I am attempting to be kinder to my Geums.
By dianebulley
They were in a long planter standing on some slabs. Shame on me for not feeding them. Havent flowered for a couple of years.All the goodness must have leached out of the soil. Decided to turn them out, give them some new (recycled potting soil + Gerbil litter, with fish, blood, and bone, + H. sand) compost and replant them.
The poor things were almost dead. Just bits of leaves on little red twigs of roots. I felt very guilty.
I carefully lifted them out onto a tray. Then bucketed the recycled compost into two large planters for a fresh start for them with more space.
Dragged the old planter round the back of the greenhouse, and tipped the old compost into my compost recycling bin.
for another makeover. Then very carefully replanted the Geums onto the surface of the two ‘new’ planters.
Thats my day.
What shall I feed them with, and how often?
- 10 Apr, 2016
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That's what I do too. The granules last for months. I bet they perk up pretty quickly.
10 Apr, 2016
Time well spend Diane - I hope they reward you handsomely!
10 Apr, 2016
Thank you Seaburn, Ohmel, and Stera. The granule slow release feed is in the compost already, so I will use the
foliar feed. Hope they recover soon, and others will have learned from my mistakes.
Am using the Miracle Grow Foliar Feed on all my herbaceous plants when the weather improves and the ground dries out a bit, easier than sprinkling the powdered feed around each plant. I presume once every 6 weeks is ok? Will mark it on the calendar so I remember.
11 Apr, 2016
Jobs a goodun Diane, I have been looking out for one that I've had for years growing below my apple tree, it has the most gorgeous orangey/reddish flowers, unfortunately I think the past few months have been too much for it as no signs of regrowth whatsoever, lesson learned, always take cuttings and make sure to have more than one of my favourites.....
11 Apr, 2016
Regarding the granular feed, a tree nursery chap who gave a talk on keeping fruit trees and bushes in pots, also talked of these. He said that if they were sprinkled on the top of the pot, when watered they would percolate through and when disappeared you would know you needed to add more! Makes sense I suppose, I haven't tried it as we have peacocks about and they could well eat them!
12 Apr, 2016
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I tend to use the granular slow release feed. mix a few in with the compost. or you can use a foliar feed like miracle grow when you water them.
glad you had a productive day.
10 Apr, 2016