By adoons
I am opening the garden door next to my studio so you can take a short walk through my garden. Our gardens are 3 weeks behind the norm since I have been on this island for 13 years (yikes). It has been cold & rainy forever here on the Pacific coast, but I am not complaining, just stating the obvious. Please excuse my ignorance & laziness not using the proper Latin names. (one of my pet peeves).
Please come in and see what we grow here on the West Coast of Canada
My lovely Cercidiphyllum just out in bud. In the Fall the yellowing leaves are suppose to smell like chocolate. I said supposed to.
My gorgeous Waterfall Maple that nearly died last year, as I never saw the drain hole was “plugged” by it’s own root & thus slowly drowning during the Winter months. TG I pulled it through. It was slowly rotting away & when I transplanted it, the smell was horrendous. Held thumbs & toes, but it made it, not too robust, but it is alive.
Lovely Rhodo “Olga Mezzit” I think?? with Bleeding Heart" all around it
Lovely Yellow Wallflowers with Bluebells as companions. Love the strong colours.
My Spirea, that was not suppose to be planted near the ocean breezes. Well it is doing great.
One of the many Anemones in my garden, I adore these lovely little flowers, the are all over the garden, so well behaved as well.
Wall flowers, lovely colours, and so lovely to smell.
Aubrieta, going bananas
Euphorbia Wulfenii, can be a pest, but I cut the seed heads off, before it can spread it’s little “gems” everywhere.
Walkway with wallflowers galore
Same walkway with new pot, now filled with pink waterlily, and no otters so far to bath in it.
My new garden filled with Hostas & ferns just sprouting, next to my little studio.
So that is a little walk with me, not too much to show yet, another 2-3 weeks, the kaboom!!!! Thanks for sharing. Hope your Spring is enjoyable as ours has been.
2 May, 2011
More blog posts by adoons
I so enjoyed the walk amongst your garden. Such a lot of lovely flowers right now ... the Wallflowers are gorgeous and your Spirea is just fantastic!
2 May, 2011
plenty of colour there, hows the whale watching going?. Just being nosey but what do you do in your studio?
2 May, 2011
You have a lovely natural garden, thanks for sharing.
2 May, 2011
What a lovely spiraea - I also like your rustic garden gate and bench - both lovely natural wood. Is that a painting on your gate ?
2 May, 2011
Thanks for the lovely comments, Mariek that is glass in the gate, and the wood is all from the beach. The gate was rescued from a friend who was going to "chuck" it, but my Hubby, reworked it & put the stain glass in it.
I try to be as natural with my garden as can be Cinderella, I guess it is my palette when I am not in the studio.
Ladybug 47, nope I can grow exotics, but I do not have a green house for Winter, rather spend my money on plants that are tough.
Kfunster, the whale watching has been pathetic, no show this last April. Miss them. I paint in that studio, water colours mainly, & when I am wild, I grab my palette knife & use acrylics.
Bernieh, see you again, next time I will serve T or G & T's.
Thanks to all of U. I am always surprised to get comments as it seems some of us just disappear.
3 May, 2011
You have a lovely garden there, filled with lots of colourful plants. Thanks for sharing. : o )
7 May, 2011
Thanks Shirley_tulip, it is so lovely right now, I hate when it fades, but then next "lot" arrives, bursting with colour. Right now, a bit of hail, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
7 May, 2011
Thx. ST. I do love colour, and pretty wild with it, I have been told, but that is what makes me tick. I think I miss all the colours of Africa & then fill my Canadian garden with it. I have been told that the strong colours are too distracting, we can't all go by the gardening guru rules tee heh!!!!!
7 May, 2011
Aren't rules made to be broken? It's 10.30pm as I type this and the rain is lashing down ... such a welcome sight as no rain for over a month down here on the South coast. : o ))
7 May, 2011
Adoons...your studio has cedar shakes on the outside and is so reminiscent of how our home on Bowen was originally when my dad built it (he later added cedar siding...not half as nice but the old cedar shakes made great kindling!!..lol).
