Cats...and how to worm them to keep your garden "clean"
By alzheimer
Now then – in response to a blog elsewhere about cats in our gardens…I would like to take this opportunity to give you all a little lesson in hygiene with regard to animals in our garden. Oh yes – you do need to know this….and joking apart (that bit comes in a minute as you will soon find out….lol!) our animals DO need wormed regularly ….if this is not carried out – we are all at risk of dreadful diseases as we all know. OK…you didn’t need reminding….but you DO need to know HOW to give your pets their pills…..and I was given this invaluable advice and figured I should hand it on…….Be aware…be very aware ..that some body somewhere is pulling somebody’s leg….and yes – it just might be the cat’s by the end…..;~)))
Here goes….
How To Give A Cat A Pill
1. Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby.Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat’s mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth, pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.
2. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.
3. Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away.
4. Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm, holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.
5. Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse from garden.
6. Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and rub cat’s throat vigorously.
7. Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill from foil wrap. Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for gluing later.
8. Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw.
9. Check label to make sure pill not harmful to humans, drink 1 beer to take taste away. Apply Band-Aid to spouse’s forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.
10. Retrieve cat from neighbour’s shed. Get another pill. Open another beer. Place cat in cupboard, and close door onto neck, to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band.
11. Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Drink beer. Fetch bottle of Whisky. Pour tot, drink. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus jab. Apply whisky compress to cheek to disinfect. Toss back another tot. Throw Tee shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.
12. Call fire brigade to retrieve the sodding cat from across the road. Apologise to neighbour who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. Take last pill from foil wrap.
13. Tie the little b#####’s front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table, find heavy-duty pruning gloves from shed. Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of fillet steak. Be rough about it. Hold head vertically and pour 2 pints of water down throat to wash pill down.
14. Consume remainder of whisky. Get spouse to drive you to the nearest A&E, sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.
15. Arrange for RSPCA to collect mutant cat from h##l and call local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters.
How To Give A Dog A Pill
1. Wrap it in bacon……. Toss it in the air…..JOB DONE!
18 Sep, 2009
Previous post: New English words for your Dictionary
Next post: DEAR DOGS AND CATS.....
LOL This is just as funny second time around Alzheimer! My husband brought this home from work a couple of years back and it well deserves to still be going around. I have another one somewhere about how to give a cat a bath, I must dig it out!
18 Sep, 2009
Yes please, Lily2...I am sure it is hilarious...I once had to bath a cat...when I was working at the Guide Dog Centre, believe it or not....and bear the scars to this day!!!!
And yes - Sandra....thank you.....mea culpa - I should have "proof read" it before publishing...but was in a hurry before going to the dentist.....hopefully all suitably bleeped now!
I am sure many of you WILL have read it before - but figured it would raise a few smiles for those that hadn't seen it...:~)))
18 Sep, 2009
Well Alzheimer it made me laugh, just glad I have not got a B....Y cat, I would be quite happy with the whisky though. LOL
18 Sep, 2009
Brill blog lol
18 Sep, 2009
Sadly not original Clarice....but all the "heavy" stuff on how and why to keep cats out of your garden me thinking it would be good to have a giggle I raked this out from my "funny file" !!
18 Sep, 2009
My cat has to have a daily pill for his overactive thyroid no trouble really but if I miss the back of his throat out it comes. The one thing I cannot say is 'tablet' he's off so fast. If I say 'vet' we dont see him again till the evening! But when he gets there he seems to know the vet is ok? The back of the neck stuff he hates as we had a faulty one once and it burnt his fur off.
18 Sep, 2009
Not only is this brilliantly funny ( even second-hand ) but it's TRUE! They're bu@@ers to give pills to!
