Frozen shoulder!!!
By craftnutter
Aaaaah! I’m sooooo annoyed!!! The weather has been good this week and while hubby was away in China on business, I really wanted to shift some soil around the garden and create a new bed. But alas! It was not meant! I managed to give myself a frozen shoulder and stupidly had osteopathy treatment on it, which just inflammed it even more!!!
Still, my doctor recommends that I go to acupuncture tomorrow, so hopefully it’ll be better by the weekend and I will manage to do something!
I’ve ordered tons of plants, several are waiting to be dug in, I want to take before and after pictures to put in this file so everyone can see all my hard work!!! I also have an arrangement with a local lady to have some horse manure delivered and plan on putting that in the new border, as well as saving some for the compost this year……..
25 Feb, 2009
Next post: Gardening with Wildlife in Mind - free CD
Hello craftnutter ~
Welcome to GoY.
That's very annoying for you, not feeling fit, just when all your plans are in place for your gardening. :o(
I hope your shoulder is soon better.
Meanwhile, enjoy looking at photos on GoY. :o)
25 Feb, 2009
Take it steady ....dont want to make things worse but understand your frustration.The horse manure will do wonders for your soil !
25 Feb, 2009
Thanks everyone, will try and take pics of my "empty" garden tomorrow to start my blog! It'll be nice to "look" back in the future and see how much better it looks, as well as seeing how much wildlife it attracts!
25 Feb, 2009
That's a good idea. So often, we forget to take "before" pictures.
I hope you sleep well and wake ready to run around with your camera. :o)
25 Feb, 2009
Do be careful with that shoulder! The best treatment I had when I had one ws physiotherapy - but don't expect it to magically disappear, will you. Anti-inflammatories also helped.
Good luck - I hope it improves soon.
25 Feb, 2009
So sorry to hear about your shoulder Craftnutter. I hope you heal up soon so you can get back out there in the garden.
26 Feb, 2009
Hi, Welcome to GoY. Sorry to hear of your shoulder. I hope it doesn't prevent you doing too much.
26 Feb, 2009
sorry you have a bad shoulder but take it easy, & welcome to GOY.
26 Feb, 2009
Thanks all for your kind comments! I had acupuncture today (32 needles!) This afternoon was bliss, my body was pain free for 3hours, first time for nearly a week!!! I'm hoping I'll be able to do a little gardening tomorrow. Will def. take those piccies too for you to all see how bare it is!
26 Feb, 2009
hi craftnutter,
i play golf . and would not dream of teeing off without warming up and stretching so all my muscle groups are ready to cope with the first drive off the first tee.
but do i warm up when going out to tackle a big digging session in the garden.............i think we all know where this is going ....................of course not!! but i'm thinking maybe i / we all should !!
how many of you have tweeked or pulled a muscle within 5 mins of digging ?
maybe we could come up with an excerise plan to avoid these injuries........................steve
27 Feb, 2009
Hi Steve! I think you're onto something there!!! I must admit, I had been digging in the days leading up to my "shoulder" freezing up. So, I've a feeling that it didn't help! You're right, actually, from now on, I will do some shoulder warming up exercises, as my neck and shoulders have problems anyway. I had dug 50 hedging whips in and moved a few plants too. Ooopsy!!! GOY folks, pay attention!!! :-)
27 Feb, 2009
BTW, can't find my camera!!!! AAaaagh!!! Will have to borrow hubbies when he gets back from China!!!
27 Feb, 2009
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o dear so sorry
25 Feb, 2009