Oh heavens, the wind!!!!
Dreadful day yesterday, the wind just gusted all over the place, and my £19 argos greenhouse finally collapsed – luckily my husband told me to get all the plants out quickly, I got most, but there are casualties. My precious verbena boniaris (sic!) which I tenderly grew from seed this year was the most sickening casualty. Saved most though, one of my lettuce trays was on the floor, seems to be alive today! Put most of the sun loving plants out; the rest are now in the shed in the cannibalised – what left of – my greenhouse! Kept the primula denticulata though, thanks for all the advice, inside in the shed. Anyway, after feeling incredibly sad yesterday, with what’s left of my greenhouse scattered around the lawn, I have picked myself up and used all the bits and pieces – two shelving units, and two sort of cloche!
So from a day of despair comes a day of opportunities! The wind has dropped, it is a lovely, sunny day to replant the easy ones – the kale and the chard. Still no rain though! All of the plants seem to be okay despite the dreadful wind; they all seem to be much bendier than my poor greenhouse! Perhaps my Christmas present will be a sturdier greenhouse, though I doubt if I will ever have a nice big one. Well, you can always hope can’t you? Even though my plastic greenhouse was very flimsy, it was still my little haven. Luckily I saved my precious little rhubarbs (sown from seed this year), a tiny agapanthus (again from seed) and a couple of tiny buddleia buzz; both were on the ground when I got there. They seem to be okay, I brought them into the house for emergency cosseting, they are standing up now, thank goodness! Seems like it will be watering again today…….
24 May, 2011
Previous post: Beautiful roses!
Next post: Pictures the right way up - and less repeats!
I am really sorry to hear about the wind damage, we have all had it bad, hope everything survives for you, Anea, can you put your pictures on straight up in future, nearly broke my neck trying to look at them, I fell off the chair twice. lol
24 May, 2011
It's so sad when we lose plants like this isn't it - I've had some plants damaged in the garden too, a whole branch of a lovely rose just broken off etc. Nothing we can do about it unfortunately is there ? Poor you. You have my sympathy.
24 May, 2011
Stanard rose flattened. Also many quite young trees in the local housing estate. Possibly as a result of poor tying in.
24 May, 2011
so much damage everywhere Vincent, its so windy still here,
24 May, 2011
I didn't think about turning the pictures around until I sent it out - I will be a bit more careful next time !!!
24 May, 2011
no problem, my neck is not quite so sore now, Lol
24 May, 2011
What a shame at least you were able to save the majority it all looks very organised and I still have one picture sideways in my photos Yorkshire is right it does give you neck ache:)
24 May, 2011
Pleased you have salvaged most of them, shame about your little greenhouse though,keep hinting, you never know it just might work, lol. My garden is messy with broken twigs but only one casualty so can`t complain especially when I see what has happened in some places.
No neckache here I simply flipped my laptop on its side.....
24 May, 2011
oh dear, - disaster :(
I'm glad you saved most things though. Those plastic greenhouses are very flimsey. I have 3. Two of them are in a very sheltered place. And the other one is just used as shelves in a covered area by my garage.
I didn't know you could grow rhubarb from seeds. I'd like to try that. I can never get the plants to 'take' here.
I hope Father Christmas remembers you ;o)))
25 May, 2011
Recent posts by aneagillis194
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- Blame Carol Klein!
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- Bit of rain - and the wind is back!!
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- New plants from the post!
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- Pictures the right way up - and less repeats!
24 May, 2011
- Beautiful roses!
21 May, 2011
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Sorry about the repeat pictures - there was a windows fault so I did it again, and again! Didn't realise they actually made it to my blog!
24 May, 2011