But laughing aside, just for a mo, vets now have these pill-pushers for sale, and they do work very well.....stick pill in jaws of device ( plastic ) and retract plunger. Grab cat by scruff, pull up, off front legs ( disentangle claws from settee ) tip head back, poke device in SIDE of cats mouth until it opens it ( reflex ) and, keeping head tipped well back ( cat may be almost vertical by this stage ) press the plunger which shoots the pill out of other end and, with luck and a fair wind, down gullet of said feline.
Keep an eye open for spat-out pills, because occasionally they'll 'pocket' one in their cheek and spit it out later.
If cat licks it's nose shortly after administration, it (usually ) means the pill has been swallowed.
Now I'm going to read that brill blog again and have another good laugh!
Thank you for sharing, Alz!
18 Sep, 2009
My pleasure B......figured it would take a trick somewhere along the GOY line!!!! I have seen these pill-pushers and wondered if they really worked but of course I have labradors - hollow-legged/ greedy enough... and trusting enough not to second guess me.....yet!
Yes Drc...isn't it funny how they seem to know that they are in safe hands once they get there! I had a lab who would NOT allow me to clip his claws - and as my dogs are run on a moor or old golfcourse....not pavements - they quickly grew ...and grew. Even two of us could not hold him...but once at the vet...he stood patiently and let him do it.....and of course stood patiently while I had to pay up afterwards...grrr!
18 Sep, 2009
i gave up with trying to groom and make angelina look pretty i now take her to the groomer and leave them to it, lol she has a shampoo blow wave and groom £25 well spent i would say, every month, i just have the cuddles now :o))
18 Sep, 2009
Yes - it's amazing what we do/pay up for our animals isn't it!!
No regrets though....they ARE our best friends after all.
18 Sep, 2009
That was bl@@@y hilarious Alz, I haven't laughed so much since the mother in law tried to bite me and her top set fell out.
Got to go and get changed now, my bladder isn't as reliable as San's.
Carol wants to know what the h##l I'm laughing at. :~))
18 Sep, 2009
Just read through it again.... going to get changed .....Again! :~((
18 Sep, 2009
From one Carol to another...just read it - THEN put the washing machine on.....LOL
18 Sep, 2009
lol ian,:o))
18 Sep, 2009
Bloomin' hilarious Alz....that just about describes me trying to worm Morrissey...that's why I use the drops on the back of his neck now from the vets! are sooo right about how to get a dog to take their medicine!!
Fantastic bog...thank you for making me laugh! If I could click on 'I like this...' I would do it 10 times! ;0)
18 Sep, 2009
I was laughing so hard I forgot to click on I like this, at all
18 Sep, 2009
Thank you both....I must say when I got it from a friend - I was incoherent with laughter for ages too!!
18 Sep, 2009
Brilliant blog Alzheimer, I must be one of the lucky ones
when Stripes was taken ill earlier this year I had to get 4 tablets down him, he was so good it was unbelievable I just opened his mouth and made sure the tablet was at the back of throat, some times we had mishaps not very offten. So worming and deflee is a doodle.
Yes they are our best friends.
Thanks so much for that laugh really needed it brilliant.
18 Sep, 2009
Hi there Lesley....aren't you the lucky one right enough! Poor Stripes having to get tablets....I hope he is OK now?
Cats are seldom that easy...and this saga is just SO outrageous I thought a good giggle would end the week nicely!! TGIF and all that!!
18 Sep, 2009
Still makes me laugh too!
This is how I used to get tablets down Misty until she was so used to them she sort of gave up fighting.
1. Put on old thick jumper.
2 Pick up cat and cuddle on chest, head up, tail down, obviously.
3. Let go. Cat will now be hanging in easy reach of both hands.
4. Hold head with one hand and use other hand to open mouth and insert tablet at back of throat.
5. Make fuss of cat, release claws and put down.
Lily, does that involve holding the loo seat down while you flush it?
18 Sep, 2009
That's a good way, Wagger....with the claws suitably taken care of - as it were - very clever!! I must try and remember that. Top of the class!
18 Sep, 2009
This is just soooo funny, 2nd hand or not! Thanks for the giggle, Alz!
