Arizonacat's Profile

About me
I moved to Arizona in Aug 08 on Dr orders to get out of the 6400' elevation of Colorado Springs. I miss the 4 seasons, desperately, but am adjusting with time, I'm sure. Left a lovely big home I built for my retirement and am now is a very small (TINY) house with a small backyard, which I am trying to beautify with plants and a rock fountain. I'm a more analytical person, so this is difficult. My mother had the green thumb in the family, so my attempts are poor, but hopefully everything will grow with time (and water). I'm waiting to see if the 100 degree heat simply burns everything up this summer. We are in the 90s already (Apr 09). I have 2 dogs - Rigby, a black standard poodle, 4 yrs; and Murphy, a rescued terrier, 19 mo old. Murphy has taught me that I am a big dog person, but he is a sweetheart when he calms down.
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Joined in Apr 2009
Country: United States
State: Arizona