Being ruthless
By arbuthnot
When we moved here nearly 8 years ago we brought a potted dwarf Cox apple tree and planted it in the ground. It hasn’t done well at all despite having a James Grieve a few yards away. Finally, I said it would have to go to make space for the Cornus Kousa I bought and which was in the wrong place.
I dug it out and found that it had hardly made any new roots but not wanting to throw away a living plant I advertised it on a What’sApp local gardening group newly formed for lockdown. To my surprise someone did want it and I was delighted to give it to her a few weeks ago. Next year, if we can reconvene I shall find out if it’s surviving.
There are many jobs I want to do now, not least put up a couple of new nest boxes but the weather has been too wet, cold or just windy. Not the type of weather to be climbing a ladder, even a small one, outside. Still, I have time yet. And I hope next year the boxes will be occupied! We don’t have many visiting birds – I think so many people feed the birds that they are spoilt for choice on this estate.
14 Dec, 2020
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Cox isn't the easiest for some reason. If you ever want to try it again there is a more modern variety called Christmas Pippins that is supposed to be more reliable and its the same pollination group as James Grieve.
14 Dec, 2020
Same as YS, Cox not the easiest it seems, I've also seen Christmas Pippin mentioned as substitute and have a suppressed yearning to plant one
Has anyone tried that? Either eating or growing it?
15 Dec, 2020
No -planted three fruit trees this year but chose Russet for the eating apple. Silly choice really as its not a keeper but the taste is so good...
Grandad it is not always good to supress your yearnings...
15 Dec, 2020
I wonder why it didn't grow new roots, I hope it likes it's new home. Good luck with the bird boxes.
16 Dec, 2020
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12 Feb, 2009
nest boxes are a brilliant idea to encourage birds into your garden. I have found that being less tidy also helps but it has taken a long time to relax into that. Funnily enough not in the house work department!
Lets hope the Cox does well for the new owner.
14 Dec, 2020