Olblueyes's Profile

About me
The part of South Yorkshire where I live gets the Westerly wind from off the top of the Pennines which means that my garden is always cold, my growing season is probably three weeks to a month shorter than the South of England. I have had to adapt to the conditions and have and am learning which plants will tolerate my garden.
I am only a novice gardener realy although I have been trying for many years, My biggest problem is finding the time to devote to all the projects which are in my head, cant wait to retire and indulge myself in my hobby. I try to visit all the garden shows such as Chelsea, Hampton court, Harrogate etc which give me the inspiration to improve my little plot. Whenever we go abroad I always take lots of photos of interesting plants and gardens. Watch out I have just bought a new camera so I will be able to bore you all to death with lots of new photos.
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Joined in Feb 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: South Yorkshire