Wellie skiing
Aaah well, another freezing weekend, couldnt do anything in the garden and my green fingers were itching to do some plant magic so I put on my wellies and headed for the potting shed where I took up a new sport in the form of wellie skiing! this was totally accidental and decided I needed to get a shovel and scrape away the icy clods before it turned into bruised bottom skiing.
This unplanned exercise warmed me up and ended with satisfying results as I rumaged through all my seed packets looking for what I could sow now ready for spring planting. 100 hollyhocks and 50 Geraniums later, I paused for a steaming mug of tea …….Aaaaagh lovely, the warmth trickling down and radiating all over. I stood pleased with myself at the enjoyment and excitement of thinking about when their little shoots would appear. Then reality struck…..and I thought…… where the hell am I going to plant 100 hollyhocks and 50 Geraniums! along with the 120 sweet peas, 75 Rudbeckias and god knows how many Nicotiana, I did a couple of weeks ago!
Hmmmm…… another surplus sale out the front me thinks :-))
8 Feb, 2009
Previous post: Sweet peas, Loo Rolls and Hot Chillies!
Next post: First seeds sown have germinated
Well done on the Wellie Skiing training.
The GoY Winter Wellie Olympians are proud of you. :o)
Steaming mug of tea sounds good...........
9 Feb, 2009
I ALWAYS grow too many seedlings and have had to learn to throw the surplus away after giving some to friends. If I pricked out every one, I would run out of pots and trays on one packet of seeds!
People say, well, just sow half a packet, but then the left-over seeds deteriorate so quickly once opened and may not germinate next year. What's the answer?
9 Feb, 2009
I don,t think there is one Spritz .. I use to feel so guilty at the waste almost as though I were a murderer choosing which ones should live or die , I,m still not quite over that feeling .. to soft , thats the trouble !
I,m sure there will be plenty of people willing to take them off you Norfolk , after you have done the hard work....:o)
9 Feb, 2009
I know what you mean about seeds, Im over enthusiastic and need to train myself to be more ruthless, I cant even dispose of the weakest ones yet :-))) I have tons of pots and pot everything on cos I treat them like my little babies, isnt that daft! My dad and stepmum always benefit and Im sure my eldest daughter will now she has her own little garden.
Happy planting to all Wellie Olympians
9 Feb, 2009
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Well done Norfolk. Never mind about the surplus. I'm sure they will make someone very happy. I think I'll be in the same boat if all my seeds come up. LOL.
9 Feb, 2009