I have to say that Henry is NOT good at taking his pills - he susses them out even wrapped in cheese - garlic pate works, though. YUK!!
18 Sep, 2009
OMG...garlic pate....good strong flavour of course - how on earth did you think of that!!!!
I get those tubes of cheese spread - ham flavoured is the favourite and my pair nudge each other aside to get to it....and I just pop the pill on the end of the cheese as I squeeze it out of the tube into their mouths...and the pill vanishes!! I hasten to add that there is a special box for these tubes of cheese in the fridge!!!!!
18 Sep, 2009
laughed my socks off.
but on another note is there a pill to give to the neighbours to make them worm their cats?
we dont have cats but get 5 through our garden daily all owned by 2 next door neighbours. [dont get me started or i will need a pill too!]
18 Sep, 2009
With or without garlic pate, Sbg?? lol.
18 Sep, 2009
I wish there was S.....despite having dogs - my neighbours' cats run circles round them - and all joking apart cat poo can be highly infectious stuff (as I have good cause to know) - and it is every bit as bad as dogs' but because cats roam so much there isn't a campaign to sort it - like there is with dogs. As you will see on another "cat blog " that is on the go just now - feelings are running a bit high on this subject - which is why I tried to lighten the tone a bit with this nonsense!!!
18 Sep, 2009
depends if there is anything to wash it down with!
18 Sep, 2009
Laughed so much my sides hurt,thankyou so much,you made my day........
18 Sep, 2009
yes its one of those issues that can divide us alzheimer.
18 Sep, 2009
Glad you enjoyed it Lincslass....there's nothing like a bit of a laugh to end the day on is there!!!
18 Sep, 2009
lol That was hillareous :D
Actually I once had a cat called Fluffy and when I took her to the vet a red light came up on their computer to remind them she had to be handled by 2 people wearing leather protective gloves :o)
18 Sep, 2009
Oh dear ...they must have just LOVED seeing you come in then!!!!
18 Sep, 2009
Had to have another read of this one its hilarious, especially as one can picture said cat being treated and all the kerfuffle that can occur on these occasions.........
19 Sep, 2009
LMAO, Alz. Very funny indeed....and so eeriely true......!!!??
19 Sep, 2009
When I arrived at the vet they always asked what mood is she in today .. lol - they knew what they were in for. She was fine usually :o)
LOL This blog makes me think of putting sun block on Blodyn's ears aswell. What a performance that is !! In the end there's more on me and on the floor than there is on Blodyn. She puts her ears right down flat and wriggles backwards. Then she twists upside-down. Then she bolts and I have to catch her again.... lol. It's just impossible.
19 Sep, 2009
If she could speak Hywel she'd say "the next time you try that i'm leaving home " !!!!!
19 Sep, 2009
I'm glad we had a wet summer - I didn't have to do it often !
19 Sep, 2009
But good on you for doing it, Hywel! Cat's ears, especially if lighter coloured I think, are susceptible to the damaging rays of the sun, and sunblock is GOOD protection. Bet she just loves you everytime the sun comes out!
19 Sep, 2009
She can smell the cream I think and runs away .. lol
19 Sep, 2009
Well, I'm glad Mistys ears are black then - no battle over that one!
19 Sep, 2009
SO TRUE ! its funny as h**l thanks Alz, the biggest problem with cats is the "I'm sharp at 5 corners" thing, always wondered if a suppository would be an easier way to do it!!!They always show their pencil sharpeners dont they????
19 Sep, 2009
I am SO glad I have dogs .......I suspect that the pencil sharpener might turn into a CATapult if you tried to administer a suppo.Indy....LOL The mind boggles...and I am in tears laughing!!!!!!!!!!!
