April at it's best
By bjs
Have taken many pictures in the last week problem is finding time to post them ,
These have all been derived from one plant note difference in colour shade
Just germinating in the last few days in my sand plunge,The future looks secure
This Narcissus for me is my find of the year just love it
An old and very large bush
Scent to die for
A few early Iris
Still looking for it’s name
Camellia Williamsii E.S.Waterer
They looks much better in the garden but Enjoy anyway.
16 Apr, 2015
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The cambedessii you sent me is just peeping up above the ground.
16 Apr, 2015
Bjs your photos are wonderful. Does Magnolia soulangeana /soulangiana not sure of the spelling ring any bells?
16 Apr, 2015
All lovely. Never heard of a sand plunge - what other plants do you use it for?
16 Apr, 2015
Absolutely beautiful Bjs. Pictures and plants. Love your peony. It is quite early to bloom. I also like the President Roosevelt rhododendron. Wanting to buy it for a long time. Mostly for its leaves. Thanks for sharing.
17 Apr, 2015
Yes M.Soulaugeana x it is but which one, the goblet shape flowers are altogether different to the type one which is the big tree growing in the garden
17 Apr, 2015
the sand plunges in the glass houses and frames are used to reduce the fluctuation in temperatures of plant roots and in my case because I use a high percentage of clay pots and the sand is almost always kept moist it helps prevent the plants drying out together with helping increase humidity around the plants. and as you have seen along the edges of the beds where they won't be disturbed I sow seed that I know may take upwards of a year to germinate, it is also possible to root cuttings in it as well.
Gosh that's another bit out of storage for the youngsters before it's to late lol
17 Apr, 2015
The peony's are potted very small species 50/60 mm diameter kept under cover for winter.
17 Apr, 2015
Beautiful shots Brian and I think I will have a go at a sand plunge - I was interested to see the picture of the Bellarina primrose - I have a similar plant which I bought for a song as an unnamed plant from the old Portmeirion nurseries - I have just been out and took a picture which I am about to post on my photos - Jane
17 Apr, 2015
I thought this was the big tree magnolia Bjs. Could it be a parent of M x soulangeana. Maybe Mulan magnolia.
17 Apr, 2015
The Iris did well to have 2 flowers from the piece I sent.Mine are on their way.Did your Viola jooi grow on.I lost mine along with 3 spares I had.
17 Apr, 2015
magnolia Lennei? Or Rustica Rubra perhaps?
17 Apr, 2015
Awwwwww! Lovely Brian. I have a seedling Peony from the ones you sent to me that has lost it's label. It looks like Cambessedesii. It was part of that group of seeds. I will send a photo I think. It took two years to germinate.
17 Apr, 2015
Thank you for the sand plunge info Brian. A great idea.
17 Apr, 2015
Lovely photos of lovely plants. If there weren't so many plants flowering you wouldn't have anything to photograph!!!!
17 Apr, 2015
Beautiful all of them so lovely. :O)
18 Apr, 2015
Judging by its creamy flowers, I think it's indeed Magnolia x soulangeana. This hybrid is characterized by its flowers that bloom earlier than other magnolia trees. I've tried many times to grow this variety, but every time, despite all my efforts, the tree faded away. You're so lucky to have this marvel in your garden! The rhododendron is gorgeous – I love so much its colour.
21 Apr, 2015
flowers same time as the type Soulangeana in my garden,it is the likes of Susan and Betty that are just starting to flower the others are falling now
21 Apr, 2015
Have you tried googling Mulan Magnolia images.
24 Apr, 2015
Hi Bjs, I posted a photo of N. Prom Dance on the SRGC forum. The above link should work if you highlight it then right click for a drop down menu and choose "Go to-----" . I agree with you that it is a smashing Flower. An SRGC member has queried its ID saying it resembles N. Splatter registered in 1999 by an Australian breeder. I checked that one out and it does look like it. I bought my bulbs in a Taylors prepack from Dobbies. It says on the front of the pack Prom Dance - Chelsea Favourite. It was entered in the Harrowgate Spring flower show as PD. Can I ask where you sourced your bulbs? It is being widely sold on the 'net as N.PD including by a prominent SRGC member. It is an interesting problem and if I find out more I will update you.
22 May, 2015
Sheila pretty certain it came from a local garden centre, definitely did not send for it
22 May, 2015
Thank you Bjs. Whatever the name I have to agree with your conclusion that it is the find of the year. I've not heard any more yet.
23 May, 2015
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Lovely pics Brian. Thanks for finding time to share them. I was at Glendoick briefly on Monday and they had a beautiful lilac paeony...single flower...smallish flowers Paeonia suffruticosa...I remembered! It was absolutely stunning...about 2 feet tall in a pot. I was sorely tempted...but at £45 I thought better of it. I was actually looking for a plain old P. delavayi for my golden border but they seem to be in short supply this year, haven't seen one anywhere. Will look on line.
16 Apr, 2015