Thanks for the Welcome!
Thank you to everyone who sent such a lovely welcome to GOY! A little more about me and my gardening…
I live in Oklahoma, USA, which is zone 7. At least that’s what we use here in the US. Oklahoma has extremely variable weather. It has been in the eighties the last few days and the high for the next few days is in the 40’s, with possible snow for the weekend. This evening we are having thunderstorms, and there may have been tornadoes earlier. They won’t know for sure until they look at the damage tomorrow in the daylight. We have a saying in Oklahoma: “If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute.” And it could not be more true! :D
I grew up in the country, on ten acres, and at least 2 acres of it was vegetable garden. We also had many, many fruit trees, berry bushes, and my parents even cultivated wild currants. Needless to say, I spent every evening of my summers on my knees pulling weeds and eating fresh, raw vegetables, straight from the plants. We also spent a great deal of time making jams and canning all kinds of vegetables.
Currently, I and my teenage son live in a very nice suburban community. We have a small garden out back, beside the barn (read shed), and I fill it with tomatoes in the summer. We also grow tomatoes in the flower bed at the edge of the patio, and grow tomatoes and peppers in pots. I prefer indeterminate tomatoes and we had plants that were over 10 feet tall. Well, tall is actually a misnomer, because they overgrew the tomato cages, the fencing, and the rope we had used to stake them to the roof of the patio, and down across the ground! I, myself, enjoy hot peppers. REALLY hot peppers! We have made salsa so hot that I am the only one who will eat it. It has gotten so that all the men I work with won’t touch any kind of sauce with which I try to entice them. I guess they’ve learned their lessons! lol I am really wanting to find something that is actually too hot for me!
This year, besides what I’ve already listed, I plan to plant squash and cucumbers in the front flower bed instead of just ornamental flowers. I can’t wait to get started making jam and canning again!
Aside from gardening, I have a great love for Astronomy. I have a 6 inch telescope, albeit an inexpensive one, but I most certainly enjoy stargazing with it. I even got to see the stripes on Jupiter with it this last summer!!!
I am a Registered Nurse, and specialize in Diabetes and Hospice Nursing. I am currently the Director of Clinical Services at a local hospice, and love my job! Although I could sure stand to work a little less than 60-80 hours a week so that I’d have more time for gardening, astronomy, and jewelry making.
I look forward to sharing photos as soon as I figure out how to work my digital camera with my iMac! I also look forward to visiting with folks with similar interests!
Bring it on, Spring!!!
10 Mar, 2009
Previous post: Sunday Evening
Hi Countrygal, and welcome to GoY. You'll soon get the hang of your digital camera and then there will be no stopping you.
10 Mar, 2009
Hi from one country gal to another..I live in Washington State and am in zone 7-8...have had a bit longer winter than normal for us but it is still showing signs of spring here...hope you did not get your tornado..this is the time of year for lots of unstable stuff to friend used to live in Yukon and had lots fo stories to tell about Oklahome weather....she is back home in Newport News, Virginia now and enjoying 80 degree temps...after snow a little over a week ago...that would make me crazy I think...our weather gradually turns to summer and I like it that I am known as ~Cat here...Welcome..
10 Mar, 2009
Hi welcome to GOY.
10 Mar, 2009
Hello, I am also in zone 7 but closer to the coast then you, this area is called the Piedmont of the Appalacians. My mother was from Okla and both my parents grew up there and went to OU. We also can get some extreme temps like today its 85F. I think you will enjoy GOY it's really very interesting.
10 Mar, 2009
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Well I hope you enjoy being part of the GOY community countrygal. We're a crazy bunch and have a good laugh along with sharing gardening projects, ideas and solutions. Beware though, GOY can be extremely addictive...many is the supper that has been forgotten and burned due to reading posts etc on this site. LOL.
I'm up in British Columbia, Canada. I live in zone 5a, so a lot colder than you. However, our summers are usually hot and dry making up for the later spring and earlier fall. Right now, the snow is still on the ground although it has melted a fair bit over the last week. I can't wait to get out there and get growing!! :o)
10 Mar, 2009