New English words for your Dictionary
By alzheimer
I often think that the English language needs a bit of up-grading and over the years have noted some words that would maybe help a bit…..
For example just by adding a letter or so to a word – you could perhaps improve on its current meaning…… here are some suggestions …perhaps some of you can think of some examples that you would like to see added..
CATTERPALLOR….the colour one turns when you realise that you have just eaten half of one in your salad.
INTAXICATION…. Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize that it was your money to start with.
SARCHASM….The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn’t get it.
INOCULATTE….To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.
Now then – over to you!
12 Sep, 2009
Next post: Cats...and how to worm them to keep your garden "clean"
This is not as clever as yours. Its prounciation rather than a letter change so doesn't really count.
Taxing... (Tack-sing)....a joyful, melodic vocal celebration emitted on discovering the tax refund cheque you just received is for a greater amount than you originaly paid.
12 Sep, 2009
Yes - have got the idea!! Keep going please!
I had an email form a friend who suggested ....
DECAFALON The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you..
12 Sep, 2009
thesaurus = an extinct monster who lived on paper
metronome = Pixie living on the Paris underground railway [Metro gnome]
12 Sep, 2009
EXCELLENT...keep it up!!
12 Sep, 2009
footnote - 'the writing on the side of sports shoes'
12 Sep, 2009
Foot-In-Mouth Disease- suffered by people who speak before they think!
12 Sep, 2009
Clever blog Alzheimer, but wrong end of the day for my brain to function and come up with one! May-be tomorrow!.....
12 Sep, 2009
Fair point PG....hear from you all anon...time for beddy byes here too.....:~(zzz)
12 Sep, 2009 airbourne medics bike
Please say if any of mine need an explanation. They seem obvious to me in my tiny mind by that means nothing in the real world!!!
12 Sep, 2009
I like that one!
Balderdash - A rapidly receding hairline
12 Sep, 2009
Intelligence ....a group of men seen in cctv footage
12 Sep, 2009
Codswallop...disipline for a naughty fish
Nice one MP
12 Sep, 2009
I havent got past the fact that a tax refund is my own money? The best I can do is a tuna fish is a heavy catch.
12 Sep, 2009
LOL, Denise! I just found a tax rebate cheque in a box, & was really chuffed til I realised its 3 years old!! Cant cash it! Its only for £11, but still!
Like the codswallop, GF!
12 Sep, 2009
Testicle - a humorous question on an exam.
12 Sep, 2009
What did the GOY dad say when his lad asked if he could garden Growson you can do it!
12 Sep, 2009
High Flyer ... a cabbage white caterpillar thats just chomped its way through yer veggies.
12 Sep, 2009
Esplanade - to attempt an explanation while drunk.
12 Sep, 2009
Still laughing everyone
MP, I love your I allowed to say that???
Unicycle.......economical form of transport to and from a place of learning. purchase a two wheeled method of transport.
Tricycle.....a learner bike rider.
13 Sep, 2009 lot are priceless right enough. Just come back this morning to find loads of laughs....and lots of superb entries for my Funny Dictionary!!
Your cycle ones are hysterical Gf but your Intelligence is ace!!
MP.....I think you and I have the same source..and I fell around laughing at the esplanade one, which I had forgotten.
Your high flier is terrific Bobg...and IS at least gardening related....which is more than this blog is....and I did wonder about starting it on a gardening site...but in view of some of the wisecracks that abound on here...I can see nobody really minds and I thank you and all!! If nothing else it will give you something to mull over as you toil in your gardens etc on this glorious Sabbath...hopefully.
My only offering this morning is...
NEGLIGENT = absentmindedly answering the door when wearing only a nightgown.
13 Sep, 2009
PS..Just re-read all the above and had to laugh out loud at your GOY one Drc.....very clever and appropriate too!
13 Sep, 2009
Thanks Alzheimer - is HP sauce when you have the cheek to try to borrow too much
13 Sep, 2009
Alzheimer you've really started something. I've had lots of laughs. How about - Herpes - what the wife won a prize for at the veg. show.
Wisteria - laughing until you wet yourself. Fondue - affectionate sheep. Oh well it's harmless eh?
13 Sep, 2009
Is Alsheimer what Als wife calls his zimmer frame?
13 Sep, 2009
EEEEEK know, Drc ..I never thought of that about the of the class!! Your HP sauce is a classic too! And yes is harmless...and I love your fondue....well I am sure I would too...but you know what I mean!! The wisteria and herpes are a pair of crackers as well.
I can see that there will be a lot of silent giggling going on in the gardens as we all rack our brains today!!
13 Sep, 2009
There'll we a lot of Wisteria going on on this blog then!! :o))
13 Sep, 2009
Do spiders use the webb?
13 Sep, 2009
I guess so Drc....which makes me wonder if an Arachnoleptic Fit is the frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web
13 Sep, 2009
He he. Is a rubicon mango - Ruby's husband leaving after she connned him?