19 Sep, 2009
PS...the last time I had to take my big male labrador ...a real bruiser if ever you met one - but very placid for all that the vet with a temperature and the vet stuck a thermometer up where the sun don't shine - he got a chunk removed from his thigh for forgetting to put a muzzle on first..on the dog I mean!!! Although - having said that - the vet's language was such that he too maybe should have had a muzzle!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway - the point being - if that is a peaceful big labrador.....heaven alone knows what a feisty cat would do.
I am sore laughing, Indy !!!
19 Sep, 2009
Yeah I agree totally , but your idea of no contact , and using a catapult to administer the said suppository has much merit as a delivery system!
19 Sep, 2009
Sadly - your aim sounds good - my aim might not be so accurate!!!
19 Sep, 2009
Hilarious blog Alz !!! Lucky in that I've never had to give my boy a tablet ... use the back of the neck stuff for fleas and worms. If ever I have to I shall refer back to this to prepare me !!! lol
19 Sep, 2009
This is hilarious...I once worked for an animal rescue (humane society) and who ever said just toss it to the dog has it spot on....But we had 50+ cats, and when you worm one, ya worm them all. lol
It was always easier if one person caught and held while another popped the pill, but after a bit it does get better!
But ya know when I get home the 2 cats here do not care that I had to do this all morning, they still act like the cats above!
19 Sep, 2009
Well just to test out the first theory of the blog I've been trying (and succeeding) to give my cats pills all afternoon, we quickly ran out of wormers so have been experimenting with my beta blockers and valium we had spare from a bout of depression a couple of years back, and I must say here that once youve got one beta blocker or valium down their throats the whole buisiness gets a lot easier In fact in the last few minutes Jess the BAD one sort of slid across the floor to me and mewed prettily whilst pawing gently at the bottle for another one. Of course I havent given her one for 2 reasons 1) keep em hungry for a pill and no troubles next time and 2) she's already had 3 and I think thats enough. Neither of them are walking round with their tails held high so I can't practice the catapult system on them but got fairly close to the neighbours cat at the first attempt, but of course by the time I'd reloaded it was gone!!
You'd think they'd help out in the cause of scientific research wouldn't you.....
The above of course is a complete fabrication just to make you smile , so don't think I really gave them human meds, I may have a twisted sense of humour but I'm not cruel to anything cept myself!
19 Sep, 2009
Good footnote Indy :))))
Got any sleeping tablets ? ;)
Promise i'll not scratch you ;)
19 Sep, 2009
Gotcha going there for a minute though eh!
Sorry no sleeping tabs , why problems gettin off to kip Louise?
19 Sep, 2009
Problem stayin' there Indy !
Wake up after about 5-6 hours, i'm still dog tired but my mind can start up and then .... that's it, no more sleep :(
19 Sep, 2009
I tot I taw a puddy tat - t'was sliding up to me....I did - I saw a puddy tat - it was as happy as could be!!
That puddy tat was bleary eyed but clearly wasn't ill...
It was only Jess of course and she'd had Indy's pill!!
Meeiioow......zzzzzzzzz :o))
19 Sep, 2009
LOL !! :-)))
19 Sep, 2009
Limp cat easy to give pill to (old chinese proverb)
19 Sep, 2009
Very good Alzheimer !
19 Sep, 2009
Me likee Chinese proverbs....
Swinging chain denote hot seat etc etc LOL
19 Sep, 2009
Man who walk on mountain side, him not on level!
19 Sep, 2009
Man with hole in pocket feel c ..... oh ok then !! lol :-)))
19 Sep, 2009
Man who pay leapfrog with unicorn, very stupid!
19 Sep, 2009
Don't drink and park - accidents cause people
19 Sep, 2009
I take my cat's felizamole to keep my thyroid in check.
19 Sep, 2009
JOKING....JOKING.....don't flag me, PLEASE!!!!!
19 Sep, 2009
19 Sep, 2009
Hullo, Digger, hows you doin'?
Had any good red wine lately?
19 Sep, 2009
LOL !! ;-)))
19 Sep, 2009
Do you know I could quote a 'family' member on that one.
