OK everybody, lets have a poetry competition !
By dianebulley
There is no gloom in winter’s cold,
Much to do, when getting old,
Every day, the hours to fill,
Cleaning, cooking, typing; shredding old receipts,
One hour on splitting cardboard, tiny pieces -
Hoping nutrients to win,
Next summer, in the Compost Bin.
One hour on this, next hour on that,
The clock ticks on, groom the cat,
Sewing to finish, garden to plan -
Mammoth Onion Seed is sown in pan.
Slow to shoot in pots that will
Thrive, along the window sill.
Its true, when one is getting old
That sitting still can make one cold
But busy hands soon warm the soul.
Written on 6th January 2009.
13 Dec, 2012
Previous post: If you have grown some Michaelmas Daisies
Next post: Dear Father Christmas, please can I have our lovely
Winter can be very cold,
Wrap up warm if you are old.
Wrap up warm if you are not -
Put on all the clothes you've got !
Keep Jack Frost from your back door,
He will freeze you to the core :o(
Keep those tootsies warm as toast,
"I'm not cold" you now can boast :D
13 Dec, 2012
Thank you Hywel and Bilbo, lovely fun. I think its important to keep the mind occupied creatively as to be stuck indoors is so depressing, particularly for those who do not have family to fuss over. Some Goyers are better at poems than I am !
I have now joined The Open Spaces Society, a new voluntary flexible interest that fits in with gardening
activities. They need more correspondents on the eastern side of England. (I dont know about Wales and Scotland, was just looking for myself.) Their website shows where there are gaps. I used to do R.A. footpath checking years ago, so know its easy. They also ask correspondents to check on village greens, and planning applications, to keep HQ informed.
Give it some thought.
14 Dec, 2012
I love that prose. Very much enjoyed reading it.
Here is one for you!
Wonder of winter.
Wild winds that waste summers weeds.
Wondrously weaving white snow on Autumns golden bed.
15 Dec, 2012
I like it Diane, no good at writing poetry myself but its always good to read what others have done....
15 Dec, 2012
Good advice Hywel, much needed last week.
Wow Lulu!
15 Dec, 2012
Thanks Stera! Lots more where that came from. Don't write so much anymore except when GoY kicks me into action!!
16 Dec, 2012
Like your pic Hywel and your poem.......
16 Dec, 2012
Oh Thanks Sue :o)
16 Dec, 2012
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Oh dear, just reading this has made me too tired to write poetry tonight!!
13 Dec, 2012