By adoons
I was fooling around in the garden today, no not what you think, but pulling out all “Batchelor Buttons” that I do not want in my garden when I heard “phew!!!” looking up from destruction I spotted a huge Gray Whale, so close we could see it clearly. Very exciting. I will show you the shot, (not very good ) first I want to show you my hostas, ferns & whatever else.
A lovely Hosta, no sun for this beauty.
My lovely Maiden Hair fern, that I adore.
In a small pot & thriving.
Hosta, that grows so huge, it is scary
Side ways Hosta, OK, I know, it happens!!!
This Hosta is growing under the cedar hedge & thriving, yes???
This Hosta is 5 yrs old & just get too big
Another beauty
One of my wild Ferns that I just dig up & transplant into my garden, we have masses at the coast.
The GRAY WHALE, get your binoculars, I know it is not good, but struggled to get it with my tiny camera
Solomon Seal, love this plant as it stays green all summer long & drought resistant
Walking down our driveway, Maples & Balsam trees over hanging.
Viburnum Plicata, pure beauty.
New fence,( Sweeties bread oven) protecting my roses from the ocean breezes.
My garden under the fir trees, experts told me forget planting there, well I showed them, Lol!!!
Rockery going down to the beach
My lovely Dragon Pot, I found as a bargain, yeah!!!
Abutelon, growing bigger each year over the veggie beds.
My Wilbrit Rhodo, that is happy in ocean breezes
A wildernis, going down to the new “reclaimed garden”
A lovely star I bought in South Africa from the artists that escaped Zimbabwe.
Well thats all “folks” I am trying to get the garden under control seeing that my garden will also be open end of June. A first for me, with butterflies in my stomach. Scary. Hope you enjoyed it.
29 May, 2011
More blog posts by adoons
Adoons, you make me long for the coast....<sigh>. You have a gorgeous garden and have done really well growing such beautiful plants under the trees.
The Gray whale is awesome. Last time I was on Galliano Island we watched a huge pod of Orcas go by. Must have been 100 of them. Sights like that stay with you forever. :o)
29 May, 2011
Fantastic pictures. What a lovely place to garden. Thank you for showing us
29 May, 2011
I want to be there :( boo-hoo. That was good fortune to see the grey had said there were no sightings for such a long time and now you've had one pass by :)
I love maidenhair ferns...I remember those from my uncle's garden on Bowen and they grow over here in gardens so I'll be looking out for one very soon. The wild ferns (swordfern is what we called them) are fab too. Had tons of those on our Bowen property too, especially down by the small creek at the bottom of the property. I remember once picking a lot of the fern branches and we strung them together to form a skirt for one of the guests staying at the Blind Institute summer residence on Bowen. lol
Keep the photos coming..your entrance drive looks so pretty with your flowers blooming...very welcoming, Adoons. The star is beautiful...all!
~~~just scrolled back through your photos for about the 4th time!!! lol~~~ I love to see those cape cod garden chairs...memories evoked to the extreme as we had these chairs too (dad painted them pink though!!... not my choice).
29 May, 2011
What a brill place to live love your garden and the whales are just like the icing on the cake, lovely blog and photos
29 May, 2011
what a treat, beautiful plants and a whale too. :o)
29 May, 2011
Yes, what a treat indeed. Lovely garden, Adoons - amazing to have the sea right there beside you - and how exciting to not only see the whale but "capture" it for us. Thanks, and good luck with your Open day!
29 May, 2011
Jeez I shuddered when I saw your whale shot, just imagined that was me standing there & seeing THAT !! WOW !!!!!!!!! And all from your back yard ! Oh well, have to stay content with my guppy fish tank next to the computer LOL :-))
Not going to say anything about the rest of your photo's, no need, just down right wonderful is all !!
Looking forward to your summer shots Adzy.
29 May, 2011
Wow, thanks guys, really the whale was so close could not believe it. Thanks Bamzy, heh, heh!!!guppies R amazing as well.
Sheilabub the whale capture was so funny, me with my toy camera waiting for it to surface. As U can see it was close.
Seaburngirl, can you believe it, a whale hanging around all day.
Thx. Clarice, it really is a nice spot to relax in.