I've never liked red gives me a headache...makes me nauseous & I regret paying it any attention the next morning..... 'Fluff' 2009
19 Sep, 2009
Saw that one Ian lol. You OK mate ? :-))
19 Sep, 2009
Oh I'm just fine, can't say the same for my spade though..... I took my frustrations out on a spot in the garden that was crying out for a Hibiscus. Lol :~))
19 Sep, 2009
Ah! So something positive comes out of all the hooha then? All to the good, now let's all get on with our gardens and get ready for w@*ter and Christm.oh help! I'm typing out loud again! Soz!
Hope you got the hibiscus planted, Digger?
19 Sep, 2009
It is firmly in the ground and looking at its brother on the other side of the bed and wondering if it has the best view or not. :~))
19 Sep, 2009
LOL Nice one Made me laugh
19 Sep, 2009
A good laugh is worth passing around, a guffaw like this even better! Had to give my dog about 12 pills a day for the last year: started with liverwurst, then peanut butter, then cheese whiz, then had to cook little meat balls of ground beef twice a day. An old dog learns to teach us new tricks.
19 Sep, 2009
Well said Orgratis and very true. :~))
19 Sep, 2009
Hi there Ogratis .....I just LOVE that "An old dog learns to teach us new tricks" ...they never stop teaching us - that 's for sure!
Sorry to hear your old dog had to have 12 tabs a day....that must have been tough going for both of you.
Glad you enjoyed this silly style blog - trouble is - a lot of people don't realise how important it is to worm etc their cats - so really ...although it is written as a joke - it does have a message...especially for gardeners who are at risk obviously from toxicara and all the other nasties.
20 Sep, 2009
Good morning Alz. Hope it's fine up your end !
My boy has the worming treatment every three months, but I must admit it is a 'back of the neck' job !! I'm far too much of a coward to try pills !! lol x
20 Sep, 2009
'Morning all.....gorgeous morning up here but B chilly overnight again....down to 4c at my back door and a lot less up on the hill when I got there (!) and in the glens no doubt they had a frost...what a thought. Soon be X###...oh dear - nearly said the forbidden four letter word!
I have been doing my good deed for the day - when I met a friend who was walking a lovely big Gordon setter he was baby-sitting and which had developed "tics" - like lots of them -poor beast. So I am just back from removing said horrors and doing the "back of the neck" treatment for her so she won't get another infestation. It is so much easier nowadays. Now off to do the Xwords while the garden warms up enough to work in ;~))
20 Sep, 2009
A great blog Alzheimer and great comments from all, ridiculously funny!
I'm sure GoY would like to point out that no animals were hurt in the making of this blog (well, not intentionaly anyway) although several humans are still under going urgent medical attention at various A&E dept's around the GoY globe. Most are suffering from cuts,scratches, pet-med overdose's and stress to mention but a few, but by far the greatest demand on the health service is for the effects of excessively 'tickled ribs'.
21 Sep, 2009
Well said GF !!!
I'm the coward that does the ' back of the neck' ! Value my life too much for pills ! lol :-))
21 Sep, 2009
Its funny you know I once had a kitten that had never been assaulted by a human intent on giving it a pill and it had to be wormed so I held the pill on the tip of my finger and said to it " I don't want to fight with you about this little pill but one way or the other you are going to take it, if you just eat it I will give some nice fish to take the taste of it away", the kitten took the pill and ate it, got its fish (sardines fro a can) and we never had a problem with pills.
Its the only cat I ever had that did it but I am convinced that they are so bright that given the chance theyll take the least hassle option.
All my dogs take and eat pills without a problem using the same technique, I will not fight with them, I have not been able to test out the cat thing again as I have not had a kitten since!.
NO i'm not joking it did happen!!! I think once you have tried to do it the other way youre stuffed for ever!
