New plants, new season
By Raquel
I’m trying to rebuild my container garden, which was decimated by the heat and humidity and relentless sun (as well as my relentless schedule which didn;t allow me to perhaps water them as much as I should have)…Fall is finally here! It has been raining cats and dogs, we’ve had several days of continuous rain…it’s been wonderful for the plants but awful for me – I have gotten drenched more times than I care to count! The weather has cooled dramatically (for Houston) and this has also been good for the plants. So heartened that whatever I buy migth have a good chance of making it, I went and got a few new plants…I decoded to change the potting soil completely of the pots that had the geraniums, so it’s taken me awhile to plant..but here they are:
I chose petunias (one of the petunias is actually a remnant of the ones I planted back in May!) and a red dianthus to replace the portulacas:
I planted them about a week ago; these were taken today, so you can see they’re doing well:
It does worry me that the ones in the middle seem to have yellowish leaves, I’m hoping the fertilizer helps them:
I also bought a lavender mum, seen here still waiting to be planted:
And a tiny lavender-pink rose (it seems frail so we’ll see if it survives!):
And a red gerbera daisy:
You might be able to see that I’ve lined my ceramic pots with plastic. I didn’t want to do it, it seems so un-eco friendly, but I’m hoping it will help keep the moisture in longer…we’ll see!
I also have a mystery plant that started growing in the pot with the echinacea, here it is as it was a couple weeks ago towering over the echinacea:
And how it is now – frankly it looks like a weed to me, but some weeds have pretty flowers, and this one does – they’re light pink – and it was growing so vigorously I figured any plant who can take the sun and the heat this well deserves a chance – so I left it alone. I’m glad I did! I wonder if it will crowd out the echinacea but well…I’m willing to let the plants settle that!
A couples weeks ago my orange-yellow rose was also flowering. I did lose two roses – the buttery yellow one everyone thought was the “yellow rose of Texas” and the white one. But two survive – this one and the red one.
Last but not least the red impatien continues it’s climb back up from its near death experience, here it is about to bloom about a week and a half ago:
And today with its beautiful red flowers:
And a growth spurt!
Fall finally feels like it’s here, so here are my indian corn to adorn the door and the pumpkins (this year I thought, why not get more than one pumpkin? If one is good, two must be better, and three best! LOL):
1 Nov, 2009
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Glad to hear there's been a break in the heat and humidity - hope all the new plants take off really well for you. Good to see the impatiens coming back. Here's hoping your autumn continues to be a good one.
1 Nov, 2009
Louise i thought they were bird feeders as well but loved your blog and photos.
1 Nov, 2009
I'm glad the weather is more suitable now Raquel. I wonder , from what I can see of the flowers, if your mystery plant is a type of Lamium ( or at least that family ) - Probably not lol ... but it's just a guess from the flower shape.
1 Nov, 2009
is the mystery plant one of the salvias? it has that sagey look about it. very pretty though. the corn cobs are stunning too. i love the different coloured kernals you can get.
1 Nov, 2009
Thanks for all your comments!
Louise1, as far as I know (I grew up in the States but was not born here) the indian corn symbolizes plenty and is also a sign of welcome...has to do the the first Thanksgiving, I think, when the indians helped the pilgrims out and then celebrated the goodwill between the two groups...Clarice I wouldn't mind if the birds fed on them, but they don't...I do know they can be used to feed horses though as an older gentleman who lives below me asked me for last years indian corn that he wanted to take to the horses his family has somewhere...=)
Bernieh the impatiens are like the energizer bunny...they just keep going and going! lol THanks I hope your summer's a good one...
Hywel, I'll try and look it up...also your suggestion Seaburngirl...all I know is that the flowers look like they have lips or slippers?? But I don't want to say they're lady's slippers without knowing for sure...will try to get a close-up photo. =)
1 Nov, 2009
Nice blog. I love the multicoloured corn cobs!
1 Nov, 2009
Thank you Paul!
2 Nov, 2009
Recent posts by Raquel
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I really like the colour of that Chrysanthemum - very pretty.
What does the Indian corn symbolise, Raquel ?
I just thought they were to feed the birds.
1 Nov, 2009