Plants by posts
By Treeman
Hi, the weather has been a little kinder here recently which has put me more in the mood for gettng on with all the myriad jobs in the garden.
Also, the plants that I ordered earlier in the month have started to arrive in dribs and drabs.
Some of you will have read my drone, sorry I mean blog, about how one is never quite sure what size of plant you are buying from the catalogue companies unless they specify the size in the text, which some of them don’t. Sometimes this can lead to real disappointment.
So I thought it useful if we buy something from the catalogues and it is really good then we can recommend it to others, and conversely if we have been really disappointed with a plant and the company has not acted fairly then we can also mention that as well.
So, to start the ball rolling as it were, I can say that the wee Auricula primulas that I ordered from BloomingDirect in Jersey arrived today in the post. Sturdy wee plugs well packaged. When I potted them up into 9cm plants they looked just the job. So thumbs up to BD, Jersey. I have irises and aconites to come from them as well so I shall keep you informed.
15 Feb, 2010
Previous post: Catalogues and missing plant information
I think thats a good idea,Treeman,and will be very helpful to us.Thanks...
15 Feb, 2010
I have a parcel on the way tomorrow! :-)))))
15 Feb, 2010
Spritz, I shall keep my fingers tightly crossed for you.
Our snow has returned but the wee plants that came yesterday are all cosy in the cold frame in the greenhouse :o)
Don't forget that Louise also has a list of mail order nurseries that are worth a try.
16 Feb, 2010
Did you use the link to Blooming Direct in the Garden Centre here on GOY? I really enjoy perusing the many catalogues I get by post, but order online via the shopping section here if the company is a participant. This all helps to keep GOY a free-to-use site, and you can post reviews of purchases, too.
16 Feb, 2010
David. An excellent point. I can't remember if I used the link or not. However, I was going to drop them I note to say how pleased I was with the Auricula so I shall mention GOY in the note. Howzat!
16 Feb, 2010
Good Thinking, Treeman, hehe!! :-)
16 Feb, 2010
Yes, I added a comment about the mail order Nurseries I use on her blog.
My husband got the day wrong - my box is due tomorrow!
David, I have used Crocus via GOY.
16 Feb, 2010 have failed to keep us informed. How were the plants in the parcel. All well I hope. :o)
I have had some aconites form Blooming Direct. To be honest I am a little disappointed with them. The website offered aconites in the green ready to plant out in the garden. What came was a bag of just sprouted bulbs. There is little chance of them surviving outside at the moment so I have potted them up and will probably not get flowers this year. Let's hope the next delivery from them is better.
I have also received the tree peony from Thompson&Morgan. It looks just the job. However, I got it for £3.99 as I had spent enough. If I had paid the £15 that they said it usually cost I think I might be disappointed. However, for £3.99 I'm delighted!
I'm not sure how many of you will use Mentha nurseries. It's really a wholesale nursery that supplies garden centres. There minimum order is 480 plants. However, I have decided to create a nectar and pollen garden this year for our bees, and need a lot of plants. I could have grown them from seed but germination can be sporadic, so I ordered LOTS. :o) The plants arrived today. Tiny plug plants, which although a bit shaken by the delivery process...its a long way from Wisbech...appear to be healthy and I have potted up the first 200. I'll do the rest tomorrow.
It's a very exciting time of year in the greenhouse. Just as well, as there is still 6 inches of snow outside :o(
2 Mar, 2010
Hi, me again.
The tiny lavender plants that I ordered form T&M are starting to put on new foliage. They are a long way from being garden ready but they are making progress.
A chum told me that Parkers were doing a bag of mixed bulbs for £1. Too good to miss, so I ordered the bulbs and six perennial plants at £1.75 that wouldn't win a beauty contest but are putting on strong growth in the greenhouse. With postage the bill was about £6, and they threw in 6 phlox rootlets which are also growing well. So I am so pleased with Parkers I have put in another order for a miscellenity of shrubs from their value range and their perennial geranium collection for a new bit I'm doing in the garden. I'll report back once I receive them.
I have had various things from T&M which on the whole have arrived in excellent condition. I had a small problem with mortality in the batch of red Rudbeckia that they sent, and a couple of the tree peonies were poor but the T&M folk were efficient on the phone when I called them and the problem was resolved with replacements. So also pleased with T&M.
I hope you are all having simialr success. Remember that if the plants you receive do not match your expectations that it is often worth lifting the phone and having a chat with the company concerned. Many offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and will try hard to rectify any problems.
Good luck :o)
30 Apr, 2010
Sorry I haven't kept up - guess what I've been doing!
I've used mainly Dobie's, Mr Fothergill and a few from T&M, as I've had bad experiences with their quality in the past. This is for plug-plants only. I use Parker's for bulbs, and find them very good. I can't fault Dobie's. The plants are excellent and they arrive on schedule, as well.
I do prefer to choose perennials from a Nursery or a GC, though - I like to see what I'm buying. Some of them do small pots, to 'grow on' and they do catch up with the bigger ones quite fast.
30 Apr, 2010
Spritz...I guess that you've been chasing badgers round your plot...did I guess correctly? or can I have a clue :o)
Some of the garden centres here do little plants, even shrubs, for £1 - £2. It's a great idea, especially if you've a number to buy to fill the space. Unfortunately there isn't always a huge selection so once you have picked out your favourite varieties then your back to square one.
What a moaner, eh?
1 May, 2010 about a word beginning and ending with 'g'...LOL. I've only got just over 4 weeks before I open the garden, so I'm a bit busy out there!!!
Yes, badger-hole hunting plus trying to 'make good' their damage has taken a lot of time.
You're right about the lack of choice in the small perennials offered. Our 'good' GC had a rack at 5 for a tenner...but not a lot of different ones. :-((
1 May, 2010
I got plug plants of Bidens "Pirates Treasure" from T&M a couple of weeks ago. must say that these were in brilliant shape. Potted them on immediately and have all grown quickly. In fact, they keep producing flowers, which I'm having to remove to encourage bushier growth. Had my (T&M) trepidations reading reviews on here, but seem to have struck "gold" with these.
1 May, 2010
I wouldn't say that 'everything' they sell is rubbish, David - they wouldn't have survived as a company if that were the case. I just know that many of us have had bad expereinces with them, so I tend to get most plug-plants elsewhere.
My Bidens are trying to flower, too! The same ones...but from Dobies. I think.
2 May, 2010
Recent posts by Treeman
- Catalogues and missing plant information
2 Feb, 2010
- Ground clearance for bog garden
27 Dec, 2009
- Snow on polytunnel
25 Dec, 2009
- How deep do I plant my brassicas
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- Coloured greenhouses
3 Aug, 2008
- Carrot root fly
23 Mar, 2008
I haven't ordered anything from anywhere but you have a good idea here I think :o)
15 Feb, 2010