My Garden feature
By ajay
Just a short blog entry to point out the “My Garden” feature on Grows on You. Over the last few weeks we have made it slightly simpler to list the plants in your garden or vegetables in your allotment. We have great plans for this feature and do hope more of you start using it.
Here are some examples of members already using the My Garden feature.
Please do try it out and let us know what you would like adding to it to make it more useful. We have our own ideas but would love to hear yours.
19 Jun, 2007
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Thanks Tussiemussie! Great suggestions.
20 Jun, 2007
Hi Ajay, I had squash bugs on my loganberries and rhubarb - took me ages to identify the pest. It would be nice to be able to ask here.
20 Jun, 2007
Hi. Thanks. We will add a pests bit to the features we consider. We have had members upload photos of pests to the questions section previously e.g.
20 Jun, 2007
Back with more suggestions, looking at your member list there are quite a few inactive members, perhaps mail them with a reminder to check out the improvements you have made?
Members garden poems? Creative people are often creative in more than one direction, there may be poets, (myself and dark-muse?) artists/ embroiderers, here among our members.
22 Jun, 2007
Recent posts by ajay
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23 Nov, 2010
- GoY News: A new design is coming...
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- GoY Update : Performance, hopefully final
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- GoY Update : Performance, continued again
13 Apr, 2010
- GoY Update : Performance, continued
12 Apr, 2010
- GoY Update : Performance
24 Mar, 2010
How about garden features other than plants?
1 perhaps gardners would like to share their design / plansfor a brick built barbeque?
Or making a fish or wild life pond?
constructing a pergola?
Solar in the garden?
I2 nsect,Pest sand predators, friend or foe?
3 Wildlife in the gardens and making it wildlife friendly?
19 Jun, 2007