What a delightful morning,woke up early,cuppa,computer!
I have been for a walk along the cliffs,had a laugh at a cactus,seen a mole! pictures of wildlife,very good ones too. 5 months since my dad passed and I’ feeling glad to be alive. Thanks for all your knowledge and eloquent words,I usually go on facebook,much more interesting on here!
I am still feeling my way around and trying to remember people,watch this space!
30 Aug, 2012
Previous post: Chelsea memories
Next post: Tropical Garden,more like a jungle!
It's been a beautiful day up here today too Tropicalbabe - pleased you have had a nice day enjoying GOY. I've spent a nice afternoon in the garden moving a couple of things around and digging out a few plants which have died due to flooding in recent months.
Room for some more plants - so out shopping at the weekend :)
30 Aug, 2012
I'm glad you had a nice day :o)
31 Aug, 2012
Recent posts by TROPICALBABE
- Tropical Garden,more like a jungle!
16 Sep, 2012
- Chelsea memories
2 Jun, 2012
- Remembrance,sweet memories
9 May, 2012
5 Jan, 2009
What a lucky person you are! Rain, grey skies and rather cold here in West Yorks.
I feel a shopping trip is called for lol!
30 Aug, 2012