Christmas Week Conditions and Foliage Favourites
By bushbernie
This past week has seen scorching hot temps. (34-36 deg C), no rain, wide blue skies, and excruciatingly high humidity levels (which makes our highs feel more like 40 deg C). Typical weather for Christmas week in my corner of the world.
Gardening jobs have been few and far between, as Christmas preparations, celebrations and family get-togethers took priority.
Aside from some watering and weeding, I’ve potted up a few plants (Plectranthus, Pentas, Begonias and Caladiums) to add to the courtyard garden.
I’ve also fertilised all the flowering plants in the shade house garden and continued treating the potted Coleus plants, in an effort to control the outbreak of mealy bugs on them.
During my really, really short wanderings, I’ve noticed:
- the Cassia fistula (commonly known as the Golden Shower Tree) is covered in its pendulous yellow flowers
- the Acalypha wilkesianas are covered in their flower spikes
- my oldest Ixora chinensis is throwing out new flower buds
- the Mussaenda philippica x flava ‘Calcutta Sunset’ is blooming
- the Lagerstroemia indica (commonly known as the Crepe Myrtle) is finally throwing out its flower sprays
- and there are flower spikes appearing on some of my Coleus.
I’m finding quite a number of cicada exoskeletons left behind when the adult cicadas escape through a split down the back of the nymph. Right now, the cicadas are making an absolute racket out in the bush land, morning, noon and night. That’s also typical during our summer.
Over the last few years I’ve found my appreciation of foliage plants has grown and developed more and more.
These are a few of my favourites at the moment:
Monstera deliciosa
Alocasia amazonica
Xanthosoma lindenii, now known as Xanthosoma lindenii or Phyllotaenium lindenii. Most of the gardeners here in the tropics refer to it as Caladium lindenii though.
Ferns are popping up everywhere after the rain we received this month. I’m starting to pull some of them up and planting them in empty spots on one side of our driveway. Not sure they will take, but my fingers are crossed.
29 Dec, 2024
Previous post: Christmas Decorations
Next post: The Missing Monsoon Trough and the New Gardening Year
I've come to respect the role of foliage plants only in these last few years, Seaburngirl. I'm now looking to add more in some of the garden spaces here.
Yes, indoor plants for those in the northern hemisphere, but here of course they're at home outdoors in the right spots.
29 Dec, 2024
You've got some interesting plants, and I also think foliage is important in a garden, it adds a lot of interest.
I'm sorry you are baking in those temperatures, but I suppose you know how to cope with it.
30 Dec, 2024
That's exactly what I'm loving about the foliage plants, Hywel. They add a lot of interest.
Staying out of the sun between the hours of 10.00 am and 4.00 pm is one of the best ways to cope with the heat and humidity. Spending some of that time in air-con is also very helpful.
30 Dec, 2024
l love your foliage plants too. That Monstera is beautiful & enormous. We have a Golden Rain tree in our local park, flowers in late Spring, but I’m not sure whether it is the same species as yours. I’m pining for some sun. It’s cold, damp & windy here, so I haven’t been out today, going stir crazy in all day! Happy New Year anyway.
31 Dec, 2024
Feverfew, I've got loads of sunshine I would love to share with you. At this time of the year, I actually feel delighted when the grey clouds roll in and the sky becomes overcast.
31 Dec, 2024
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foliage is such an important aspect of any garden. So I am not surprised you love yours. So many of those you have a just houseplants for us.
they are lovely.
29 Dec, 2024