Its raining
By csarina
These are the two rogue poppies that appeared in the front garden, there are a lot of flowers still to come. If anyone would like seed heads let me know and I will send you one when they have matured.
29 Jun, 2016
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We used to sing rain rain go away as children....didn't work ☔
29 Jun, 2016
We went to B & Q, bought a Bocsh 340, it was more than the Argos one, but with our wrinkles discount came out at just 5p more than the Argos one.
No unpacked it yet, it will have to wait until Friday, if it's fine maybe OH can test it out.
I also got a large terracotta plant pot, with no holes to make a water feature in the garden. I need to sort out a solar fountain, but that will have to wait, I am broke until the mid of July.
29 Jun, 2016
Glad you found what you wanted - all the best with the mowing.
29 Jun, 2016
My last mower was a Bocsh. We used to get the WHICH magazine and they alway used to come out in the top of their tables. Got a big petrol thing now. One of hubby's toys. The name begins with H but I don't show an interest as he does the lawn mowing and I let it stay that way :-)
29 Jun, 2016
That border looks like it is on fire. Lovely summery colours, its a pity the rain is keeping us out of the garden.
1 Jul, 2016
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Hi how did your grass cutter shopping go? Or have you not been yet. Its chucking it down here as well. Just got back from walking dogs and all 3 of us are dripping :-). Love the poppies. Got one in back garden but all this rain not shown them at their best.
29 Jun, 2016