Project privacy..
As mentioned already and after asking several questions. We’ve decided to plant out magnolia Susan in the ground and have two obelisks one at either side of her with clematis on. All with the aim of adding height above the fence to keep out noseys who peer in and watch us when we’de trying to relax and enjoy the garden. Sounds a little silly but everytime we’re out in the garden we get several people looking over. We’re also having a new slightly taller fence too :) as part of it the 28 year old dog kennel that came with us when we moved will finally go, it is rotting and falling apart and our current dog won’t entertain going in it :)
The clematis we have bought is fireworks and clematis chalcedony from Wentworth garden centre that has a lovely large open garden which I’ve also taken photos of (will do a separate blog about that adventure too because it was a lovely day and I ended up becoming engaged! So I’m now also somebody’s fiance!)
30 May, 2016
Previous post: A little peak at the garden today..
Next post: The first look at the June garden..
Yes indeed, many congratulations to you both..Mag.Susan gets 3m wide - hope you've allowed plenty of room for her!
Wish you every happiness.
30 May, 2016
Hi Dan, congratulations from me too, now you'll have to stop spending at the garden centre, and save up for your wedding!!!, all the best, Derek.
30 May, 2016
Thankyou! And yes! There'll be room for Susan! Our neighbours have the same set up and their Susan is about 20 years old so older than me and they've lightly pruned the front so it gross mainly upwards! No wedding for three years Atleast until we've both graduated uni!
30 May, 2016
Congratulations, Dan ? I hope you'll be very happy!
I don't blame you for wanting to get a bit of privacy - how aggravating to have people looking over your fence. Are they passers-by? I hope you haven't got a nosey neighbour like Biff and Chip!
I've been to Wentworth gc (my son used to live in Chapeltown). It's lovely, isn't it?
30 May, 2016
Haha! thankyou! and its usually not neighbours, its people that are going walking to the reservoirs and fields and occasionally neighbours, there just gets a point when you're sat out there with drinks and a bbq and people invite themselves and we've had enough, and now with having a conservatory built (eventually) that we don't want onlookers constantly viewing us! and yes, Wentworth is fab!
30 May, 2016
I was born in Wentworth village many years ago, love the g.c. which was not there in my day, but they have some lovely plants and of course the restaurant is v.good too.
Melchi I lived at High Green many years ago and my son was born at Chapeltown, small world isn't it!!!
30 May, 2016
Congrats!!! The best to both of you. You have worked hard to have a lovely garden and I really think that people stop by to look at it and enjoy it. I do the same thing myself when I am walking and admire the effort someone has put into their garden and home. I dont put the blinders on when I go for a stroll. Of course you should have privacy if you wish, but if people look in, I would consider it a compliment. As far as neighbor's who want to make you part of their extended family, having a few friendly words with them is more effective and less of a cost and bother than to put up higher and higher fences.
30 May, 2016
I can understand what you mean Dan, I'm looking at screening off one side of my back garden also, The hedging I have on one side is a little low, your garden is where you go to find peace and relaxation, in my opinion that starts when its totally private.
30 May, 2016
Yes, I couldn't agree more! And at the moment we can't sit out and relax because of people!
30 May, 2016
Congratulations Dan, all the best for a long and happy life together.
I think that magnolia and clematis will look lovely together, even better with it giving you a bit of privacy. I can full understand wanting more privacy in the garden. It's a place to chill out and relax, not easy to do if you feel like your being watched. Our old fence was only 3ft before, even if the garden had been more pleasant I wouldn't have been too happy being sat out. Much better now with a 6ft fence (even though the last ft is trellis, which the neighbours reach through to pet the dog lol).
30 May, 2016
Hope it all works for you Dan.
30 May, 2016
I meant the garden Dan........congratulations on your engagement.....they will work out great!
30 May, 2016
Thankyou all! And the new fence will be about 6 foot we think. Keeping the same posts though. If not it'll be a trellis on top job!
30 May, 2016
Was it Dinah Washington who sang, "What a Difference a Day Makes?" You took it to a whole new level. Congratulation!
