A few plants from around the garden
It’s a good time of year for cyclamen
Firstly Cyclamen hederifolium, I’ve seen it described as invasive but to me it’s a welcome guest
Cyclamen hederifolium forma albiflorum. This has sown itself in about 5cm of slate chippings above a weed suppressing mat. It gets better every year
Then onto some examples grown in the alpine house
Cyclamen hederifolium subsp confusum. Distinguished from the normal forms by its thicker leaves this example has a lovely colour flower
Cyclamen hederifolium “White Cloud”. A beautiful cultivar with silver leaves and pure white flowers
Cyclamen cilicium album
Cyclamen cyprium “Galaxy”. Cyprium is noted for its leaf markings, this cultivar is particularly good
Two pictures of Cyclamen mirabile “Tilebarn Anne” A form with evenly pewter colour leaf, flushed pink when young
The last cyclamen for now is mirabile “Tilebarn Nicholas” This has a leaf pattern of a green Christmas tree shape in the centre surrounded by silver. Again as in “Tilebarn Anne” the young leaves have a pink flush.
his next is an unusual plant, Biarum davisii, there’s something of a mini-triffid about it
One of the daintier colchicum species, colchicum boissierii has a lovely shape and colour to its flower
Two pictures of Crocus speciosus “Aitchinsonii”
Crocus boryi
Two pictures of Crocus longiflorus
Finally, my favourite crocus so far this year mainly because it’s the first time it’s flowered in 3 years, Crocus robertianus
20 Oct, 2010
Previous post: Wild Orchids at Ragpits
Next post: The Cyclamen Society Show at Wisley 16/10/10
What a truly beautiful blog. I have added it to my favourites.
20 Oct, 2010
Thank you Linda, very kind of you. Hello Dawnsaunt, yes I grow quite a few forms of coum but as yet it's a little early for the flowers. The edge of your little woodland should be just right for hederifolium and coum. I'll post some photos when they start.
20 Oct, 2010
Hi Another... I look forward to seeing your future pictures. Can you briefly say what the difference is between hederifolium and coum? thank you :-)
20 Oct, 2010
Brilliant pictures,particuarly like that form of C. Cyprium.Looks like it is going to be a good year for the Autumn Crocus.
20 Oct, 2010
enjoyed your blog, and such lovely photos :-)
21 Oct, 2010
A great collection of bulbs, Ag. Both the crocus and the cyclamen are well ahead of ours, in fact, ours are so late this year that I wonder if we are going to get a decent display at all.
Crocus robertiana is a little stunner.
21 Oct, 2010
Again many thanks. I've got some seedlings of Galaxy coming up Bjs but I wonder how much they will look like the original. I'll let you know. Dawnsaunt, there are many differences but the most important 2 are times of flowering and leaf shape. The first hederifolium flower in my garden this year was seen at the end of August. Usually get the flowers before the leaves. Coum will start to flower December/January as a norm but the leaves will appear first. The leaves of hederifolium are basically quite pointed like ivy (hence hederifolium = ivy leaved), though there are variations. Coum had a much more rounded leaf.
Both hederifolium and coum leaves come with silver and pewter leaves and there are many named cultivars of both species. If I had to choose one it would be coum but I would hate to be without either. You're right BA, robertiana is a stunner, I just wish crocus flowers lasted longer but you can't have everything!
21 Oct, 2010
Thanks for the explanation Anothergala, that's great. I've added your blog to my favourties for future reference. I wonder if Coum would be able to compete with grass around the edge of my woodland paths?
23 Oct, 2010
One of the nicest displays of C. coum that I have seen was in the grassy parks behind the colleges in Cambridge. They were growing under the trees. It was Christmas and the grass had been cut short at the end of the grass cutting season. I guess trhat they would leave the grass under the trees until the coum had largely died back.
23 Oct, 2010
I haven't seen that BA but coum has seeded itself in our lawn and seem perfectly happy there
24 Oct, 2010
Thanks for that info Bulb ..... Cambridge's parks sound wonderful. So I could strim under the trees and along the edges in readiness for the coums appearing :-)
26 Oct, 2010
Carefull, Auntie, you can do so in summer but our coum leaves have been showing for at least a month now.
26 Oct, 2010
Thanks for the warning, I think my grass is too long for them then.
29 Oct, 2010
I just love Tilebarn Anne & Tilebarn Nicolas. Lovely photos
1 Nov, 2010
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Recent posts by anothergalanthophile
- White Fever or Galanthomania
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- The Cyclamen Society Show at Wisley 16/10/10
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- Wild Orchids at Ragpits
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- Replanting the trough and an exciting discovery
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- AGS show purchases and garden photos
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- AGS Show Loughborough 06/03/10
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Great blog and great photos. I'm new to cyclamen but interested in growing some in my small woodland - do you grow C. Coum. Thanks
20 Oct, 2010