summers over
By cristina
well it looks like summer is finally over according to weather forecast. they say we are in for a lot of snow urggggg!!!!!!
hope they got that wrong ……… but its normally the good whether they get wrong lol.
have had the log burner going most of this week ,and brought a lot of plants in. as they say its going to be a frost in the morning. i have wrapped my potato vine up. ( a promise to heron) yes i have done it !!!!!!!! still have things to bring in .i despratly want to be in the garden but its getting too dark now and cold . went to arley hall and gardens for the day on sunday ,was a nice day. there was a wedding fare on so we got in for free . they are stunning … i was like a kid in a sweet shop lol. i will put some pics on wen i get them and do a blog but if anyone lives over near me they shud go ,well worth it.
any way i thort it will be nice to look at a few fav pics from the summer . and ponder wot nxt year will bring .
happy gardening. wots left of it christina
19 Oct, 2010
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What a beautiful array of plants you have, Cristina. It is nice to be reminded of all the summer you say it is getting colder and the days are drawing in. I too hope the forecasters have got it wrong....I am not a fan of ice and snow!
We have visited Arley Hall many years ago and it was a lovely sight then. I remember we took my late mother-in-law with us...she knew a lot about plants and loved the outing.
Wrap up warm when you're out and about on these chillier days, Cristina. Thank you for your pretty photos.
20 Oct, 2010
I thought I'd clicked on a different blog, from the Summer. Who would think those lovely pics were taken 2/3 through October. Heavy frost last night so hope they survived.
20 Oct, 2010
It's nice to look back to remind ourselves of the passing season. We can look forward to next year in the hope we'll see it all again :o))
I hope we don't get any snow. I hate it more than I can say lol ....
20 Oct, 2010
I agree nice to look back ,Come one cold winter night i will put some of my spring flowers on that did not make it first time round,
20 Oct, 2010
That hot border should keep us warm for bit C !
20 Oct, 2010
Lovely pics Cristina. I hate the weekend when we change the clocks, dark when I leave work then. I only really get to see my garden at weekends..
20 Oct, 2010
looks really lovely Cristina just wish summer wasn`t over...hope we don`t get snow!
20 Oct, 2010
thanks every one , anellea i hate the dark tooo urgggggg trying to get out as much as i can......... think i get that SAD lol. need bright light haha.
dido ,lets hope sooooooo x b.j.s really looking 4 ward to that ;0))))) hywel glad you back in the swing of it hun , wont shout again lol (((())))))
heron still loadsgoing on ,did get frost but they ok at mo . have bin piking rudbekias and cosmos etc to put in vases . but the more i pik the more apear lol. wraped up the vine lol. w.lass will def wrap up hun you must go arly again its so lovely. ta 4 your coments too.
tetra hope you are toasty warm now hun ;0)))))
20 Oct, 2010
elsie must have x on our coments thanks hun ,hope we dont tooo brrrrrrrrrrr lol
20 Oct, 2010
Very nice, a joy to look at Cristina, love that pink rose, a gorgeous colour.
Now, just tell me where you heard or read that this winter was going to be cold and snowy - I keep hearing this from people, but whenever you ask what their source is, they don't know. Is it the Met Office? Some weather guru? The BBC? Is it a reliable source, in other words.
20 Oct, 2010
PARDON !!!!!!!
lol :D x
20 Oct, 2010
everything still looks lovely cristina, lots of colour left yet, lovely pictures and hope we dont have a bad winter again, we havent had much of a summer never mind bad winters grrr, im going to hybernate i think lol
20 Oct, 2010
thanks san some ofthe pics were begining of summer but still loads going on . carnt bleave it even after that frost lol. think i will join you in that hibernation !!!!!!
hywel are you shouting at meeee lol !!!!! ((;0))
bamboo i herd it on telly (wether) hope they wrong urgg
20 Oct, 2010
Really? Now that is a reliable source, oh dear, that must have passed me by, I never heard it. I hope its not right...
20 Oct, 2010
No I never shout lol ;o)) x just pulling your leg
20 Oct, 2010
Unfortunatly it is to what degree they get it wrong in winter, they never seem to be right in summer which is dissapointing but at this time of year I like to know about driving conditions...
20 Oct, 2010
haha bamboo .........dont worry seeing is beleaving lol.
ermmmm hywel really !!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha ;0p
o dear lets hope so ........ but its very cold now , here anyway brrrrr ;o((((
20 Oct, 2010
Cold here too :o(( I hope it gets milder by the week end lol
20 Oct, 2010
sat ment to be sunny here but the rest not gud urgggggggg
20 Oct, 2010
Lovely flowers Cristina, a delight to see, maybe you could re-post this when the snow is on the ground ! To cheer us all up. Thanks
20 Oct, 2010
lol g.madge i hope theres no snow arggggg. but glad its chered you up ))))hugs(((((
21 Oct, 2010
Hugs to you to (((((x)))))
21 Oct, 2010
23 Oct, 2010
Super pics, thanks for sharing those sunny moments....
24 Oct, 2010
thanks D.D glad you liked it ;0)))
6 Nov, 2010
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Now this is the sort of blog that will get us thru the winter! All that lovely warm colour and sunshine...
20 Oct, 2010