30 May, 2016
Sitting alone in a public park enjoying nature when all of a sudden another person shows up, changes things doesn't it? Looks like for some, the downside of having a garden with other "people" living next to you is the constant torment of the feeling that you are being "watched" let alone that you might be talked about, or videoed and plastered all over YouTube. The sure cure for this is to live in a large city like I did for many years in New York City where people lived top of me, along side of me and beneath me. Odd as it may seem, when I lived amongst a teaming throng with people inches away like that, eyes become averted and I did not get noticed at all...I myself and everyone around to each other become invisible in a place like that. As for where I live now, being looked at or not I am relaxed and content, unless I am in someone's crosshairs there is no one that can do a thing to me.
30 May, 2016
Congratulations on your engagement, and I wish you many years together of love and companionship.
We have people living either side of us and at the back, but they are all lovely people. We don't interfere but are always there for each other if needed. Just enjoy your garden and home, creating your own special place.
31 May, 2016
We have people living to the left and back but because we're on the end of the culdisac onto the street there's a path and road at the side so lots of foot traffic likes to peer in
31 May, 2016
It certainly is a small world, Barbara! Son no 2 was only in Chapeltown for a year, but he took us to Wentworth. It's lovely round there.
31 May, 2016
Congratulations on your engagement Dan, you'll have to stop buying for the garden soon as you are running out of space, the clematis are lovely as is the rest of your planting.
I can understand you wanting more privacy but its probably true that people like what they see and are not really looking at you and your family, I am always guilty at looking at others gardens...
31 May, 2016
Haha! Half of the problem is because my mum grew up on this street and knows lots of people in the village, ten our house was built where four houses and now there's a culdisac of 10 and because they always see mum they always like to talk, but we always say if they want to look then they can come through and look when we're in :)
31 May, 2016
congrats from me too. have you set a date yet?
31 May, 2016
No date yet! We want to graduate uni first so another three summers! But we're thinking of having a wedding straight after graduations!
31 May, 2016
Wentworth woods was the only place I've ever seen big anthills - our ants live underground. No garden centre there in those days.
31 May, 2016
31 May, 2016
Thankyou everybody! And wentworth is lovely!
1 Jun, 2016
The last time I went camping I put up my tent and relaxed
in the sunshine. Looked up and saw a woman in a caravan
staring at me. She had been watching soaps on a portable T/V but I was more interesting. Some of them only have half a brain.
I gave her the two fingers sign twice and gestured 'Off!'
She was horrified at such rudery.
But it worked.
1 Jun, 2016
I bet it did!
1 Jun, 2016
Congrstulations hope you both will be very happy . perhaps until the tree grows put a sprinkler by the fence to stop onlookers peering over ?
Great idea planting Magnolia Susan lively magnolia and love your clematis s
1 Jun, 2016
Congratulations, Dan . All the best.
2 Jun, 2016
Thankyou everyvody! Shall do a second blog to show the finished little border, there's not much privacy just yet until things have grown taller :)
2 Jun, 2016
Congrat!!!!! That is lovely news that you got engaged. I can totally understand about privacy. About 20yrs ago I lived in china for 2 yrs. My 2 daughters where 6 and 8. Everywhere we went people would watch us. 1 even fell off his bike cos he was so busy watching us :-). I understood it coz we where different. 1 daughter was blonde and the other ginger. They would stop the girls so they could have their photo taken with them. On sundays morning i would sit in my frontroom with the curtains closed as familys would stand on the railing at bottom of garden just to watch us through the windows, and believe me, I've not got a good look 1st thing in the morning :-). We all need a bit of privacy. Jen
4 Jun, 2016
Thankyou so much for your comment! And yes! It's too open here! People like to look at the garden but a lot of them like to talk because my mum was born in this village so they all know her! Just gets a little tiresome and is annoying when we have visitors over, can't sit out weigh out being hassled :)
4 Jun, 2016
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Congratulations :O)
30 May, 2016