13 Sep, 2009
I think we do have the same source!
13 Sep, 2009
Flabbergasted - appalled over how much weight you have gained.
13 Sep, 2009
Are you better Madperth?
13 Sep, 2009
In what way?
I've started Uni, which is raising its own stresses, but I'll get there. Havent melted down yet!! :~))
Thanks for asking!
13 Sep, 2009
Just had to correct this on another blog and this is what it resulted in - why do we fall over flags if they are flown?
13 Sep, 2009
LMAO !!!!! Just caught up on this one Alz !!! I shall have to get the old thinking cap on !!!
13 Sep, 2009
I read the blog Drc ..... was it the Union Jack ? lol :-))))
13 Sep, 2009
Yes it was he he - just shows how we can get things wrong!!!
13 Sep, 2009
Yes please SueB...your input will no doubt be scintillating lol!
One of my other "etail therapists" has volunteered the suggestion that ..
GARGOYLE is an olive flavoured mouthwash... :>>)))
13 Sep, 2009
LMAO !!!! I'm laughing so much I can't think !!! hee hee !
13 Sep, 2009
Lymph - to walk with a lisp.
Definitely the same source! I HAVE to get that book!
13 Sep, 2009
Nasturtiums- something you cast on another's character when denigrating them!
13 Sep, 2009
Ha Ha ...we MUST have the same source - but I only have an excerpt (which is one reason I was inviting additional suggestions!!) - and it doesn't have the nasturtiums - that is brill...and brings in the gardening theme of course :>>))))
13 Sep, 2009
The nasturtiums wasn't in it! Its what I say when I'm arguing a point; "Are you casting nasturtiums on my character?"
13 Sep, 2009
You mean these aren't your own !!!!! tsk tsk tsk !!!! LOL
13 Sep, 2009
The last one was! And the foot-in-mouth!
13 Sep, 2009
Mea culpa - not all of obviously MP can vouch for!!
Having said that - there are a few originals albeit not quite "all me own work" ..remnants of family sayings
Definition of an adult....= A person who has stopped growing at both ends and is now growing in the middle
13 Sep, 2009
OK OK .....forgiven !!!! lol
13 Sep, 2009
I like that one. Alzheimer!! LOL!
13 Sep, 2009
Mea culpa and M.P.'s !!!! Love it, love it, love it !!
13 Sep, 2009
Sue's off on her own tangent ( a well-sunned man) again!
13 Sep, 2009
LOL !!! Fun to be had on Bob's pigeon blog Marie !!!
13 Sep, 2009
Dont like pigeons! Well, they taste great, but otherwise.........
13 Sep, 2009
My Dad used to 'cast nasturtiums' and always had 'foot in mouth' too. He's been gone nearly 40 years Marie so you must have the same brilliant sense of humour as he did!
He didn't pass it on to me in this type of thing - can't think of anything :o(((
13 Sep, 2009
Don't worry Lily, neither can I ! Too busy laughing !! :-)))
13 Sep, 2009
I get it from MY dad!
13 Sep, 2009
My chum has just been on the phone and when I told her what we were all up to here...she suggested that a chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion. lol Not quite sure where she drummed up that one from - but there you are - she doesn't "do" computers so hasn't a clue what a blog is.
Mind you - neither did I until failry recently!!!
13 Sep, 2009
My old man's got a lot to answer for as well Marie !!! tee hee !
13 Sep, 2009
ALZ ... there you are !! Meet you at Bob's pigeon blog ! See what you started !! LOL
13 Sep, 2009
It's all YOUR fault Sue! I'm still giggling at the thought of Bob mincing about in a sheet!
13 Sep, 2009
Don't forget the prancing drunk bit !!! LOL
13 Sep, 2009
Flatulence -The emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller
13 Sep, 2009
My mum had 2 sayings I always remember. When she thought someone had got a bit above themselves she used to say 'her mother did our washing'. when she was shocked she'd say 'Well I'll go to the foot of our stairs' funny what you remember. I digressed be back on track soon.
13 Sep, 2009
LMAO !!! Marie !
13 Sep, 2009
Rectitude - The formal, dignified demeanour assumed by a proctologist immediately before he examines you
13 Sep, 2009
It's no good, been off to have a think but still can't come up with anything...... :o(((
13 Sep, 2009
STOP Marie !!!!! You'll have me heading for the 'drawers' draw again !!! LMAO
13 Sep, 2009
one peruse s the instructions to find out it is disposable - one per use
13 Sep, 2009
Willy-nilly - Impotent
13 Sep, 2009
Now I KNOW .you are singing from the same hymn-sheet MP!!!!
I like the peruses one that IS original.
13 Sep, 2009
Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high up
13 Sep, 2009
LMAO Alz !!