21 Sep, 2009
Have you all had enough of cat nonsense or would you still like me to post my cat 'funny' as mentioned somewhere up the top here?
It's rather unkind to cats but does purrrrport to have been written by a dog!
21 Sep, 2009
Love to hear it Lily :-)
21 Sep, 2009
Go on, Lily!!
21 Sep, 2009
Yes please, Lily....we might at as well be had for a sheep as a lamb - if you will all forgive the horrid mix of metaphors in this context...LOL The whole reason I set this blog in the first instance was because the other blog which was having a go at the poor cat (and don't get me wrong I ADORE them- who wouldn't) was getting FAR too heavy and I figured some levity was needed before any more claws were sharpened around here!!
Indy - I couldn't agree more and I just love the idea of talking them into submission and certainly I have always done so with any dogs I had to deal with - and at the Guide Dog Centre - as well as at home I have MANY to "dose" in my lifetime and VERY few difficult "customers"
I haven't had to deal with many cats - but the most memorable was originally feral and as mentioned elsewhere - I still bear the scars!!! I think you must have mesmerised them with your hypnotic personality and I applaud you for it :>>))))
21 Sep, 2009
Morning Alz. Sun's out here ... hope it is there ! :-)
21 Sep, 2009
Sorry to disappoint you Sue...dreich and dismal so far - but the Met offices say it will improve later today and stay good for the rest of the week.....I won't hold my breath!
I WILL however hope they are right as I have the sitootery roof being re-laid tomorrow - hopefully!
It was gorgeous but chilly yesterday and I was off to some local garden centres - just topping up some bulbs and plants for baskets etc. Nice trip though.
21 Sep, 2009
Glad you enjoyed it ! Popped to our local one in the week ... sale time the noo !! Lovely :-)
21 Sep, 2009
aaargh.....Just typed it all out, got to the bottom where we now have to enter category. Is it pets or other?....clicked on guidelines to check......and lost the lot!!!!. Will try again later :o(((
21 Sep, 2009
Its a real PAIN when you do that innit I've managed to do it twice now and I was not best pleased with myself, I wonder if I am bright enough for a uni degree after that! twice (oh the shame of it)
21 Sep, 2009
Glad I'm not alone and yes I've done it twice too Indy, don't we learn? Is it just us or could the new layout be made more idiot proof?
21 Sep, 2009
Needs to be made more idiot proof if I'm around thats for sure!
21 Sep, 2009
What is the best thing to do - after the experience I had last night writing my blog, is to click on 'save draft' as soon as you've got throught the tangle of new rules about clicking a category. Once the title is in, and the very first word of the text, save it, and then you'll be OK.
I nearly screamed at my laptop last night when I had THREE error messages!
21 Sep, 2009
Thanks Barbara, that sounds good. Still think it would be best to have the category stuff at the top before starting but I will definitely do that.
21 Sep, 2009
I'lll second that Lily!
Screaming at the computer is a fairly common pastime I would hazard!
21 Sep, 2009
Have you seen Ian and carol are going to see the docs to see if she's expecting , see the arrest blog!
21 Sep, 2009
Yes, brilliant news!
21 Sep, 2009
Oooohh!!! I'm off there ASAP!!!
21 Sep, 2009
Thanks Alz you can just imagine all that happening with a cat, I love them really but they are the butt of some really funny jokes. Like the bloke who used to call his cat 'Blacksmith' silly name but he called it that because when he kicked it up the a**e it made a bolt for the door.
21 Sep, 2009
GROAN, Bob! :-)
22 Sep, 2009
BOB Brill LMSO will try it out and see if mine are smiths!
22 Sep, 2009
Tisk, Bob! Very funny! I once - honestly - knew some folks who called their cat 'Ceremony' just so's they could say to visiting guests: 'Come in - don't stand on ceremony!'
22 Sep, 2009
GROAN again! :-D
22 Sep, 2009
Brilliant Bscott!!
