I have to fill the globes too! lol but it is helping to keep my plants in better shape through the depths of summer...!
In addition to blue ones we also have green, turquoise and pink with splotches. The pink is the prettiest one, but it only comes in a very small size. I haven't seen clear ones here.
4 Jul, 2009
Craydi is another member who came top of the pots in a recent blog 'pots and containers' with a massive 400 pots in her garden!
4 Jul, 2009
oh! I should look at that blog! thanks Lily2.
4 Jul, 2009
Raquel! I just posted to your 2008 picture of the cardinal. I thought you were in the UK. I live in Florida. The aqua globes are beautiful. I never thought to get them for my porch plants, they would be lovely. I gave several to daughters in law and daughters for Christmas. Guess I will splurge on us now. Pat
16 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Paticiamb! Will check out the post on the picture. Hee hee no live here in Texas, since 2002! Prior to that I lived in Virginia. The aqua globes are nice, I finally found enough for al the pots! If you have Walgreen's in Florida, check it out - that's where I finally found more! Yes, unfortunately, they are pricey - but worth the splurge!
16 Jul, 2009
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Your little garden is fabulous, & what a neat idea. keep up your gardening as it is good 4 the soul when the city gets to U
29 Jun, 2009