From little Acorns or should that be Clematis
By bjs
Back in March of this year I showed a picture of Clematis seedlings just germinated,you remember I pinched the seed head growing over the wall of a local Vicarage.I new it was C.Tangutica as i had seen it in flower.Now based on my sin one would not expect it to grow But grow it has .Valadel has one i gave her and probably she said a prayer for me .
Here again are the seedlings and two of the plants as of today are close to 8ft high and just starting to flower.
There are more buds than i can count,Never thought they would flowering there first season.
Will add a couple of pics of my Crocosmia Star of the East ,thought it would never open ( think it was waiting for Sun) anyway i am pleased now it is finally open
9 Sep, 2011
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Goodness me Brian that Clematis is rampant, I reckon its your woodland garden that it likes.
Mine is doing well but not as good as yours, so I might have to up the prayers. LOL
9 Sep, 2011
It was blessed by the Vigar. I had it or something very similar 15 years ago and grew so big that covered the fence and many of my plants and decided to destroy it. So if it is the same give it plenty of room.
9 Sep, 2011
Now you have me wondering who I can halfinch some seedheads from, you must have the magic touch, its doing grand.
I also like my crocosmia, it doesn`t seem to like our weather this year as mine are struggling to open.
Lovely photo`s Bjs...
9 Sep, 2011
The crocosmia looks like the one I'm planning to put next to my new physocarpus - it's well named isn't it, a real beauty.
9 Sep, 2011
You ve done well with the clematis well done, if you want any more seeds of this let me know I ll send hundreds lol all fresh too great for climbing up trees too. Love that star of the east its a beauty glad it came out to give you and gave you a smile.
9 Sep, 2011
Great result with the Clematis.
So good to see another Crocosmia fan, I love them and now have 6 types in my garden in containers.
By growing them in large containers I can stop them from spreading too much.
10 Sep, 2011
Boy, that's some growth! Well done with the seedlings!!
10 Sep, 2011
as Costas say it may well be to vigorous for its own good
10 Sep, 2011
It is a good grower Brian and Lulu, I cut it back in early spring, it will flower until autumn off and on, had mine for some years now, can be cut right back if needed and will still come back .
10 Sep, 2011
Doesn't Steviethe terrible have one of these in a pot!!
10 Sep, 2011
What a great result Brian but with Val putting in a good word for you, you know you can't go wrong!
Is this lovely Crocosmia the same as the one you gave me?
10 Sep, 2011
Lily the one i gave you is Severn Sunrise ,See P.M
10 Sep, 2011
That's a wonderful Clematis, Brian ... well done on propagating it to such a beautiful specimen ... I am very pleased to have found a self-set seedling of my 'Bill MacKenzie' as I thought he had gone forever ... rotten at the base so he was removed ... seems he is back for another few years ... :o)))
11 Sep, 2011
Brian, please could you tell me how you germinated your clematis seed heads? I have recently collected loads of fluffy heads from my niobe clematis and would love to grow more of them. your clematis has a yellow flower,correct? have not seen one of that colour up here. Well done Petal
11 Sep, 2011
nothing out of the ordinary,I would use a multi purpose compost add about 20% sharp sand mix it up, put in a pot firm it down insert the seed individually pushing them end ways into the compost to the depth of your seed fury end up,then if you have coarse grit carefully spread a thin layer over the seed,not to thick, water well.
They may not germinate until next spring I did not provide any heat so they froze in the winter If you dont fancy doing that just lie the seed on the surface and lightly cover with grit,might grow just as well.
11 Sep, 2011
thank you Brian, I will give it a go. watch this space for results next spring. you just never know.
11 Sep, 2011
Im so pleased to have caught up with this blog Bjs, as I've just done the self same thing, took a few seed heads that were trailing over a wall. Mine too I think are tangutica and I have them drying on the kitchen window sill. When do you think they will be ready to plant, I'm hoping to cover my small eucalyptus tree which died last winter with them and other climbers.
16 Oct, 2011
Janey I planted them as soon as i found them,About this time last year they started to germinate sometime in late February so then brought them in to a cool glass house and they never stopped growing.If its the same as mine you will have no problem covering the tree in quite a short time.
when you sow push individual seeds down into the compost that way they will be spaced out better,afterwards I trimmed the furry bit off with scissors mainly to distract squirrels.never read it was necessary.Oh the grit i put on after I trimed them.
16 Oct, 2011
Thanks very much Brian, I'll plant them tomorrow, and see what next year brings......hopefully good plants like yours....:o)).
16 Oct, 2011
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Well done with the Clematis Bjs.....and what a beautiful colour Crocosmia....I love it....I have a few seeds germinating at the minute of Clematis Intigrifolia...Thats all i know about it... :>)
9 Sep, 2011