Moor washday blues
By cmsue
My hubby and myself have just come back from a few days at the Great Dorset Steam Fair. Look what i found, an old fashioned kitchen and washroom. If ever you get a chance do go, its a fabulous few days with something for all the family.
I progressed to one of these washing machins after the dolly tub
The dreaded Dolly tub
How about all these irons
6 Sep, 2011
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My nan and mum used these, but how topical this is - on another blog, this subject came up - I thank heaven for the automatic washing machine, personally, it's the one thing I'd refuse to do without, even above a refrigerator. I'd rather shop every day than spend a whole day a week washing...
6 Sep, 2011
Thankyou both, yes i to have used most of those ,very glad not to still have to use them now hehe.
6 Sep, 2011
He he Sue lol yes just plonk it in now and just press the button such transformation is nt it.
6 Sep, 2011
Takes you back doesn't it? Our cat got a paw stuck in an electric wringer once and it pulled all the fur off - horrible!
Better than falling into the spin dryer though...
6 Sep, 2011
Gosh all these pics match our chat on another blog, I love to see all these on display, thanks for sharing Sue, glad you had a good day...
6 Sep, 2011
My Mam had an 'Acme' wringer on its own stand in the old coal house outside and one day my elder brother put my waist length hair into it (I willingly let him) and turned the handle to see what would happen. Mam came out when I started screaming. The rollers would not reverse so Mam had to dismantle the whole thing to release my hair. I came out of it unscathed with no bald patches. Happy memories eh?
6 Sep, 2011
I like museums like this. They bring back childhood memories. When I was a boy in Cyprus my mum in order to do the ironing she had to fill the iron with alight charcoal. No electricity in small villages those days.
7 Sep, 2011
I love to look at old things from the past - they remind me of some happy times :o)
8 Sep, 2011
Sheilar, that's awful!
10 Sep, 2011
Isn't it Steragram, could have pulled me scalp off!!
10 Sep, 2011
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What a brilliant museum of washing and ironing believe this or not but true in the 70s I was still useing all these on your photos, dolly tube, wash board, washing machine with roller which ended up electricuting me when I picked the washing out from the bottom and also used those irons lol.
6 Sep, 2011