By costas4
It is like Winter here in North West London today. Cold and windy with driving rain. No damage to my garden so far, but my tomatoes and cucumber plants have stopped growing. I hope they recover later. My roses look healthy but no blooms as yet, probably due to hard pruning and the cold March and April we had.
Although I feel terrible today, I must go and collect my Granddaughter from the nursery many miles away. A duty, many Grandparents like me, do it everyday.
Best regards to all.
31 May, 2016
Previous post: IT IS ME AGAIN!
You were lucky Lincs, saturday was nice but down hill since then .....brrrr
31 May, 2016
We've had the wind and rain here too Costas although the weekend has been lovely. Most of yesterday was spent pulling weeds. I'm not sure what it is but if your plants are growing fast, the weeds always grow faster. To top it all I have bindweed coming from next door's garden.
31 May, 2016
Thank you Lincslass and Pamg. The rain has now stopped and the wind eased. I look forward to a better weather soon.
I am now off to collect my Grand Daughter from the Nursery. I will be having a 10 days off, as they travel to Cyprus on Thursday. The weather there is sunny all the time, but very hot even in June. In my age, I cannot stand the cold weather and the heat either!! So I never go on holidays.
31 May, 2016
its the same in East Yorks too. the heating has kicked on too.
31 May, 2016
Same here Seaburn, makes you cold just watching the trees shiver
31 May, 2016
Poor Costas, sorry you feel terrible - hope things will soon improve. Its been lovely and sunny here today, but quite windy. I heard it was worse further East.
31 May, 2016
Well I don't know what is going on here with the weather. It has been so hot I have been out watering the garden. Glasgow temperatures are in the twenties this week.
31 May, 2016
Saw this on T/V Linda. I thought Costas' grand daughter would be at Junior School by now. Hope his health improves soon. I have had to restrict my activities. Find if I just keep watching the time, and just do an hour then come in and rest I am o.k. Le Tour starting today Channel 24.
1 Jun, 2016
Hello Diane. How do you know my Grand Daughter's age? I probably mentioned it last year. She is going to a Junior School when schools open in September. This is her last year at the Nursery. The problem is, she is sent to a school further away, although there are 3 schools very near to her house. There is room for 30 pupils and 300 hundred apply. How can they say Europe is ageing?
1 Jun, 2016
Hope everything improves for you soon.
Best regards.
2 Jun, 2016
Hello Klahanie. I am afraid it is still windy and cold. Very unusual for June. What is the weather like in your corner of the Globe? I heard it is similar to London.
2 Jun, 2016
We had very nice spring this year Costas. No wind to speak of. Pleasant temperatures in high teens to low 20's.(+-) We have lots of "Brits" living around here. Downtown Victoria looks more British than many towns in UK :-). We lived in Calgary in our working years. What a difference in climate here on the west coast. We are loving it. Winters are not cold (probably like in London) but very cloudy and gray. Most of the time we go south to Mexico for few months.
2 Jun, 2016
Am sorry to hear your grand daughter has to travel so far to school Costas. With all these immigrants coming in and demanding schooling for their children it will only get worse.
If they wish to her parents can teach her themselves at home with Coursework on line. I dont know much about it.
If I were them I would make some enquiries.
I read to my son from when he was 3, and when he was 6
he could read and had an excellence vocabulary. Its the basics that are important. Not looking at screens all day.
If she can do reading, writing and arithmetic to a certain standard when she is 11 she may qualify for a higher school place.
4 Jun, 2016
being in the usa it is hard to believe that the uk has such a different educational system you would think that the uk being one of the great countries of the world would have better teaching for their children
6 Jun, 2016
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Its terrible here as well Costas but at least we did get a wonderful holiday weekend and the gardens are loving the rain, everything looking lush and green again, as I was busy yesterday planting out I appreciate the rain today, time to catch up on inddor jobs and a browse through goy pages in between.
I remember having to turn out in all weathers to fetch my grandchildren, they are all grown up now so nannie has lost that job, lol....
31 May, 2016