13 Sep, 2009
Touch quieter over here !! lol
13 Sep, 2009
Sal s l ad bowls so does his tory brother
13 Sep, 2009
Yes is a bit less rowdy over here! I have just put the dogs to bed and done the chores and couldn't resist a last peek to see what was happening and if the party was over...and I find you are still around! I haven't looked over in the "Doocot"
13 Sep, 2009
Think I'll stay here Alz !! lol Up the wooden hill myself soon ! Got your PM ... will reply soon ! ... when my head's working !!! Night night xx
13 Sep, 2009
Mic e ro b phone s last one for tonight.
13 Sep, 2009
"drag racing". Racing from Point A to point B while wearing clothing of the opposite attire
13 Sep, 2009
Have you lot all been up all last night and today at this??
My ribs are hurting!!
Freebie.......honey producing insects without charge
Constrain....prisoner with a pulled muscle
Constrain...a rail based method to transport prisoners
Conives......item of prison issue cutlery
Insects.......intimate relations not ventured into outdoors
Consult......ask a prison warden if theres any table sodium
Conspire.....structure on the prison chapel building
Sorry, had 'Con' stuck in my head all day...theres plenty more!! for prisoners to place their 'nives' and 'sult'.
Conscript... line sheet from prison amdram show
Constable.....prison farm horse house
Sorry, there not getting any better so I best stop!!
13 Sep, 2009
LOL!! Very good! Where you been?
13 Sep, 2009
Con-templating things for this blog.
13 Sep, 2009
I was out all day in a very sunny Oban, not long back for a late tea. 'abstain from' due to a re-occurring injury arrange prisoners into groups of preference
13 Sep, 2009
That makes me very con cerned!
13 Sep, 2009
Contemplate- the design for the perfect prisoner
13 Sep, 2009
That was 'tailor-made' for got it 'sewn up''ve got me 'stitches'
13 Sep, 2009
LOL! Cant think, not awake enough yet!
14 Sep, 2009
Ummmm, Template? pattern? tailor? sorry it is a wee bit wayward but it was late last night (and it did work in my tiny wee mind at the time).
Anyway, I'm up all refreshed so just before I head out to the workshop to think of more I'll grind you down yet more with this mornings offerings so far. #groans#
Variant......a parents twin sister (very aunt). older male relatives attempts to dance at social gatherings (Un-cool).
14 Sep, 2009
And into the garden....
Bare root.........path regularly used by a grizzely.
Root stock......the logistical and support network that kept a rapidly growing rock festival of the 60's watered and fed. gardening methods
Guru.....what the weeds did in my garden this summer.
Herbaceous border.....a considerate but sensitive holiday guest who returns each year. Italian bird with somewhere to sit.
Insult.....a slugs worst nightmare.
14 Sep, 2009
14 Sep, 2009
'Morning been up all night working that lot out? I just love that gutta percha....and as for bare root......OMG ...not to mention the variant. Help ...I nearly choked on my mid-morning caffeine intake!!!
14 Sep, 2009
LOLLLLLLLLLL! exceptionally long rest sometimes at a meeting place with others. (sorry but I cheated and used a dictionary for this one)
14 Sep, 2009
Morning Al,
No, I'm afraid this lot piled into my mind between waking and breakfast.....worrying isn't it.
It just goes to show how correct teenagers throughout history have been, a good nights sleep is pretty pointless!
14 Sep, 2009
You wanna bet!!!!
My worry is that I have become a sad case...I switch on my laptop BEFORE the kettle!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 Sep, 2009
You go steady with that coffee!!...choke??? ummmmm
Artichoke.....a creative gardeners splutter over a morning coffee.
14 Sep, 2009
First thing in the morning 'Login' has always been around in my homes...but it simply meant to get the firewood sawn up.
But not before the I do worry.
14 Sep, 2009
Flamin are seriously afflicted...what have I started!!!
14 Sep, 2009
......Edward, brother of Hollywood actor 'Affleck, Ben'
Bit wayward I know.....sorry but speed is of the essence here...I'm off to work!!
14 Sep, 2009
Don't work too hard....but enjoy your day!
14 Sep, 2009
What are you on Garden fool there just pouring out?
14 Sep, 2009
No worries Drc, end of the day, tired, worn out and the well hath dried up again.
Just one more (unless this coffee kicks in).
Fictionary.... 'The Alzheimer Dictionary' for made up word definitions.
14 Sep, 2009
BRILLIANT of the class.!!
14 Sep, 2009
Me and OH sat here til `1.30 am laughing our socks off!
25 Feb, 2011
Now this one I hadn't seen Tetrarch, thanks for pointing it out, hilarious, must get dressed and walk the dog,lol.
25 Feb, 2011
"Perambulation", mothers and babies mutual admiration society?
25 Feb, 2011
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Oh my, this is brilliant...ummmm I'm going to need a think, don't hold your breath though....I may be sometime.
12 Sep, 2009