In with the new...
By asicsgirl
Afternoon in half term with T only (A at nursery). T played in the sandpit while I:
- picked up about seven cat poos;
- dug up weeds with my big garden fork (why have I not thought of this before?);
- dug up a dead lavender plant and replaced it with 2 small coriander plants in the herb bed;
- moved two forget me nots to make room for a tree peony then read the label and saw that it dislikes morning sun, so needs to go on the other side of the garden;
- put some more sun cream on T;
- made mud pies which I jammed into crevices in a drystone wall, followed by the two forget me nots;
- planted the tree peony on the other side near a baby cherry tree and a buddleia, digging in some nice compost on my Mum’s recommendation;
- asked T if he wanted to help me plant some seeds (he said ‘No thank you’);
- planted my clematis next to the wall in the hope that I can train it up and along next to the lawn;
- reassured T that minute spiders in the sand pit would not hurt him;
- planted six little red onion plants in the veg bed next to my Mum’s welsh onions that she sent me in the post;
- T then announced that he needed a poo, so we went in.
- made a clematis shield out of a tall plant pot to (hopefully) guard against the dread clematis wilt;
Great afternoon :-)
4 Jun, 2010
Next post: chop chop!
Thanks :-) Very unusual for me as our garden afternoons normally go like this:
Me: Come on boys, do you want to help me dig some weeds up?
A (age 2): [silently transfers soil into sand pit]
T (age 5): No I want to do some watering
Me: Ok go and fill the watering can
A: My do a watering! (follows T)
[Sound of T screeching]
T: Mummmeeeee! A's trying to get my watering can!
Me: A! Come and get *your* watering can!
A: [returns to garden, picks up spade again]
T [pours water all over feet while trying to water mint] Urrrghh! Mummeeee!!
A: [silently transfers sand into watering can]
I open shed to get trowel out. A spies garden spade.
A: My wanna BIG spade!!
Me: No A, you can have your *little* spade
A: Waaaaahhh!! Wanna BIG spade!!
Me: <sigh> [wonder if Charlie and Lola is on yet]
4 Jun, 2010
Welcome to GoY :o)
5 Jun, 2010
I enjoyed this blog,asicsgirl,it made me smile. I could see your children clearly doing this,through your story...Kids..aren't they just great ? Lol.
5 Jun, 2010
thanks bloomer :-) they do make me laugh every day. And shout. And cry quite often! I see you are in Yorkshire too... I will be following your activities. Need some advice on gardening up North - well, just on gardening generally really!
5 Jun, 2010
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Sounds like a great afternoon asicsgirl! You got such a lot done!
4 Jun, 2010