Whistonlass, do U have the sword ferns in the UK? I just love them, they fill up places without much ado & money AND look fabulous. U should see the other 3 adirondack chairs Harry built in rocking chair red & I made lovely cushions to go with it. I am the worst person behind a sewing machine.
Ladybug47 I know what U say, it is a wonderful feeling to see these giants of the ocean. It gives me the chills as well. We kayak right next to them & they literally spied us with their eyes. We were sooooo touched.
Gilli, are they not fabulous? where they the Transients or the local pods?
Cinderella it is a special place, we are so very lucky.
Thank you all it was nice to read all those comments, thanks taking the time.
30 May, 2011
Adoons, I really couldn't say. There were so many of them I would think they were just passing through. I think they were following the salmon was that time of year.
30 May, 2011
Yes, we have sword ferns here in the UK....not sure if they go by the same name but they look the same to me when I've seen them growing.
We've a long bank holiday weekend here and it's been raining, raining, raining!! Hope it clears off more by this afternoon...fair weather gardener, that's me! lol I need to get out there and have a tidy around as the gardener starts our garden makeover tomorrow :) Yeah...
30 May, 2011
Gilli & WL. did U get my comments on your site, to the above comments. Let me know because I am not always sure where to answer.
2 Jun, 2011
I'm not quite clear what you mean, Adoons? Do you mean when you comment on my blogs? or are you referring to your replies to our comments on your blogs?
Seen any more whales since your last sighting? I bet your garden is looking wonderful and full of colour.
5 Jun, 2011
Well I am confused because it tells me I have not answered some comments, and I was sure I did, any way not to worry I will sort it out. No more whales, and finally the sea lions have left & people are at peace where the congregate. We can hear them & enjoy their scquaking, but from a far.
My garden has "holes" in it now as I pulled all the big wall flowers out & Leopards Bane, darn it, now to fill it quickly before garden show, Urggggg!!!!!!
5 Jun, 2011
You'll be busy getting everything ready for your open garden, Adoons...filling the gaps where all your beautiful wallflowers were. They were a magnificent blaze of colour.
Good luck with your garden chores, Adoons. Our garden has been all laid out now and we are so pleased (I've written a couple of blogs about it all). Now I have the fun of choosing additional plants to add more structure, construct a small to plan :)
6 Jun, 2011
Will look at those blogs WL, and thanks I need the luck as when the heat hits us at last, the garden explodes.
I got my watering system going yesterday, way too late, as all plants are full grown & me stomping to see if all of the little "heads" are working. A heck of a job, me getting wet & excited at hubby when he is too slow to hand me the right "head", but the water system is my "baby" & I take full responsibility for it, ugh!!!!what a chore each year for about 3 days. Did not need to water till this week, can you believe that????
8 Jun, 2011
Lucky girl, rockery & new plants, what more can you wish 4.
8 Jun, 2011
Yup!! Adoons I got your comments thank you.
8 Jun, 2011
Just been meandering through your garden Adoons..a sight for sore eyes as they say...Good luck when you open, tho I'm sure you don't need it..
Ferns are a real favourite of mine, so graceful and undemanding, I love to watch them unfurl, its quite amazing...Watering systems are a great bonus, we have a porus pipe system on timer snaking through the gardens, such time/water saver..
Thanks for sharing your garden... :o)
10 Jun, 2011
Thanks for wandering, our gardens are all so different, and thank you for the compliment, it sure is full now with all the rain & then hot sun.
Love ferns, and people are always so stunned when they see how I use them. They are free GFS and people are either too lazy or maybe think they have to buy everything in the garden.
The watering system was a great job, but I would not let H. tramp in my gardens, so guess what, I did it. Many meters of lines. It use to take me about 2hrs. am & 2 hrs. pm to water, now it comes on automatically for 35 min. each day. great stuff, freed me up a lot.
12 Jun, 2011
what a fantastic garden and view, much better than mine I have the A41 (very noisy)
17 Jun, 2011
No, Jennyh, never say that, we all have something different.
You R a gardener, so THAT is most important. I use to be from the city & use to love the traffic noise. Not any more, but still do not mind it, tells me all is well.
Thank you 4 the kind comment.
17 Jun, 2011
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would love your garden,i love the hosta,s i have a few but not as good as yours yet,what a thrill to see a whale,ive only seen dolphins that made me cry,dont know why,have a lovely day and good luck on the garden showing,chris
29 May, 2011