Have i missed something
By bjs
Were we told of alterations to the GOY layout,Why do we want everything vertical when we read left to right,And what are the horrible bright red blobs supposed to represent .Puzzled.
11 Sep, 2011
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We were told about the work going on Brian but mine seems ok and no red dots here either....
11 Sep, 2011
None here either Brian, all seems the same.
11 Sep, 2011
nor on mine either...still looks the same as before, only faster..
11 Sep, 2011
no red dots here, only messages on my e.mail every time someone makes a comment.
11 Sep, 2011
You can change that Grannyb on your profile...
11 Sep, 2011
Oh, will have a look. Thanks Lincslass.
11 Sep, 2011
I think a trip to Specs****s is needed, Brian! LOL.
Seriously, you could contact P&A and let them know.
11 Sep, 2011
? what red blobs?
11 Sep, 2011
I have just checked everything Brian and I have no vertical changes or red dots. It must be your pages.
11 Sep, 2011
I can't see any red dots etc on your pages Brian. Is it your computer?
11 Sep, 2011
Oh-oh Brian...I do hope you are not going to be facing a repair bill like we did last week! No probs at my end either.
12 Sep, 2011
You haven't been painting anything red,have you,and do you wear glasses ? just wondered if they are red spotted spectacles instead of rose coloured!Lol...on a more serious note,I would contact someone about it..
12 Sep, 2011
i was thinking to try other web sites and see if the same is happening on there???
12 Sep, 2011
good idea Sticki-- the only thing I find is when I recieve a PM notification there is no link to the site anymore
12 Sep, 2011
oh i hadnt noticed that one, since Bjs hasnt been on here since i rather fear there is a problem with his computer?
12 Sep, 2011
I haven't noticed any changes either, although I need urgent repairs.......for myself!!!
12 Sep, 2011
hope you havent got red spots costas.
12 Sep, 2011
I have'nt got any red blobs,
12 Sep, 2011
How weird Brian, I've not noticed any changes.
12 Sep, 2011
Me neither Brian, hope your puter ok.
12 Sep, 2011
I do not know very much about red spots, but I see flies with my left eye Stickitoffee. Sometimes I cannot separate them from the real ones. I visited an eye clinic and said to me there is no cure and must try to forget it. The problem is that many times I open the door to wave them out. Of course I leave the real ones in. My eyesight is good but my next appointment is long overdue. I do not want to spend hundreds of pounds again. The last time I paid for my spectacles more than I would pay to buy a good second hand car.
12 Sep, 2011
my glasses were far more money than i wanted to pay and i had to take them back several times ~ eventually they had to make me a new pair;
i tried to save a bit of money by going for the middle option [price] but i spent so much time going backwards and forwards, not to mention petrol, to get them fixed, next time i shall go to my original opticians; a little more money but at least they get the glasses right.
flies would not be good costas; that is not easy to forget.
12 Sep, 2011
your eye tests are too important to miss,Costas..whatever it costs for your frames and lenses..I know just what that is like,with having a complex Prescription..but you say your eyesight is good..so why have you to pay hundreds of pounds for your spectacles?..I have no choice..but having them checked,is peace of mind for me.hopefully you may not need them changing..I didn't this year..:o)
When you say,'little flies' do you mean floaters ? I have those too..but have to live with them..
12 Sep, 2011
My friend has had floaters all her life..it must be sooo annoying!
13 Sep, 2011
You get used to them ,Tet..as long as they move with your eye.when you are looking around,they are ok..I only have a couple,so hardly notice them now..but anyone who develops them,should see an Optician as soon as possible..
13 Sep, 2011
i get them too they move and I mostly ignore them and hope they float away.....
near to me is a lab where opticians send your specs to, a few years ago they opened a show room and sell frames-- it cuts out the middleman and you get experts to talk to-- works for me! I'm sure there must be others around the country, I found it from the envelope the old lenses came in and by word of mouth
13 Sep, 2011
That sounds like a good idea Pam..never heard of that before..What really bugs me,is when they do a two for one offer,just as a fashion statement..and those of us that have no choice,have to pay so much..we get no help whatsoever,except our free eye test,from 60 years of age..I don't see how they justify the cost,as there was a programme on TV,saying how cheaply the lenses are to make..I have worn glasses since I was eleven,so would hate to see how much I have paid over the years..
