finally getting act together with growing fruit and veg
By aina
Hello everyone,
This year I have finally got my act together and have prepared the garden for the fruit and veg that we are going to grow for our family.
I have had help from my 11 month old granddughter who helped to plant the potatoes in pots and in one of the borders.
I am also going to be growing sweetcorn,runner beans,cucumber,tomatoes. which are indoors at the moment but growing well.
On the fruit side we have lost our cherry and apple trees fruit for a few years due to an incompetent person doing the pruning of the trees. Even though he was recommended and had certificates to show this he managed to cut them back too hard a year ago and they are still recovering.
We also grow Raspberries and Rhubarb.
There are not many flowers in our main garden mainly due to the fact that until this year we had a deer coming into our garden and he would eat the tulips and anything else that had a young shoot. We havent seen him at all this year so hope he has made it back to the wood that is behind the allotments where we live.
Could any of you suggest what plants are guaranteed to grow in rock hard soil in the shade. we have mahonia,daffodils,snowdrops,hyacinth,cowslip, and a buddhelia but have more space which needs to be filled.
Unfortunately I didn’t have a chance in the winter just gone to dig over the borders and put down the wood chip that we managed to get from the trees that had been pruned. I fear that it is tto late now to throw the chips on the soil so ,will have to wait until october time to do this job.
Hopefully we will still be in the same house as hubby is having to look for a full time job again after being self employed for 6 years and it not working out with his partner.
in our amaller garden I have a rockery that has been overtaken by 2 heathers. I have 3 more to put in but before i do the other 2 will have to be moved slightly. the garden centre near to me said that it should be okay to do this but they are in bloom at the moment so i don’t know whether that is a good idea.
10 Apr, 2011
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More blog posts by aina
Welcome to GoY, Aina ...
... and good luck with your fruit and veg...
Not a good idea to move plants while in flower, and try to do it in the autumn or when we have a showery week ...
13 Apr, 2011
I hope you will enjoy being a part of GoY, will find plenty of encouragement and ideas for your garden and we all enjoy reading about everyone's plans for theirs.
So welcome from me too.
14 Apr, 2011
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14 Aug, 2008
Pitty about your trees. I hope they will recover sufficiently to bear fruit soon.
I'm glad the deer hasn't been seen recently. Maybe he'll let you alone now :)
Welcome to GoY !
10 Apr, 2011