What Shall I Name It?
By brinleym
As some of you may have seen I just did myself a little garden to keep me happy all year round, it’s my air plant garden. Why did I do it?
When my father died a few years ago he had a small air plant that I have since found out is a Caput-Madusae. My father never saw the plant in bloom or had any of the family. Christine asked my sister if she could have the plant and look after it as my father had, Janet agreed to this and the plant was now in our hands. After about a year we had the most beautiful flower appear on it and we could not wait to tell the family. I can remember my wife saying if only your dad was alive to see it he would have loved it, maybe he has seen it I hope so. This is the plant my dad left.
As you can see quite a nice plant and very colourful; the plant then slowly died back but as it did a small new plant began to grow, if you look carefully you can see the dead plant on the right of the picture as you look at it. A year later and the baby plant had got as big as mum had been, but he was not as pretty, he never showed his true colours, the red, the mauve and that yellow tip was missing but never mind it still looked good and was something that was a great reminder of my dad, indeed we still call it Dads Plant, that’s its name.
Over time I began to like the plant more and more and decided that I would buy myself some plants and grow them myself just like dad did but I never got round to it and all thoughts of my growing my own faded. It was only revived this year when our baby “he” plant had in fact grown into a gorgeous colourful “she” plant because we all of a sudden found our selves saying she is lovely and not referring to the plant as he. Christine then put the dampers on it by saying we could not afford to buy the plants with all the money we had spent on the garden this year. So I set out to build my garden as cheap as I could and ask for the assistance of my two sons Ricky and Mark.
My job find the plants, materials for the garden and learn what to do, my thanks go to Key Essentials for some great advice and info from their web site.
The boys’ job was to give me money for fathers’ day, they come up trumps and I even had enough over to buy a new Haws watering can.
Source of materials was quite simple I wanted a base so I used an off cut from the patio slabs we have just laid in the garden after all it is natural stone. What will compliment the stone and the plants was the next question I asked myself? The answer I came up with was wood another natural and easily available material that would compliment both the stone and the foliage of the plants. I remembered then that some time back there had been some tree branches lopped on a public walk near to where I work, it was on this walk I found my piece of wood. I now had the base, wood and silicon that I needed, only the plants to get so off to Blooms I go.
When I got to the garden centre I was shocked at the price of the ready made planters with four plants in a shallow terracotta base about 8” in diameter, filled with concrete with sand spread on it and an elephant ornament thrown in for good measure £50. How much are they charging for loose plants? I was wondering if I would have enough money, the nice surprise was £2.99 and £3.95. They had 4 trays of plants so I sat myself on the floor with all 4 trays and laid all the plants out so I could pick what I considered to be the best, yes I got some funny looks but it was my cash and it would be spent wisely. Some 30 minutes later I had eleven lovely looking plants and a bag of white moss. Having put all the remaining plants back in the trays and on the shelf I went and parted with just under £31 for my plants and £29.99 for my watering can.
When I got home I set about making my garden; first I made sure the wood stood on the base was level and stable, this was done by a couple of saw cuts then rubbing down with glass paper. Next was fixing to the base for this I used clear mastic on all four point that connected to the base to hide the mastic I put small amounts of the white moss over the mastic. Having laid out all the plants I then set them out on my work bench to try and see what they would look like on the wood, after one or two changes I came up with the layout that you can see from my picture. Very carefully I attached the plants with silicon mastic to the wood in the order I had them on my work bench, at the same time hiding the mastic with small parts of moss. A couple of hours later it was finished and as I stood back to admire my garden I thought dad would be pleased with that.
This is not quite the end because as you may remember Christine had told me I could not have my air plants so I took it indoors and placed it smack bang in the middle of her kitchen work tops to make sure she would not miss it when she got home from work. As the front door opened I thought ticking off coming soon; as she walked in the kitchen she looked at my garden and said “Brin that looks lovely who did it?” I did was a shocked reply she never had a go at me. It looks lovely; thanks came my reply it’s our winter garden, so it’s no longer my garden but ours.
As you may remember the original plant is called Dads Plant what I want you to do is suggest a name for me for our garden and the name we pick as the best I will have engraved on a brass plate and attached to our garden, thank you for reading my blog.
Brin Meredith
27 Jun, 2009
Next post: What Shall I Name It - Result.
Wonderful blog, Brin.
Only name I've come up with so far is
sort of carrying on the theme of your Dad...
I'll keep thinking and hope to come up with more names.
May I suggest you say which day you will be choosing the name, so that GoY members have a sort of "closing date" to work towards. Thanks. :o)
27 Jun, 2009
Terrific blog, Brin.
I'm filled with admiration for the way you refused to spend money on an overpriced readymade arrangement. So what if people did stare at you as you were choosing your plants. Your money, your choice!
I shall definitely try and think of a name, but Tt's idea of a 'closing date' is a good one. I'll second that.
Excellent photos too.
27 Jun, 2009
going on TT's idea...how about "Kindred Spirit"
27 Jun, 2009
Closing date for the name will be 5th July, and thanks for the comments and name suggestions.
27 Jun, 2009
Well that looks fantastic and just think how much it would be in a shop!! How about errrrrrr ' Tree of life'
27 Jun, 2009
Excellent design Brin :) Any of the above names are very apt.Yes your Dad would love this well done!
27 Jun, 2009
Cant think of a name at moment but you've done a brill job, its great.
27 Jun, 2009
This is lovely.My suggestion would be Eternal Life........
27 Jun, 2009
That's a great name for it.
27 Jun, 2009
I'm 'stumped'
28 Jun, 2009
Wagger, I like your new pussycat avatar :o)
Here are some more ideas...
This air plant garden has been built onto recycled items such as the tree trunk and the paving... soooo...
as with the theme of the Wombles ~
" Making good use of the things that we find..
Things that the everyday folk leave behind... "
You could choose either the name
or... one of the Wombles' names, i.e.
or even ~ MADAME CHOLET ~ Lol..
and here's a different idea :
28 Jun, 2009
Garden Of Life
28 Jun, 2009
Thats a nice design and much better than what is on offer in Blooms I was looking at them only last week the one with the large elephant is more expensive than you say.
Names:- Air Display, Air's Delight, Dads Delight, Drifting Dreams, Log on to Dad or Ever Lasting Life (because a bit of your dad is in you so he still lives on and would be proud of your creation, and a bit of you is in your sons who provided the funds.)
28 Jun, 2009
Smashing story. Can't really come up with a name that would do it justice!
28 Jun, 2009
Just like to thank you all for the wonderfull comments and for the suggestions of a name,
29 Jun, 2009
Brin that looks as good as anything you'd buy in a shop, and it's even more special because you've made it yourself in memory of your dad.
I'm hopeless with thnking of names for things but I'm sure you'll know when you find the right one
29 Jun, 2009
Thanks Hywel It was great fun planting it and I loved every minute. I'm like you hopeless with names but I have had some great suggestion and my wife will pick one on 5th July.
29 Jun, 2009
I missed this one too, what a lovely blog and very unusual, interesting plants.
6 Jul, 2009
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- What Shall I Name It - Result.
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Good job! Very natural looking and very artistic. Hope you enjoy it year round. As for what to call it I'm sure you will come up with something over time. Just keep glancing at it and inspiration will strike you! : )
27 Jun, 2009