Help needed
By bjs
Three years ago I acquired seed or bulbil from one of the UK exchanges listed as Narcissus Watieri ,it grew in one of my troughs and is now flowering,it does not die down in summer and Narcissus it is not .to me it resembles Ipheion a species I barely Know!
It is small about 4in high. and more than one flower per stem, also the flowers face down which is odd for Ipheion. or Possibly a very small leucojum .Any thoughts.
20 Apr, 2014
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It's a strange one that it is not dying down most bulbs do at some time in the year, of course it may not be a bulb have not moved it to see. has all the looks of one though.
Have had no luck with my books either.
Lloydia is another name I have come up with to check out.
20 Apr, 2014
I did wonder Acis(Leucojum).
20 Apr, 2014
hmm...lots of thoughts....but none of them helpful! It is lovely though!
20 Apr, 2014
..think this is one for Bulbaholic.
20 Apr, 2014
No idea Brian but its a dainty little one, hoping someone gives you an answer....
20 Apr, 2014
Can't help but it's very pretty.
20 Apr, 2014
Thanks for your confidence, Karen :-))))! Definitely not Narcissus watieri or Narcissus. The picture suggests that it is a monocot but I don't recognise it or the genus. Sorry, I will continue to think and watch for other suggestions.
20 Apr, 2014
oh tried! :)
20 Apr, 2014
Looks like Pcw is correct. It seems to be Acis nicaeensis. Look at this link
20 Apr, 2014
I would say you are spot on everything in the write up ties in, who's a clever detective, I had considered Leucojum (Acis) but did not find anything that small listed in my books.
Need to look a little more at the pictures to be sure if Nicaeensis is the one there appears to be a little variation in the wings above the flower.
20 Apr, 2014
Bjs much as I would like to be the clever clogs, it is due to Pcw and his clues. I love this site. It really does expand your knowledge.
20 Apr, 2014
I did think possibly A.nicaeensis.Mines just out and I thought it looks the same.Photo to follow.
20 Apr, 2014
Thank you all for taking the time to solve this one.
So much to learn even after growing plants for a lifetime.
I have never had any real success growing or should I say flowering this species until Amy sent me some a year or so ago they seem to have settled well in the garden and have several flowers these are much larger in all there fact Nicaeensis it is so small by comparison it is difficult to compare.
21 Apr, 2014
So glad you got to the bottom of this! :)
21 Apr, 2014
This used to be classified as a Leucojum. I have my first flowers on bulbs of Leucojum vernum, a gift from my daughters garden. As you say they are much taller but they do have a similar seed pod behind the flower and they also hang down. I had difficulty getting them to grow until I put them in a raised bed. I copied this from a wikipedia site
Acis is a genus of plants that includes some Niveoles . It belongs to the family Liliaceae (or Amaryllidaceae ) according to the conventional classification. The phylogenetic classification places it in the family Amaryllidaceae (or optionally in one of Alliaceae ).
There are eleven species Niveoles . Using the cladisme and DNA sequencing, it was shown that the species Leucojum vernum and Leucojum aestivum , the genus Leucojum , were more closely related to the genus Galanthus . The other nine species, more distant, were therefore placed in the genus Acis , a genre that had been proposed in 1807, but had not been selected at the time.
21 Apr, 2014
SG-The Autumn snowflake,it flowers in late summer here,Acis autumnalis would look good in your raised bed and is very easy.
21 Apr, 2014
I googled it and am surprised it is not more widely known. It is lovely, so delicate looking and it seems to spread easily. It would look well in the raised bed. I think it looks to be approx. 10" high. I could not find a height anywhere.
21 Apr, 2014
Scotsgran are you referring to A. Nicaeensis that is only 5/6in high
21 Apr, 2014
Acis autumnalis is about the same in my garden.
22 Apr, 2014
Sorry Bjs I was replying to Pcw. He is now saying the Acis autumnalis is about the same height as your Acis nacaeensis. I had googled it and it looked so delicate and seemed to me to be about the height of the harebell I have. I'll be looking out for these two, you will have noticed I am fond of bulbs.
22 Apr, 2014
Scots gran
No problem Phil knows more about them than I do.
22 Apr, 2014
They are not unlike my chionodoxa flowers.
22 Apr, 2014
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its not an ipheon, there isn't the '2 winged' flower bud case on them. the outer 3 petals form the bud protection. brain has gone dead for the proper terms sorry.
the flower is very similar to dodecatheon but that isn't a monocot so it isn't that either.
Sorry BJS I cant help. I will continue to search my books.
20 Apr, 2014