pruning the little pond
By cazcat
havent been in garden much since april when i made the abour, it has been so cold and windy and just rain rain rain, have just dashed out and done odd bits, was really starting to get a bit down. so when the sun came out today i thought i would give plants around the pond a little prune as you can hardly see the water, all was going well, my son came to tidy up for me and lo and behold loads of tiny tiny frogs hiding around the plants. alexander tried to take some pics for you to see but they are so small you couldnt make them out, not even as big as my little fingernail. boy was i pleased, i could see them swimming to the plants and climbing over to get out of the water. the border near the pond is overun with periwinkle, i tried to kill it with round up but it didnt work, thought i would dig some up, put the spade into the earth, oh gosh something moved, a toad, well that must be why the slugs and snails have diminished, so when i went to mums i took some frogspawn out of her pond, took it home in dads car in a bucket sloshing around all over the place, oh drat mind dads new rover 75 he wont be pleased. so in thepond it went. i had forgotten about it so am well chuffed with the results. the perriwinkle is staying as i couldnt dig toadies home up could i. i have also got a couple of log piles in garden to tempt the good beasties that will eat up all the greenfly and its worked. oh my son is fast asleep on sofa he was going to put pics on blog for me. well sorry they will have to follow on saturday, day off, yippee. will put some pics on in the morning when tescos deliver my shopping, done online, am getting to grips with this laptop slowly but surely. night night..
24 Jun, 2011
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Aw shame you dont have pics!
Arent ponds great in the garden!
24 Jun, 2011
great stuff Cazcat - I look forward to these pictures. I love frogs and toads the more the merrier for me :) I added perriwinkle or Vinca - we have the major with one minor (sounds like guitar chords :D) I love the stuff myself :):) Glad you are getting into things - and I bet it was a right mess - remember when I did digging after lots of rain - we had loads of clay - but handy near the pond. Really look forward to the photos :))))))))))))))))))
25 Jun, 2011
When my OH and I built a pond in our previous home some 20 years ago, the instructions for the pond stated that no fish, plants etc should be put into the water for a least 48 hours to allow it oxygenate.
Even as we were filling it frogs came out from under the rockery and dived in.
Later, the following spring during the breeding season, in the early hours of the morning the frogs chorus would begin.
We would find frogs and toads everywhere, some took to swimming in the dogs water bowls, but as they were stainless steel were unable to get out again. It became a morning ritual to let the frogs out.
I'm jealous as now our garden is so small we don't have room for a pond.
25 Jun, 2011
Lucky you....a pond and frogs too :) That was a good idea to bring frogspawn from your dad's..and it's worked!
Good to work in tandem with nature....really helps our gardens when it comes to the nasty bugs that invade and chomp...and the slugs & snails.
26 Jun, 2011
Recent posts by cazcat
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- garden and pond part 3!!
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- little pond..... contd
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12 Jun, 2011
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Its amazing what life a pond brings to the garden. I too have little froggies hopping around.
24 Jun, 2011