13 Sep, 2011
I found that with varifocals you pay more for a better lens and S....savers would not do a 2-4-1 on them --the price at the Lab was cheaper than their quote for that type of lens--inc the antiglare & anti scratch-- they even coated a spare pair of reading glasses & vari's for me for £10 so I now have sunglasses as well!
all this is timely as I've an eye test tomorrow!!
13 Sep, 2011
You're right Bloomer when you say that eye test appointments shouldn't be missed. Although I've never missed any I have felt for several years that my specs weren't 'quite right' in spite of going to a different oprician and being told they were correct. I recently noticed a dark shadow in my vision on one eye and in the past week have been diagnosed with progressive eye disease (AMD) in both eyes, one of them with the rapid variety. I now face the prospect of regular eye injections and eventual loss of central vision. Opticians now offer many more specialized tests so please DO visit if you have any misgivings as delay can mean eye sight lost.
13 Sep, 2011
Not sure if this is applicable in the UK but I am a retired Optician and in Canada, the general health of the eye needs to be evaluated by either an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist. An Optician strictly 'fills' the prescription and looks after ensuring the fit of your glasses is correct. Very sorry to hear about your condition Lily2!
Not to preach, but everyone should schedule an eye exam at least every 2 years, regardless whether your vision is good or not.
13 Sep, 2011
I am sorry to hear that,Lily2..but on the other hand,you have now got a diagnosis,so you know what you are dealing with..but I know how you must be feeling..they will help you all they can,and are wonderful..Needless to say,it is a very worrying time for you..I also have lost the central vision in one eye,but still have peripheral sight in it..Our Opticians have much more sophisticated equipment now,and don't just dispense prescriptions..if it hadn't been for mine,I would never have known I had a problem,as I had no symptoms at all..as a result,I attended the Eye clinic at the Hospital,for five years afterwards,,but thankfully,I was then discharged..but the help I was given was invaluable..from every source available to me..so,to echo Lil's comment..if anyone is having second thoughts,don't put off going for your regular check ups.it could save your sight,and your life,in some cases..Keep your chin up,Lily,and stay strong..:o)
13 Sep, 2011
just an addition to above, I went for my eyetest and decided to change the lenses the optician quoted £228 for Lenses alone the 'prospecs 'lab quoted £155 (same as 2 years ago) the optician was adding £66 for'reglazing', not only that the lab have taken the details, will make the lenses and then ring me, will take 15/20 mins whilst I wait.....you can guess who's reglazing them....
14 Sep, 2011
That is very good,Pam..it's no wonder that people put off going...such a big outlay,isn't it ?,The only thing is,and I'm not defending their charges at all,,but probably they have massive rents etc to pay,being in prime sites..so overheads will be high,but I do think the markup is excessive..but we have no choice,and they know that..
14 Sep, 2011
Thanks Bloomer, it is a very worrying time especially as the treatment is so uncertain but it's good to hear from someone in the same boat. Sent you PM
14 Sep, 2011
I have replied,Lily..
14 Sep, 2011
no Idea if its anygood but some alternative medicines ( such as Healthspan in the channel islands) have supplements for eye problems would it be worth a try?
hope its sorted soon for you Lily
15 Sep, 2011
Thanks Bloomer, I'll reply tomorrow as I've had enough of the computer for tonight.
Thanks for that Pam, eye supplements were recommended in the booklets I was given at the Hospital and I bought some yesterday. Lutein seems to be the most important ingredient plus another which I can't pronounce or even begin to spell! They're expensive but certainly I shall take them for as long as needed.
15 Sep, 2011
That's ok,Lily..hope the supplements help..:o)
15 Sep, 2011
look at Healthspan Lily-- they are expensive but you don't pay VAT as it channel islands, they have a section where you can ask for advice
16 Sep, 2011
Had a look at Healthspan Pam, they have an equivalent to the one I'm taking but about two thirds of the price. Thanks for the tip, I'll give them a try when I finish these :o))
17 Sep, 2011
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I haven't noticed any changes Brian, no red dots!?
11 Sep, 2011