By colin_st
Morning all,not much left to do in garden now.
11 Oct, 2012
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Its been very good until today for over 3wks, I`ve been too busy indoors so only managed a few mins in the garden at a time in the last few weeks, today I`m nearly sorted and the weather has changed, grr!!!!
11 Oct, 2012
You need another hobby to concentrate on during the winter :o) I have several ... so I never get bored.
11 Oct, 2012
Same .. up cycle preloved furniture ..and crafting .. my horse hens and dog keep me busy too .. but do miss being in the garden .
11 Oct, 2012
Impressed that you're nearly sorted Lincslass - I wish I was. Its rained today as if it never meant to stop. Will possibly have to just plant on regardless if this carries on.
11 Oct, 2012
Morning all,cold today, heating on.
15 Oct, 2012
Nice and sunny here but cold ... Keep warm ...
I'm going to plant some bulbs in a minuit :o)
15 Oct, 2012
Have you only a small garden , then! I work out in the garden most of the year, weather permitting of course. Perhaps you could get an allotment! I also do water colours and read a lot. My hubby has his train room with a very large layout and 33 steam trains. Mind you, this is in a 40 foot long shed which has no heating! Keep smiling .
15 Oct, 2012
Rose sounds like both our hubbies have the same hobby!! Well it keeps em quiet doesnt it?? Colin, there are still things you can find to do on nice cold crispy days, like washing pots ready for next spring, cleaning the car/windows, do you have a greenhouse? Plant bulbs, pruning......I could go on.........:)
20 Oct, 2012
I better stand in the corner and do 100 lines.(gulp)
20 Oct, 2012
Now that WOULD be boring ... ;o) lol
20 Oct, 2012
I must find a hobby
I must find a hobby
I must find a hobby.......
20 Oct, 2012
Well I'd rather still be outside loads still to do, beautiful day today but I'm stuck inside decorating aaargh, having a new carpet fitted in a week so have to get on with it.
This time of years when I do all my spring cleaning far too much to do outside in spring :-)
20 Oct, 2012
Thats great Grandmage. Does your hubby have a big train room. What gage is he in to? My hubbies is OO.
I can't believe you can't find anything to do, Colin! I could find you plenty of jobs! lol.
20 Oct, 2012
Hi Rose my hubb builds guage 3.5, live steam! He has been building a train now for the last 30 years!!! He has a big workshop outside full to the brim with allsorts. At least I dont have to go and dust in there, it's his mess.Lol
I have written a blog '30 years in the making', if your hubb would like to see pics!
21 Oct, 2012
Watch this space then Colin and I'll put pictures up of my hubbies train room!
8 Nov, 2012
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3 Apr, 2010
It has rained everyday this week here in Devon, cannot
do anything even if I wanted to. all my fuchsias need preparing to go away, but are currently waterlogged.
Hope this rain isnt a sign of things to come, just need some sun, please!!!!!
11 Oct, 2012