Andy's potting shed
By andy43
Hi everyone just stumbled upon your site and can honestly say its just what I’ve been looking for.
I’ve been growing all sorts all my life, love growing anything and everything. My nickname when I was ten was Percy (after percy thrower lol) so yes have been facinated with plants and trees for a long time.
Lately I’ve been ordering seeds thru Chiltern Seeds, and now live in a green house! My 8 year daughters used to having seed trays everywhere even in her room!!!
Can’t explain the delight, the joy i feel when a seed germinates and as for ordering seeds, when they come in the post its almost like Christmas. How sad is that…
Ok my garden this years been the best ever, as although I’m a dab hand at growing most things, designing a garden has always proved almost impossible for me.
It’s been more luck than judgment mind but some of the things I’ve grown are amazing, Fuschia’s, all manner of Daisies, Poppies by the hundreds, Gorse, Roses, Peppers, Pinks, Larkspur, Dalias the list could go on for ages.
When ordering seeds thru chiltern I go for a lottery mixture, these are seeds left over from packing into packets. The amount and range of flowers, shrubs, trees enclosed is fantastic. I’ve only just identified a small tree that popped up as a Paulownia tomentosa, gorgious tree known also as the princess tree or foxglove tree on account of the flowers.
26 Aug, 2008
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Next post: Bella Donna Blues
Hi Andy and welcome to this site.
All best wishes and happy gardening.
26 Aug, 2008
Hallo Andy - you sound just like the rest of us - we all get very excited when we order seeds or plants and then when they arrive - well! You are right to say it's like Christmas! I'm glad you found us and hope that you enjoy GOY as much as I do.
26 Aug, 2008
Thanks guys, and here's me thinking i was a bit eccentric, sounds like there's a few more lol I'll upload some pictures. Nice friendly site.
Has anyone bought an electric propagator? I've got some banana seeds in the airing cupboard...nothing happening and it's kinda nice to grow something a little exotic.
Need a temp range up to 28'C i think.
Best wishes to you all
26 Aug, 2008
hi Andy , welcome to GOY. you dont sound a bit eccentric but then maybe thats what we all are on here, just nobody has told us lol
26 Aug, 2008
Hello Andy. Welcome from one eccentric to another. Hope you enjoy GOY.
All the best, Hywel.
26 Aug, 2008
I got an electric propagator from Freecycle!!!!! It is FAN-TAS-TIC. How lucky was that?
26 Aug, 2008
Hi Andy - welcome to the site - you will soon find you are not as odd as you think you are!! I got interested in gardening at about 14 - so you beat me there! Re the propagator, sorry I can't help there, but if you post your question on the Questions page, it might get spotted by someone who can help :-) Sarah.
26 Aug, 2008
Hello Andy looks like you will be in good company here We are all a bit eccentric
26 Aug, 2008
If you do buy a new propagator and you can afford it, go for one with a thermostatic control. Mine is the simplest type, it just plugs in and warms up. I don't have any control about the temperature, and I don't think it warms up to more than about 18 degrees max. However, that's about right for most seeds that need bottom heat. AND it was free! So I am not complaining. It got a packet of Cleome seeds to germinate in 3 days.... :-)
26 Aug, 2008
Hi Andy. Welcome to GOY. Percy Thrower used to be one of my favourites too.
You'll find lots of like minded people here. I get very excited about the seed packets arriving too. Must try Chiltern seeds. Do they take orders on line?
26 Aug, 2008
Thanks again for the welcome.. bit overcome with it all lol and yes chrispook they do order online they'll send a free catalogue and when ordered take about 3 days to arrive.
Can someone tell me about the 'add plants' feature, is it some sort of virtual garden or something???
Also thanks Spritzhenry, will take your advice and go for a thermostaticky controlled one.
Thanks again
26 Aug, 2008
The "add plants" feature is for you to keep a record of all the plants in your garden if you want to. If you look at my home page and click on "garden" you will see my list. You can add comments and attach photo's so that you can remember how they grew or not atc.
27 Aug, 2008
Welcome to GOY Andy , I,m pretty sure you will find all the answers to your questions here and lots more besides :D
27 Aug, 2008
You can also cross reference with other people growing the same plant to compare notes, varieties, etc
27 Aug, 2008
Hi Andy43&welcome2GOY :)Hope ul find what ur look`n 4 on GOY :)P.S Take alook @Plants Tab above ul be in your element there its where we all do Seed Swaps&below ul see GOY`s Gardening Encyclopedia where ul find some Fab Garden Designs,Ideas,Plants ect :)
26 Aug, 2008