Some friends called their cat Chairman (Chairman Mao), (meow? ).
And by coincidence some more recent friends call their dog Chairman as they gave their company the same gaelic name as the dog, so he's been granted the chair.
22 Sep, 2009
Keep going, Folks...these are GREAT ! I can see an extension to this blog developing - for pet's names - especially cat ones! These ones are magic
22 Sep, 2009
A friend had two dogs, Castor & some very strange looks in the park when he'd let them off the lead and was calling them back again. Not so much with Castor but 'Pollux! Pollux!' nearly got him arrested...
22 Sep, 2009
...another old friend had a terrier named 'Caesar' ( and I swear, this IS true! ) and he was struck round the head by an old lady swinging her handbag because she thought he was telling the dog - 'Caesar! Caesar!' - to attack her...
22 Sep, 2009
I loved the Rising Damp star Leonard Rossiter when he was explaining why his cat was named Vienna, he said that all it takes is a pair of eyes in the bushes and it's goodnight Vienna! :o))
22 Sep, 2009
I used to love that series! He'll be sadly missed for a long time to come, he was so funny! And Leonard Rossiter was quite good, too.
22 Sep, 2009
When I was a wee kid....l o n g ago ....I had a little mongrel type terrier whose face was exactly half white and half brown and I thought he looked crazy - so I insisted he was called "Crazy"..LOL He was a bit of a Romeo - and was always taking off.... ahem!! Needless to say my Father refused point blank to go out looking for him shouting "Crazy" along the streets!!!!
22 Sep, 2009
My cat was named My Pet Peeve, as generally I prefer birds to cats in the yard and she stalked them. My dad wanted to get two more female Italian Greyhounds to go with our Gino so he would be able to call "Gino Lola Brigetta"!
22 Sep, 2009
Called my dog Zebedee .... as when he was a puppy he used to 'boing' all over the place ! :-))
22 Sep, 2009
Well I for one have never read this before and have been laughing so much that I have received lots of dirty looks before a comment from John that what he is watching on tv is"serious"! Well tough cos it has cheered me up so much. Thank you Love Sue x
23 Sep, 2009
Hi there Grannysue...I am glad you enjoyed it and it cheered you up as you say. You can tell John that as it takes 96 muscles to make a frown and only 48 to make a smile - I don't believe in working overtime!!! That's what is so good about this GOY site - apart from learning from each other - we enjoy the banter and some laughs along the way. Cheers X
23 Sep, 2009
Couldn't have said it better myself Alz. Lol ;~))))))
23 Sep, 2009
Oh A - I nearly fell off the sofa I was laughing so much!
I thought it was serious advice for a mo (and was planning to try it on my rescues) You may not have provided a solution, but thank you so much for making my day - Loved it :-)
Chris xx
24 Sep, 2009
I can't believe I missed this blog - like everyone else, fell about laughing, wonderful stuff. I was actually looking to find out why you've got a bad foot, and found this instead - still don't know why you've got a bad foot;-))
20 Oct, 2009
I cant believe I missed this!!! FOFLMAOAWM!!!
Absolutely brilliant!! LOve it!
I have to sit on Smudge to give her pills! And she gets wormers, conditioning pills, & flea pills (LOTS OF FLEA PILLS!) cos she hangs out with hedgehogs & is allergic to fleas AND flea spray!!
9 Nov, 2009
Well if nothing else - I seem to get you all giggling at least!! Just one thing ...what on earth does FOFLMAOAWM stand for?????
9 Nov, 2009
Fell On Floor Laughing My A** OFF, Almost Wet Myself!!!
9 Nov, 2009
Smudge is complaining cos my laughing interrupted her snoring!!
9 Nov, 2009
OOH ...poor Smudge!! Tough luck! Little does he/she know what you are laughing at:>>))))
9 Nov, 2009
That'll be why she's sitting at my feet sulking, lol!!
