I carefully memorised this plant name
By dianebulley
that was new to me – Tiarella.
Went to the GC looking for a plant. No plants.
Searched the seeds area. No seeds.
Asked the nice young man who put 5 Growbags into my
car for me. He said “Never heard of it.”
Came home half satisfied with 2 new Sempervivums.
Will try another GC.
19 May, 2013
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A plant you don't often see in most GCs. I found 1 in a GC when I wasn't looking for it ;)
Have you considered buying on line Diana?
19 May, 2013
Thank you for your help. I dont feel so frustrated now !
Its in the RHS Encyclopaedia so it exists. I will contact the good lady who gets plants for people at Bosworths
Burton Latimer. I liked it after seeing a photograph of some that a Goy member posted.
20 May, 2013
You remember Vicki1 who has a nursery, well she sells Tiarella as well as heuchera, if you google "plantagogo" you"ll see them
I have to lock my credit card away before I venture on her site though. So tempting :0)
20 May, 2013
I bought one in Wilkinsons recently.
20 May, 2013
Trouble is the postage now, it makes it rather expensive. I bought mine at a garden show.
20 May, 2013
Hi Diane ..
there's a close up pic of Tiarella flowers on my current blog
You are welcome to take a look ....
I agree they are pretty plants :o)
20 May, 2013
Try ebay, surprising what you can get on there, at least you can search to see if anyone is offering them.
20 May, 2013
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Tiarella cordifolia (foam flower) has matt leaves and is similar in shape to those of Heuchera, except they are evergreen. I too find these hard to find in GC, the more expensive Heuchera seem always to be available though.
19 May, 2013