Hummingbird feeding on nectar.
By TasteyG
This is a clip taken with my old camera. The quality isn’t great, but I thought my friends across the pond and elsewhere might like to see these guys in action :)
You must all watch the “Lots of hummingbirds” clip on Youtube. It’s incredible and a little crazy!
19 Aug, 2008
Previous post: Photography at Goldsmith Seeds
Next post: What you might find in an Octopus's garden: A trip to the Monterey Bay Aqurium
those humming birds are amazing
19 Aug, 2008
Kev- Did you check out some of the other clips on Youtube? I was just watching the one with the guy in the cap, by the feeder and lots of hummingbirds! LOL
19 Aug, 2008
Tracy theres not many i havent seen but we are not supposed to put them on this site are ☺☺☺☺☺
19 Aug, 2008
Is it okay to put our own videos on?
19 Aug, 2008
wait and see the response you get i think youll find more in favour than against the idea.......but id better shut up about it.
19 Aug, 2008
I think the hummingbird video is super, but if there are some rules we should know about, related to anything on this site, it would be useful to know, please.
19 Aug, 2008
Hi folks, we don't mind people posting videos in their blogs but we would like the videos to be yours and we would like them to be about gardening/your garden - after all that's why everyone joined and what they'd find interesting :o)
19 Aug, 2008
Hi Peter
But what about all the things associated with the garden?
19 Aug, 2008
Hi Peter- This is my video and the hummingbirds are a very enjoyable part of my gardening experience. I'm sorry if anyone found it boring.
19 Aug, 2008
That was great Tasteyg. I've never seen such a thing.
19 Aug, 2008
Glad you liked it Blodyn :) I have to see if I can't get a better video.
19 Aug, 2008
Not Boring at all Tasteyg, I thought it was Brilliant, Our birds are quite boring compared to Hummingbird's..
Sorry British Birdlovers, eek
19 Aug, 2008
Hi Tastey. Sorry, I wasn't implying it wasn't yours or that it was boring - it's a great video and I recognised the humming bird feeder from your photos.
19 Aug, 2008
On the subject of foreign birds, when I was on holiday in South Africa, we were told if you see something that looks like a bird you know, put the word 'Cape' in front of it and you're probably right. So something like a starling would be a Cape Starling.
The following morning we got up to hear a chain saw being used. Ah - the Cape Woodpecker!
19 Aug, 2008
Great Video Tastey i luv`d it2 :) how lucky u are 2 see such sites:)
19 Aug, 2008
Glad you all liked the clip :) I didn't mean to cause such a stir! Jezz Louise!
19 Aug, 2008
I've had a chance to look again at your hummingbird video. It's wonderful.
I've just been reading about hummingbirds. You probably know all these facts, but they might be interesting to GOY members in the UK.
Apparently hummingbirds must eat from dawn till dusk because they expend so much energy in the their style of flying. So yours will be more than grateful for the food you supply!
They can fly in ways that other birds cannot. They can fly forwards, backwards, staying still in space, sideways and upside down !
They can be very long-lived 20/30 years, so hopefully you'll enjoy that hummingbird in your garden for a very long time!
Looking forward to more of your videos.
Thanks for this video visit to your garden. I enjoyed it.
20 Aug, 2008
Tracy theres your answer......its so good to see the positive side for a change.......your the new video star.....well done.
20 Aug, 2008
fantastic video Tracy
20 Aug, 2008
Love the video Tasteyg, it is interesting to see birds that frequent the gardens in other countries.
20 Aug, 2008
Thanks for all of your compliments and to Buffriddler for telling me how to post the video. Thanks Terratoonie for the hummingbird info. I may have to invest in a small camcorder... :) I was viewing vid clips on YouTube and there was some amazing footage on there. There's one with a guy hand feeding (directly from his palm) a hummingbird through is bedroom window. What a thrill!
20 Aug, 2008
Can't wait for more video clips from you, Tracy.
I belong to a bird forum and they would be very jealous of the wonderful hummingbird moments you've given us here on GOY !
21 Aug, 2008
Thanks so much Terratoonie, that is very sweet of you to say :) My new camera doesn't take video... I'll have to dust of the old one and give 'er a whirl.
21 Aug, 2008
What a super Video.. You visit Monterey, Do you ever get pictures of Monterey Pines. I have two in my garden, but would like to see some growing wild. They grow so fast. its getting late now so will view all those Videos again tomorrow. Best wishes
2 Sep, 2008
love this video..well done you
6 Mar, 2009
Recent posts by TasteyG
- San Francisco Flower & Garden Show 2011. I went to this show Sunday :)
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- Goodbye Goldsmith Seeds Children's Center
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- C'mon, lets take a trip to the San Diego Zoo
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- Baby Hummingbirds
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- Goldsmith Seeds Spring Trials 2009
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- Planting Japanese maple seedlings with the children
31 Mar, 2009
Well done tracy
19 Aug, 2008