Yet More Rain
By csarina
The garden is now saturated and we have pools of standing water. The rain butt on the shed has overflowed and as we have not managed to get the water barrel fitted on the coal shed, it is also flooded again.
This is when we miss my youngest son so much, an hour and it all would be sorted.
OH had to throw 5 strawberries away, he did manage to get a bowl full which we will have with our supper tonight.
The clematis on the fence have started to flower, I need to get in and tie one of them back to the trellis. I also need to spend more time weeding the front yet again. I am going to use spray weed killer on some of the bigger weeds.
We have taken the pot with the trailing fuchsias and geraniums round to the front, the pathetic patio rose which is looking very sad, I may well cut it back and re pot, its now in the back awaking some attention.
14 Jun, 2016
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I cut a length of plastic hosepipe threaded it through the handle of the garden fork, and sucked it until the water came through. Then placed it in the second butt.
It filled it up easily.
Worth trying, you may need two forks.
14 Jun, 2016
All waterbutts overflowing here and we now have a third pond, its called the yard, I stuck the fork into the ground alongside the footpath but instead of draining away it immediately filled up as the water is just below the path, we get our neighbours runoff as there yard is approx 3ft higher than ours, flaming June is correct and it doesn't involve much in the way of sunshine....
14 Jun, 2016
Its like it used to be years ago when we ran in and out to
take the washing off the line and put it back on again.
And we did it all by hand ! I always put mine out Tuesdays and in 2 years only had 4 wet Tuesdays.
Young people nowadays dont appreciate how lucky they are.
Us old ones do, as with the washing machine doing all the work, and almost drying the load, we can spend more time on the garden - when it stops raining !
15 Jun, 2016
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22 Oct, 2008
Gosh..sounds awful Csarina. Similar weather here....back to summer of 2015 after a lovely May. :(
14 Jun, 2016