what do to with this area?
This photo shows just how short/small the garden is, when we have our sunroom/extension/conservatory built it will roughly go up to the green tunnel in the rabbit run so we wont have much space left between house and pond. we have decided on a mainly glass structure so that all of the plants growing infront of the fence on the picture still receive sunlight. The idea then is to have this side of the garden gravelled as a beach/rockery area..
we aren’t too sure yet as to whether we shall have a gravel area or not because we like to use the garden as entertaining and relaxing space, however we do also want to have a lot more plants and colour so we don’t really want to lose half of our garden over patio and paving space.
in addition to this our house is on a corner so it is in the middle of the garden so we are also extending our back garden onto the front and having a larger fence built so that we have an N shaped back garden which will help to compensate for the loss of space when the house is remodelled. If anybody has an suggestions of how/ what to change the space in the picture into then suggestions are very very welcome!!
This is a drawn up plan of the area..
22 Nov, 2015
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I am no expert. I usually think of something and my Other Half then points out all the "cons",. I do like gravel and we have been using it on quite a few areas in our garden. I can't honestly see why you can't entertain on a gravel surface, or have I got that wrong? In any case, container pots of plants can be scattered anywhere you like . They provide varied colours throughout the year and can be moved out of the way when more room is needed.
Have to confess, I'd like to view a plan of the house and garden to "see" the whole picture.
Good job others here have more expertise, but I thought I'd add my pennerth!!
22 Nov, 2015
I have one that I've drawn up! I shall upload it later!
22 Nov, 2015
Loosestrife2: One minute there wasn't a single comment and now we both have the same suggestion! Think others might agree with us.
22 Nov, 2015
I've drawn one and labelled it with what everything is etc, it is in black and white but it does the job! I'll add it to this blog if I can?
22 Nov, 2015
The drawn up rough plan is now one the blog!
22 Nov, 2015
Whatever you decide I'm sure you'll love the conservatory. Perhaps it would be good to wait until its up before making any final decisions because it might look a bit different from what you visualise. I strongly dislike gravel personally but lots of folk love it - these things are so personal its hard to advise. You can always get extra colour with containers if you don't mind the extra work.
The one thing I wouldn't do is rush into it - sometimes the best ideas take a little time to suggest themselves. (It was eight years before we found the best spot for our pond, but that's pushing things a bit too far!
22 Nov, 2015
Using your drawing in conjunction with the various pictures that you have taken in your photos section really gives a great view of your garden. As Steragram has mentioned the final decision is yours but I would go along with what Eirlys has suggested in that a gravel base with potted plants and other decor will make plant arranging and rearranging more fluid until you get just the setting that you like.
22 Nov, 2015
I think an area of brickweave round the outside of the conservatory would be useful with sections of bricks missing in alternate spots you could plant shrubs or annuals in these to break up the bareness of the walls ,you do need to see it in a new light once the conservatory is finished Good luck !
23 Nov, 2015
Just a boring , practical consideration...........
If you are to have a lawn still then it could be rather dangerous having stones right next to the glass structure as when cutting lawn, this could throw the stones up.
23 Nov, 2015
Personally I wouldn't bother with any lawn, a small area is more of a pain than not.
Have a look at the pics of Gerardine's garden. Although it is bigger than yours the ideas are very stylish & easily maintained.
23 Nov, 2015
You doing a good job there Dan, looking forward to your pictures next year.
Green_finger, Gerardine has plenty of grass in the back:
but the part she shows this time does not have any and it does look attractive and tidy as always.
We all have our likes and preferences and I do like patch of grass.
23 Nov, 2015
Yes, Klahanie, plenty is good but little I think is a pain, that's why I suggested the paved areas of Gerardine's might be inspirational for Dan.
As you say, we all have different likes & dislikes.
23 Nov, 2015
Thankyou all for your suggestions so far! We've had the builder man round today to decide a start date etc, we're hoping to start in the new year and be done by spring ready to redesign the area!
24 Nov, 2015
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A drawing of the overhead layout of what you are planning would be helpful for ideas. Draw in broken line the future changes to be made and in solid line what you have now both in structures and present garden features.
22 Nov, 2015