Are my new bushes and trees dead?
By angelic
I have just planted 13 new shrubs and 22 new trees in my garden (previously a field) I think with the uge minus temperatures hee in the Dordogne I see that most of the shrubs look completely dead – their leaves having turned brown. Are they dead, or is there any chance of them surviving?
21 Feb, 2012
Previous post: sticky bands around fruit trees
good question. I think I will have to take some pics but not sure how to get them on here but will have a go.
21 Feb, 2012
Unless any are evergreen here in Britain we wouldn,t expect leaves yet but I can see some of the buds are beginning to fatten up but the ash (fraxinus Excelsior... wonderful name) for example are showing no sign at all. You can scrape a tiny bit of bark with your fingernail to see if there is green underneath but be careful as you don,t want to allow disease to enter. as Terra says a photo or some idea of the varieties would help.
21 Feb, 2012
I would just leave them completely alone for the time being. You have nothing to gain by pulling them out now so wait and see what they do in the spring. Some may be dead but I would be very surprised if most were not alive but sulking.
21 Feb, 2012
Hi Angelic. That's worrying for you !
Are you able to include photos of the shrubs and trees to help members reply to you ?
Are they evergreens or deciduous ?
21 Feb, 2012