9 Nov, 2009
At least if a cat sits at or on your feet - you have half a chance of moving before cramp sets in....when you have two thundering great labradors lying over them - there is NO hope!!!
9 Nov, 2009
I know! My dad's lab was a great footwarmer!!
9 Nov, 2009
LOL ... LOL ... LOL !!!
19 Jul, 2010
Good show, found this one too!!!
24 Jul, 2010
Indeed I did !!! LMAO !!! xxxxxx
24 Jul, 2010
OMG Alz, I'm still laughing myself silly at this and Carol is still telling me off for it! Lol.
24 Jul, 2010
Believe it or not Ian....I have just read it all through yet again and have been giggling so much that Honey and Di have wakened up and are looking at me as though I have lost my marbles .....of course they are right about now I will not get any rest until I give them a biscuit to go back to bed with!!!
And they call animals dumb.....HA HA
25 Jul, 2010
I tried to read it to Carol's mum and sister but couldn't get through it without breaking down again!
25 Jul, 2010
LOL...and I thought I was bad ...I once famously tried reading it over the phone to a friend who lives locally.....I never did make it to the end! She had to come and read it for herself!!!!!
25 Jul, 2010
I can quite understand that Alz. The situation was soooo funny last night because we had drank a couple of beers/wines and I just couldn't get through it so in the end I printed it off!
25 Jul, 2010
OMG - that's even better...or worse ....depending on how you look at it! I certainly had to print off copies for my handyman friend to take to work....and he came back for more a few days later....LOL
25 Jul, 2010
Would that be handy Sandy then?
25 Jul, 2010
How DID you guess!!!!!!
25 Jul, 2010
It was just a lucky guess really Lol ;~))
25 Jul, 2010
Handy Sandy ... ??? Whatever have I started ...??? LOL ;~)
26 Jul, 2010
Yes B8B - the "man" in my life!
26 Jul, 2010
A big strong "builder" type B8babe! ! ! Lol
26 Jul, 2010
I could do with one of those Ian !!!l Does he do 'foreigners' Alz ??? LOL ;~))
26 Jul, 2010
Stop it you pair!! He may be a handyman but he isn't a "Bob the Builder" and he ain't that big either...but he IS very good with his hands.....LOL LOL
He has a very rich sense of humour too ...not sure how he would deal with foreigners from south of Hadrian's Wall though....;>>)))
26 Jul, 2010
Lol Alz, ;~))
26 Jul, 2010
I'd supply the deep fried Mars bars !! lol ;~))
26 Jul, 2010
YUK!! I know we are famous for having started that trend but they are DISGUSTING!!
26 Jul, 2010
LOL !! Okay then, what about a bit of leek and tattie soup .. ?? ;~))
26 Jul, 2010
Now you're talking...can never resist a plate of home-knitted broth....;~))
26 Jul, 2010
LOL ;~))
26 Jul, 2010
Another hilarious blog, how did I miss this :-)
25 Feb, 2011
Hi Simbad......glad you enjoyed really is so true isn't it!!! I enjoyed re-reading it myself...LOL
25 Feb, 2011
Agree Alz it is soo true, we had to give our cat tablets twice a day for a year so can totally identify with this, felt the same myself sometimes, used to wrap him in a towel for my own safety,lol, till he got wise to that only had to see a towel and he'd move like a flippin rocket, adding to favourites so I can look at this again and read all the comments, brilliant.
25 Feb, 2011
Yup..quite agree - some of the comments were even better than the blog!!
25 Feb, 2011
Yep still made me laugh, wouldn't bother with no 15 though remember as a child having one particular hamster we had locking its jaws on my finger!!!
30 Mar, 2014
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lmao alzheimer, ive not laughed so much in ages, i noticed a little swear word there, maybe a bleep would be better not that i care it was so funny, almost peed myself, i`ll just stick to injections and drops on the neck area thanx heehhe, made my day :o))
18 Sep, 2009