Some more changes
By ajay
Whoa! Where have the latest photos gone from the Members tab? Well, they have got a tab of their own. Check out the new Photos tab. There are a few new additions to the way you can browse photos, including by most popular. Congratulations go to Maple for the most “liked” photo so far.
The Members tab has also changed slightly. You can now see recent bloggers and recent question askers here.
You will also notice a brand new Homepage. Thank you to all of you who provided feedback on this. We hope this new page will be a bit more inviting and not scare away as many people as it used to before. Grows on You will get better and better the more members we have. So, please do tell as many people about us as you can. By the way, the featured members on the homepage are there because they have fab “My Garden” sections. Want to get featured, you know what to do. :)
Are we going to sit back and take the rest of August off now? No chance. We have lots more exciting changes planned including the top secret new pages Joey has been creating for us and a feature many of you have asked for. Watch this space.
24 Aug, 2007
More blog posts by ajay
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Next post: New Genus Pages
First chance I have had to see the new look, very nice it is too.
You all do work very hard, and I do like the mag I have been recieving from Joey. Thankyou to you all.
2 Sep, 2007
Recent posts by ajay
- GoY Update : New Private Messages
23 Nov, 2010
- GoY News: A new design is coming...
12 Oct, 2010
- GoY Update : Performance, hopefully final
15 Apr, 2010
- GoY Update : Performance, continued again
13 Apr, 2010
- GoY Update : Performance, continued
12 Apr, 2010
- GoY Update : Performance
24 Mar, 2010
Many congratulations on the 'New Look; - to all the team! I really appreciate the hard work you do on the website, it's great. Looking forward to more... :-)
24 Aug, 2007