New Beginnings.
By cammacbusby
Well I have just moved into a new ground floor flat mid-summer 2009. All I did was cut back the overgrown lawn and hedges.
Now I am ready for growing veggies again, which I did in South Africa years ago when my daughters were little. They have now left home and I have downsized and have a VERY empty garden to start work on.
Will take pics tomorrow and write up some thoughts.
25 Jan, 2010
Next post: April 2010
Hello Cammacbusby...Welcome to GoY. Looking forward to pictures and plans for your new garden.
25 Jan, 2010
Welcome from me, as well!
25 Jan, 2010
And welcome from me too =^..^=
26 Jan, 2010
Just got back from pony and doctor, so just took a few quick pics of garden and had my sandwich and coffee, so now ready to relax in my chair with pc and put down some thoughts.
I have got/on the way: Rotovator, compost 265 litres, 3 round canvas type planters 35cm across. 10 seed potatoes chitting on the windowsill, mixed squash seeds, spinach beet seeds. Plastic greenhouse to put together.
Plan to get: lettuce (picking off leaf type), cherry tomatoes, carrots for pony, apple tree for pony (and me), dwarf type apple tree. Being single I will have to sow every few weeks so I dont get too much at once.
Planning to do pavers or stones for seating area, container veg, something with borders not sure what. Very small simple water thingy for cats/dog to drink and add interest, seen some that work with the sun instead of faffing with electric. Some type of fencing down left side, either wire/trellis for growing on which could use border, or wood fence, or hedge.
I have a small outhouse which the mobility scooter lives in. No light though so dont think I can do seeds in there. Maybe just storage.
Will upload pics on new comment. Please remember that I have disc problems, arthritis, ME, etc, etc, etc, it is a long list a lot left out, so I cant do very much at once and need to arrange things so they are not so heavy.....i.e. pony gets two half buckets of water instead of one big one, and take his muck to heap in two half buckets as well. Use leg brace when walking in slippy mud and always use walking stick. Use scooter to get to pony then walk about and scooter home, so I get exercise but not overdoing it.
I could dig compost hole, but it would take two weeks slowly. Pavers would have to go down 2 every other day etc.
26 Jan, 2010
Help, cant get pics on this blog, but they are in the picture section.
It is board on the floor next to table, I am trying to kill the grass as I intended to put stones/pavers there, although this may become the veggie side if I rotovate all of it. Table and chairs/patio could then be in biggerside.
The side which looks open, has actually got a low, old green wire fence that either needs replacing or something in its place.
26 Jan, 2010
Welcome to GOY
26 Jan, 2010
Hi and welcome. Has anyone helped you with pictures for your blog yet? I'm a bit of a technophobe but if you click on 'contact us' at the bottom of this page, and explain your problem, Pete or Ajay will tell you what to do:-)
26 Jan, 2010
Hello and welcome to GoY
26 Jan, 2010
You may have already seen through my questions, that I am planning on using two bookcases which are 2ft by 6ft high as raised beds. now looking for tressel tables to make them even more raised.
Still too scared of the rotovator to use it, so it is just sat in the lounge looking at me bored out of its mind. Will have to get someone to be with me in case it runs away or attacks me.
Plastic greenhouse not arrived yet. It is 3.?metres by 2.?metres and I have to put it together. Hope it is easy. I have a feeling the plastic cover will be rather like trying to get a king size duvet cover on. Must make note to self not to try putting cover on in the wind.
I have changed my thoughts to where it is going as I can then get a compost heap down the side of it like one of the pics on here, and greenhouse will be more in the sun then and a little further away from the wall so I can put something climbing on the wall later if I want.
27 Jan, 2010
Some really good ideas here...certainly,from the mobility point of view the raised beds will be ideal.It is amazing how much you will be able togrow in a relatively small space !
27 Jan, 2010
Pics of empty garden on pictures area. I will add others as I do things.
I have rotovated a small square on the right side to test machine out and I am very impressed. It did not run away with me, and took all the effort out of the job. I first used a fork to loosen the soil and grass a little, then used machine on top and found it went about 3 to 4 inches into ground. I think I need to loosen soil more for it to go further. It will be great for the beds around the grass, will take all the effort out of weeding and turning over for me. Will plant flowers in those so will have to hand weed thereafter.
