Today in the garden..and also a strange occurrence
Here’s a few photos of the garden today and how it’s looking..
And finally, now for the strange occurrence that I don’t really know what to do? We have had our first frost in October, and now we’ve had mild weather and it’s brining up all the spring bulbs?! My Daffodils have started to come up very very early!!
2 Nov, 2015
Previous post: Autumn colour by the pond..
Next post: what do to with this area?
Same here Dan, if its warmer in the shelter of the buildings they will be encouraged to come up faster than more exposed areas, going on past experiences they'll all sort themselves out, you could always pop a bit of extra soil around them if you are concerned.
Nice pics, pond area is looking good...
2 Nov, 2015
Nice garden. I like your Coi pond. Your dafs have sent up a few leaves, but won't bloom until Spring. The same thing is happening to my crocus, only leaves. You can always plant a few new bulbs anyway to be sure you get flowers in Spring. I just planted St. Patrick's Day
2 Nov, 2015
Lucky newly planted bulbs haven't started growing yet but, I suspect they won't as I believe Cryil the squirrel may have got them...I have found a few laying around!!
2 Nov, 2015
Hello Dan - you have an interesting garden - your plants look very happy so I am sure your bulbs will sort their selved out and flower at the right time - !! - Jane
2 Nov, 2015
Thankyou everybody! Fingers crossed and from hearing from everybody else's experiences they should be fine! The small 'pen' enclosure is for the resident rabbit that we rescued as she was used solely for breeding until the previous owners discarded her! The pen is just for in the day time when we're in!!
2 Nov, 2015
Your garden is full of interest and is looking great. You have done so well with your pond and it is a lovely feature.
2 Nov, 2015
Expect to see the see the same thing on my side. We will be in the 70's (F) for the rest of the week. I also expect to see my frogs back up and using the netting over my ponds as a trampoline.
2 Nov, 2015
All looking very good Dan.
3 Nov, 2015
Thankyou everybody! We've a lawn full of frogs! They keep coming back out and hopping allover!
3 Nov, 2015
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Not much you can do Dan! Your pond is maturing beautifully. What lives in the little netting enclosure - is it a tortoise?
2 Nov, 2015