My deepest apologies for the Scotkat blog.
By dianebulley
I received this email as one of a block of addresses.
Knew Kath’s surname was Van Hanegem, so presumed
‘Henk’ was her relative who sent the email.
Thank you to all who flagged my blog.
I am so upset I cant read the other blogs this morning, which I would normally enjoy doing.
Have printed up Kath’s instructions for growing Bonsai Fuchsias. Will go down the allotment field early, and try to forget what has happened.
14 Sep, 2012
Previous post: Talking about Bindweed roots
Next post: I have now cleared up this muddle.
That's not her surname.
14 Sep, 2012
I agree with Denise,I also think you have been set up by some sick person..and it's very distressing for you ,Scotkat,and all of us who care about her..maybe it would be a good idea,if you deleted your previous blog,Diane? doesn't look as though the administrators are going to act on it..I had hoped not to see it this morning...
14 Sep, 2012
I think it has 1/2 gone Bloomer as its no longer among the Gardening blogs but its still comes up on her 'recent post by DB' - on the left of this page very strange?
I have sent a message to the boys about it.
14 Sep, 2012
Oh I don`t know what to say, I know what I`d like to say to whoever did it, obviously its not allowed on here, I guess its a game to that person, I searched Henk, came up with a dutch plant supplier...
I noticed it had gone from the blogs but not here,perhaps Diane would be better removing them herself.
14 Sep, 2012
The blog has now gone. Diane got an email from someone called Henk and I think from what Karensusan said about the wrong surname Diane thought it was from a relative of Kaths?
14 Sep, 2012
I think that the lesson from this is not to trust anything that you don't understand and check as much as possible before acting, easy to slam the stable door I know but I truly don't think that the troubles of recent weeks has gone away, just gone quiet. :0(
14 Sep, 2012
Which is another reason why I personally hope Diane removes this blog as well, she has apologized, it was a mistake, both her and S`kat have been hurt by it and hopefully will be able to put it behind them....
14 Sep, 2012
Agreed Lincs, asap
14 Sep, 2012
Thanks for the clarification DB
14 Sep, 2012
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I did try to contact you by pm before flagging your blog Diane. I think you were well and truly set up and I feel sorry that you were and acted on it.
Hopefully lessons have been learned by this and Scotkat will start to feel better about this distressing blog.
Also I do think you should remove her surname from this blog as this is a public site although anonymous.
14 Sep, 2012