The bookcases came back into the house as needed them for the junk and decided my greenhouse is big enough. It is nearly 3m when made and has three levels, 12 shelves altogether so will be ample for my seeds and even for the plants, as I can use the ground as well, which I didnt consider at first. I made it in the lounge in two parts and then took it outside and now only needs plastic top putting on when I am ready.
Being single I mustnt plant too much as I will have wastage, so will do one or two shelves every 2 or 3 weeks. That way my space and ground underneath will last me the whole summer. I intend to make a few ground beds around the greenhouse, outside, to put some of the bigger plants in.
So far I have a list of nearly 20 veggies I want to grow. I have planted, in the kitchen, 6 types of squash and spinach beet seeds. They should be ready to go in greenhouse when weather warms up. Potatoes are chitting on the windowsill. They will of course go in growbags outside greenhouse.
Need to get on line and order rest of the seeds now as squash, beet and tattys is all I bought the first time.
9 Feb, 2010
Loads of seeds/plants on the way now. Ordered quite a bit this week. Prob too much.
Sorted the tap/waterbutt problem for the interim. Found some bottletop caps that you put on empty cold drink bottles. Makes a fine spray, much easier for me to carry than watering cans or buckets, so will do until I get other water supply sorted.
Found two new (to me) sites to buy stuff from. Not sure if allowed to say names on this site, so PM if interested. There is a lovely lady/girl at one of the sites who helped me with fruit. I was always worried about thorns and trailers getting out of hand, like the brambles I am always cutting off hedge, but she convinced me to get some fruit bushes instead. So giving that a try and may invest in a Fruit Cage next month. We were on the phone nearly an hour, much more helpful to have a gardener on the phone than the other companies I have spoken to who dont have a clue about what they are selling.
Out to take a quick pic of greenhouse frame and square of rotovated bit with pony muck on. Will upload to my picture section. Can someone please tell me how to get the pics on this blog, as it would make much more sense to put them here in order of what is happening over the summer than for you to keep trailing past cats, dogs, ponies and then not knowing which pic is which.
That all for now folks.
11 Feb, 2010
I'm no expert but scroll down below your blog and it says 'add photos' click on that then on browse. once you've added your pic (takes ages) click on save draft. If all this is obvious to you and you need real help, not this, scroll down to 'contact us' and let them know your problem. They will be able to help you:-)
11 Feb, 2010
Sorry, no, when I am typing in white box, and scroll down there is no 'add photos' whilst I am here, there is only one at the top right which adds to my main photos.
11 Feb, 2010
It's me, I didn't explain very well. click on 'write a blog' at the top right of page, then put any words in the white 'title' box and anything in the white blog box under that, a few words will do, it doesn't matter as you are just experimenting, then scroll down below that white box and you will come to 'add photos' click on that, then click on browse. Hope this helps. I had to ask everyone for help when I joined as I'm a total technophobe. Best of luck and if all else fails scroll to bottom of page, underneath the alphabet and you will find 'contact us' and they will help you they are geniuses:-)
11 Feb, 2010
Found it on new blog, but I want to keep extending this blog. Am I supposed to do a new blog for every bit of the story???? To me a blog is a story that keeps running underneath itself.
11 Feb, 2010
No, if you keep clicking 'save to draft' you can work on it and add to it as long as you like until you 'publish'. At the top right of your unpublished blog it says 'continue editing' you click on this each time you want to add something. Am I making this as clear as mud as my old Dad used to say? Best of luck:-)
12 Feb, 2010
I have an even better idea. I asked many of the same questions when I started. Click on my bornagain avatar pic, takes you to my profile page. Just above my avatar pic it says 'blog' click on that. On the right you'll see 'blog archive' click on August. Scroll down to 'holiday near Tenby' click on that and you'll see lots of answers to lots of these questions. This will help as it helped me, don't give up, it gets easier..honest:-)
12 Feb, 2010
Got it now. Have to start a new blog and save to draft including pictures and only publish when ready. Different to other site I am on. Thanks. Karen.
12 Feb, 2010
You're welcome, this is the first site really that I've been on, so imagine how it was for me;-)
12 Feb, 2010
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25 Jan, 2010