How Eco-Friendly Landscaping Best for the Garden and Environment?
By alexsmeth
Landscapes are undoubtedly one of the most important aspects that have contributed substantially to our welfare and quality of life. It encourages physical outdoor activity, offer aesthetic enjoyment, serenity, escapism and makes the perfect resource for food supply and medicines.
Besides, a well-landscaped property has also played an essential role in reducing crime. Different activities like building walls and trenches, fencing and tree growing somehow proved to create a complex environment for thieves to enter.
However, with the rising human population growth and the expansion of its activities into the natural environment exhibited by urbanization, recreation, agriculture and industrialization, there has been a significant reduction and separation of habitats and landscapes.
Since the global landscape is constantly evolving, trends predict increasing pressure on landscapes around the world:
> The world population is predicted to be more than 9.6 billion by 2050, which leads to current estimates projecting 100% increase in food production.
> While in the short term, overall demand for food is expected to grow by 50% by 2030.
However, due to the frequent application of pesticides and fertilizers, food crisis is already befalling now:
> Since traditional farming is completely replaced intensive agriculture, it is estimated that 868 million people do not have access to sufficient nutrients and calories.
> Moreover, as per the Synthesis Report of the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development, the health impacts of undernourishment accounts for 15% of global disease.
In order to achieve eco-friendly aspirations, owners should treat water as a resource, preserve existing plants and conserve materials. If you are not careful about the things that you use to nourish them, than you suck up a lot of resources and might end up putting more harmful chemicals into the world.
You can only find your garden with surplus chemicals and nitrates, if you use fertilizers readily. In addition, you may end up with plants that are burned and soils that are harmful. Making own compost is far healthier to provide sufficient nutrients to the soil.
Never overlook the area of the garden that creates the most waste as this harms the ozone layer. Consider more dry-weather plants and not grass or xeriscaping.
You can also apply a thin layer of mulch over the garden and flower beds. It saves a great amount of time and energy and also helps to beautify the garden due to its improved soil quality, trap moisture and weed growth.
Capturing own rain water is another great way to conserve water. If you live in an area that has a lot of rainstorms, you can set a barrel underneath a rain spout and save the water to use later. However, make sure is barrel is covered otherwise it will attract mosquitoes who use stagnant ponds to lay their eggs.
How we can benefit from Green Landscaping?
1. Secured surroundings for the families
2. Peaceful environs.
3. Minimization in the cost for flood water management
4. Effective cost cutting solution for heating and cooling
5. Decrease in the maintenance labor and cost of lands.
6. Diversified options to experience the fresh environment
7. Less damages from processes like water treatments and municipal waste collection
8. Fresh lagoons and ponds for fishing, drinking and swimming
For a better and healthy community we ought to poise our necessities with respect to the environment. Apparently, the methods like landscaping apart from the procedures of preserving the natural resources could prove out lucrative in terms of saving time and money thereby minimizing the applied maintenance costs.
Author’s Bio – The author Alex stated above the how eco-friendly landscaping best for the garden and environment on behalf of Arborgreen. His areas of skills include study and research of landscapes, vegetation and environment regarding their conservation and development.
29 May, 2015
Realy enjoyed your blog !
wish to se blog like that more often
29 May, 2015
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Gardening with friends since
14 Jun, 2010
I think you have said it all but with the crowding of the cities here, the planners never seem to think in terms of water run-off and assume that current out-dated sewer systems will cope - which the last few years has proved is not the case! Country people have a better chance of utilizing plants as hedging and divisions, having more space, a thorny hedge is a better deterrent to thieves than a nice sturdy fence, but everyone can help with collecting rainwater for the garden (assuming they have one) which is better for the plants and saves it pouring down the drain for the water treatment plants to deal with.
Superb photo's, is the garden yours?
29 May, 2015