Clematisa's Profile

About me
Live in South Lanarkshire, used to be a small market town but market has now gone. No large supermarkets here just unusual and traditional family run shops eg. local butchers, bakers, delis, ironmongers, Fruit / Fish and Veges with lots of unusual local produce for sale - locally sourced cheeses,speciality meats, jams, jellies and chutneys, sweets etc...
Famous for its Ice Cream, Fish and Chip restaurants and Indian Restaurant which have all won or come second in national and international competitions in the last year.
Also well known for cheeses such as Dunsyre Blue and Lanark Blue, organic meats from Damn Delicious...
However no big or well know local Nurseries around (within 12 - 15miles) so I source a lot of my plants from the internet.
Enjoy reading about plants and developing ideas for my garden - like propagating my own and then trying to find places to put them...
Love looking at other people's garden ideas... and sourcing ideas from people like Beth Chatto, Christopher Loyde, Gertrude J etc...
Also love a good murder mystery - either on film, TV or in Book form...
Garden is mostly Perrenial at the back but have been adding various "areas" eg a gravel garden, a winter border etc to boost all year round interest. I'm lucky enough to have a greenhouse to overwinter some of the more tender plants.
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Joined in Jun 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: South Lanark