As always your garden is looking wonderfully natural and tones in with the terrain. Your gate was a great transformation....clever hubby with the stained glass insert.
Sorry you've not seen many whales. A friend on Bowen has seen a few through the winter so perhaps they are just slow in coming by your neck of the woods.
Have a great time enjoying your wonderful garden...and thanks for sharing it with us too. :)
8 May, 2011
No whales, must be on the Bowen side, I always loved Canadian cabins, where in the world do you get this love for it, love the rustic flavour, also the neighbours get "togethers" in Summer. Miss our cabin on the Shuswap lake. It got to crazy on the lake with Albertans, drinking, boating, messing up our beach, so we moved to the ocean. Sometimes miss the Shuswap, but NOT the Winters of shoveling the white stuff.
Thanks for compliments, it feels great :-))))))))
9 May, 2011
Lovely blog and garden :) Those wallflowers must smell fantastic!! and I love your rustic bench and all that driftwood :D Glad you managed to save your waterfall maple... it looks so pretty :))
21 May, 2011
Jennyfer?? :-)) cute, thanks for the comment, yes the Wallflowers are a plus in my garden although a lot of gardeners frown on the "colours", but I love it & gorgeous aromas wafting around when you pass them. My Waterfall Maple is getting "fuller" each day & might reach its former glory again. Have a good day.
21 May, 2011
haha, stuff them! its your garden, I like that you've planted what you like and not listened to convention :) I'm more into my blowsy pastels, but I think the colours look very good in your garden... wish i could reach in and sniff those wallflowers, I must sow some for next year :P I hadn't understood wallflowers until I walked past one last year and caught this amazing smell and had to double back and start sniffing things to find the source :P Unfortunately no fun for me today... revision *sob*, or not... since i've spent far too much time on here! Procrastination will be the end of me ;) Hope you've had a good day too!
21 May, 2011
plants or no plants Adsy, your in a good place for sure, natural stuff rules!!
I have been boshing away at watercolours for years & still get in a tangle, started stained glass about 7 years ago but have'nt got round to using it in the garden, your gate inspires.
My studio is an old static caravan tucked away at the end of the garden, fenced in & surrounded by foxgloves, flag iris & hosta in the wildlife pond, bliss!!
BTW, folk who frown on colour in the garden should stay away from our UK stylings, it's a veritable fire-work display & no messing LOL :-)))
29 May, 2011
OMG Jennyfer, Wall flowers R a must, so much pleasure & so easy, really "easy girls", heh, heh!!! (devil made me say that.) A friend brought one plant to me years ago, & I have never looked back. It makes my garden look very early full of colour, only draw back is now I have to give them very good hair trims or else "legginess" happens.
Bampy, I afree, you paint your palette in the garden with all our plants. Watercolours are tough, I am into acrylic now with only using palette knives, NO brushes, it loosens (sp) up totally
Your studio sounds ideal. BTW????
I know, but people get so righteous about colours, but then I am a mad gardener anyway, so I do my own thing.
Thx U2 for nice comments.
31 May, 2011
Hehe, will make sure I sow them this year... I bought some seeds for mum last year of some fiery red one, but she didn't sow them I don't think, or they died or something, so will have to do it myself :P
+ pfffft to snobby gardeners ;)
4 Jun, 2011
U are so right, pffffft, will see the comments on my opening day. Why oh why did I do it, but I have been nagged for 5 years now, so finally gave in. el stupido!!!!
5 Jun, 2011
Hehe, I hope you have a marvelous time, and that everyone likes it :) When is it?
6 Jun, 2011
June 26th, and I am in a complete panic, hate too many people around me, but will make it with all the volunteers around me. Will be happy when it is over.
8 Jun, 2011
Oh no :( well good luck!!! I hope it all goes nice and smoothly :)
8 Jun, 2011
Thanks, hold thumbs:-))
12 Jun, 2011
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its beautiful,thanks for the walk,i noticed that you have a sort of english plants garden,can you grow exotics or is it too cold to survive over the winter
2 May, 2011