Remembrance,sweet memories
I recently lost my dad and a friend bought me a rose called sweet memories from Aldi,so I have planted it by my sisters shrine,she has a lovely white lily you know the one,white perrenial! I will get around to putting a photo on. I find it comforting to know my loved ones are close by. Does anyone else have a special place in their garden?
9 May, 2012
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Next post: Chelsea memories
I lost my Dad recently too and My boyfriend bought me Bleeding heart, :)
But I also took some plants from his garden and they are now growing well in mine.
FLowers will always remind me of Dad, but I have so many happy memories which will always stay in my heart.
Sorry about your loss
10 May, 2012
nice touch..hope the rose will prompt some great memories
10 May, 2012
It's nice to have a plant that reminds you of someone you loved. After my mother died a few years ago, one of her old neighbours sent me a rose to plant in the garden. It's called Gentle Hermionie :o)
10 May, 2012
Just like Pixi I have lots of plants given to me by my Dad over the years that always remind me of him, he had a lovely garden but the people who live there now aren't gardeners and have turfed the whole lot, but they did tell us thats what they were doing and to take anything we wanted from the garden, which was nice of them, so at least the plants are living on in mine and my brothers and sisters gardens, he also started my love of daylilies and I still have my very first plant given to me by him :-))
10 May, 2012
I lost my mum two years ago and planted a tree a Prunus (ornamental plum), I also placed some of her ashes there, I lost my dad just before xmas so have now placed some of his ashes there, I go there to have a cuppa with them both, I find it comforting to sit there and remember......
10 May, 2012
Hi,I planted a variagated maple in my front open plan garden when my dad died 6 years ago,people said it would get damaged but I took the risk anyway,and its looking lovely at the minute,although it's not got its cream edges yet.
10 May, 2012
So sorry for your loss. I think its a lovely thing to do.
10 May, 2012
Thank you for all your lovely memories,it's nice to know you are not alone. It suddenly came to me I had nothing for my dear mum,I will plant some lupins we always had them in our front garden,a good ole fashioned plant!
11 May, 2012
I have a plaque in my garden in memory of my lovely dogs Kimmy & Carly...Also have a plant in my Conservatory that used to belong to a dear Neighbour who became a close friend to me...She gave me this plant as she coul do no more for it, telling me that you are so good with plants, see if you can Ressurect this??
Well,it is the Conservatory now...6ft high & still flowering
well... In memory of Pat, my dear departed friend...
You, sound such a lovely person TropicalBabe...I hope you, enjoy your time on Grow On You...:0))
So sorry to hear of the passing of your dear Dad & Friend
Must be such a great void in your life?? They are both
still with you, looking out for you...Just keep that in mind...
15 May, 2012
I can understand you having things in your garden as memories of your loved ones. I didn't realise just how many plants , pots and ornaments belonging to my mum and dad that I have until I read your blog. It's lovely to be able to conjure up these memories by just looking around the garden. Thanks for the memories... and enjoy yours :-)))
15 May, 2012
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Yes I do, although it is not a flower, but a biggish piece of granit rock that I took from one of the beaches in Cornwall where my parents lived, when I showed it to my dad...he said to me what the heck are you going to do with that?, it is now in my garden and every time that I see it...and that is daily I always remember those words that my dad said and remember my parents.
10 May, 2012