Christabel's Profile

About me
I love gardening................most of the time! Only have a small garden which can be quite frustrating, but I try to make the most of it. I grow flowers mostly, but I leave space for runner beans, purple sprouting broccoli, and a few salady things and herbs. We have a tiny water feature which the blackbirds love!
At the moment our back lane is a picture, full of bluebells, and they are also all over the garden I pull them up every year but they still keep coming! I have a lovely Coronilla Glauca on the back wall which is in full bloom now and smells divine! Ditto the lilac at the front. We also have a Cordyline at the front, but I think the hard winter has killed it, it is a very sorry sight. I'm leaving it there for now just in case! Have a cherry tree trained onto a back wall but last year most of the cherries dropped before thay ripened, don't know why that was. It is fairly new. The few cherries we had were delicious!
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Joined in May 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Gloucestershire