The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Auntyandrea's Garden

Auntyandrea has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent


Added on 5 Jul, 2011 | 1 photo

baby magenta bicolour

Added on 19 Jun, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Senecio.
Species: Senecio cineraria.

planted may 2011

balloon flower

Added on 15 Jul, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Platycodon.
Species: platycodon.


Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 4 photos

Species: cascade begonia.

planted @ summer 2010

and 1 was delayed by a year june 2011

bell flower

Added on 19 Jun, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Platycodon.
Species: platycodon.

planted june 2011

ben ledi

Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 3 photos

Genus: Helianthemum.
Species: helianthemum.

planted @ 2008aprox

keeps coming bk


Added on 19 Jun, 2011 | 2 photos

Genus: Ajuga.
Species: Ajuga reptans.

planted june 2011

prefers slightly acid soil dry or moist
shelterd sight

burgandy wine

Added on 17 Jun, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Oxalis.
Species: oxalis.

planted june 2011


Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 2 photos

Genus: Hebe.
Species: hebe buxifolia.

planted @ 2008 aprox

has grown well

2010 started getting brown at one side
think it was dog weeing there....

cardinal flower

Added on 19 Jun, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Lobelia.
Species: lobelia queen victoria.

planted june 2011


moist clay soil


Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 3 photos

Genus: Houttuynia.
Species: Houttuynia cordata.

planted @ early summer 2010

took well and spreadind

nearly died off and could only just find it when the s...


Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 2 photos

planted @ summer 2010


Added on 28 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo


Added on 15 Jul, 2011 | 2 photos

Genus: Berberis.
Species: Berberis darwinii.


Added on 18 Jun, 2011 | 2 photos

Genus: Euphorbia.
Species: Euphorbia amygdaloides.

planted april 2011

doing it

got another smaller one that growing good too


Added on 17 Jun, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Digitalis.
Species: Digitalis parviflora.

Can remember planting something there. These grew after the pink bush died off.

gaultheria procumbens

Added on 17 Jun, 2011 | 1 photo

planted 2009 aprox under tree in bk corner, they are struggling but still alive and look bit better this year.2011


Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Griselinia.
Species: Griselinia littoralis.

planted @ summer 2010

hardy fuchsia

Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Fuchsia.
Species: fuchsia dollar princess.

planted @ summer 2010
put some more in 2011

helichrysum gold

Added on 6 Jul, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Helichrysum.
Species: helichrysum gold.

june 2011

honey suckle

Added on 13 Jun, 2010 | 4 photos

japaneese maple

Added on 28 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

planted april 2010
doin ok 2011 june

lambs ear

Added on 6 Jul, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Stachys.
Species: Stachys byzantina.

lemon beauty

Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Lonicera.
Species: lonicera lemon beauty.

planted @ summer 2010

slow growing well

madam emile

Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 2 photos

Genus: Hydrangea.
Species: hydrangea hortensia madam emile mouililere.

planted summer 2009

was fine 1st year

did not recover well from winter

trimmed and tied up @ spring 201...

mini skimmer

Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 0 photos

Species: skimmer japonica rubella.

planted @ spring 2010

did not improve but still alive


Added on 28 Jun, 2010 | 2 photos

planted 2010 got few flowers

planted more 2011 didnt take so well

party girl

Added on 17 Jun, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Sidalcea.
Species: sidalcea.

planted may2011


Added on 6 Jul, 2011 | 1 photo

Genus: Pachysandra.
Species: Pachysandra terminalis.

purple leaved clover

Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Trifolium.
Species: trifolium purpurascens quadrifoluim.

planted @ 2008 aprox

has grown well

flowers in summer


Added on 28 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

usually blooms in may for about 1 week, but flowered early in 2011 because of hot april and lasted for 1 month....


Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 2 photos

Genus: Sedum.
Species: Sedum spurium.

planted 2007 aprox

grow's like mad

in shade will have green\bronze leaves
in sun will be pink with fl...


Added on 28 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo


strawberrys and cream

Added on 6 Jul, 2011 | 1 photo

Species: penstimon.


Added on 28 Jun, 2010 | 3 photos

virginia creeper

Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 2 photos

Genus: Parthenocissus.
Species: Parthenocissus quinquefolia.

planted @ summer 2010


Added on 18 Sep, 2010 | 1 photo

Species: florida purpureus.

planted @ summer 2010

took on and is doing ok

wild rose

Added on 28 Jun, 2010 | 3 photos