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By costas4


I went out in the garden this morning in order to notice a wasp nest under the gutters of my house. It happens again and again nearly every year at a different location of my house and costs me hundreds of pounds to call a professional to spray them. I tried to do it myself with no effect. Nearly all the houses in my street are the same. Same age, same structure, same nearly everything. Why do they always prefer my house?
Does it happen to you and how often ? How do you get rid of them?
Weather here this morning cloudy with light rain. Still some colour in the garden but nothing special to show a picture.

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Previous post: IT IS A WASHOUT!!



Some people find hanging an imitation wasps nest near the site where they usually build is enough to deter them from building in the first pace. I've seen them for sale in gardening catalogues.

16 Oct, 2016


What a nuisance.
I had it once at my old house Costas and I treated them with an aerosol can (Nest destroyer) and it worked a treat.

Steragram is fact Monty does it in his greenhouse where he grows his grapes. (on Gardener's World)

16 Oct, 2016


I had them in my garage, and I used an aerosol it worked for me.

16 Oct, 2016


I thought the Council Pest Control Officer did that job ?
He gets paid out of your Council Tax.
All these suggestions very good as Goyers always are.

17 Oct, 2016


We get a nest every 4-5 years and was told when I rang the council to get in a company to do it. I found that these companies charge for each nest application and when I had 2 one at the front and one at the back of the house it cost me double.
The last time was on the garage under the eves tiles and I could reach it with a dust cover broom head it worked as they carry the dust they get covered in further into the nest.

17 Oct, 2016


Sorry to give false advice about the council. £35 million going to Brussels every week annoys me, as councils are cutting back on services they are supposed to provide to council taxpayers. They just dont have the money thats
what its all about.
These people in Govt. are just useless. The ordinary people suffer.

17 Oct, 2016


Thank you all for your comments. I have just checked if there are any wasps inside the loft and there are none. I hope they won't find their way inside, as I intend to leave treatment until the spring. Unfortunately wasps is not the major problem here, but foxes. They come during the night digging my vegetable beds and fouling on my lawn. Many squirrels too, but haven't noticed any damage.

17 Oct, 2016


I have either wasps or bees nesting in the roof of our outside loo nearly every year but I just leave them to it. The only 'problem' is that it's a bit disconcerting when I'm using the loo to hear all that buzzing a foot or so above my head! I like to watch all the activity round the nest and they very rarely come inside. Can't you just live and let live and let them be? They're just a part of nature and won't hurt you if you leave them alone.

17 Oct, 2016


Thank you Louisa for your comment. This time the nest is high at the back of the house and my intention is to leave them alone
, as long as the wasps do not enter the loft. I know of a relative who discovered a huge wasp nest in his loft. A few years ago the nest was much lower than this one and one of my previous neighbours complained about it.

17 Oct, 2016


Hi Costas ... I hope the wasp situation didn't get any worse ... a worry for you...

12 Nov, 2016


Hello Terratoonie. To be honest I didn't go outside to look at it, for more than a week. I have a health problem and spend most of my time with hospital appointments and MRI scans. May be later.

20 Nov, 2016


Hi Costas ..
I hope you are feeling better and that 2017 will be a happy, healthy year for you ... with no wasps !

20 Nov, 2016

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